Karmic agreements

Everyone plays a role in your souls development.

“Your purpose is to awaken.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

There are many types of karmas that help us to rediscover Oneness, create balance, learn through experience and prepare for the next level of our spiritual development. You have a support circle of 12 souls that have agreed to assist you on this journey of self-discovery. The more conscious you are, the more likely to are to accept the support that is available for you.

Each of us has one person that consistently challenges us. Think of the person that frustrates or triggers you the most – that soul is likely playing the role of “Discipline” in order to help you to be stronger in your beliefs, more articulate or mindful of your own truth. He or she behaves in a way that helps you cultivate positive attributes such as patience or acceptance.

Consider this: the person that challenges you the most on the physical plane, loves you the most on the spiritual plane. They are willing to act out a negative role, perhaps losing your love and good-will in the process, in order to help you evolve more quickly.
Today my intention is to choose to find the gift in every situation.

Life begins where fear ends

Fear paralyzes.

“Everyone feels fear. But giving in to fear is what makes our lives narrow and dark. Fear-based action is the source of all conflict; fearful response, the root of all sorrow. Fear is what prevents intimacy and undermines love. But we’re often not aware of how fear drives so much of what we do. There is often fear behind what  we call kindness, fear in ambition, in depression, and always fear in anger. Every time we give in to fear we lose our life. In fear we imagine a terrible future, and in this imagining we create a terrible present. We bring upon ourselves the very misery that we are desperately trying to push away. The secret to living with fearful feelings is saying yes to the objects of fear – not being swallowed by them, but welcoming them as invitations to move toward freedom.”
~Ezra Bayda~

We transform fear into empowerment by shining the light of consciousness upon it, seeing it clearly and taking heart-informed action. What you fight you strengthen; therefore, when you accept the feelings as they arise you’ll discover the power of non-resistance. Instead of engaging in ego driven “what if?” thoughts or attempting to repress them, you’ll purposely find a way to step into the flow of a joyful, blissful life.

Nothing is more important than your joy. Don’t wait to celebrate your journey. If this were the last moment of your life, all the petty angers, disappointments and enmity would become pointless and unimportant. In the power of the present moment, love becomes important, forgiveness and friendship become meaningful and we discover that joy connects us to the Divine.
Today my intention is to move forward with ease and grace knowing that all is well. 

Living a multi-faceted life

Enjoy the fullness of human experience.

“Jump into the river, that is the only way to know life. Jump into the river. Never be a spectator. The spectator is the poorest person in the world.”

This planet is the only place to explore the nuances of human experience. While many tend to create opinions and judgments that dictate how they participate in life, the spiritual seeker understands that everything has the potential to teach and desires only to expand their awareness.

Has your life been a celebration? Do your choices create or reinforce a bubble of limitation in your viewpoints and beliefs or can you recognize everyone who graces your experience as a teacher? No matter what you choose to do, immerse yourself within it. If it has virtue for you, it will become a facet of your infinite beauty. If not, you will emerge wiser, stronger and more compassionate.

Being fully present with the totality of life brings freedom. There is no worry, no judgment… only the expansiveness of an infinite divine spirit exploring the beauty that only earth-bound experience has to offer.

Today my intention is to let it be. Without struggle, life is bliss.

Saying Yes

Allowing the new to enter your life brings about transformation.

“Looking with a mind that’s awake reveals the shimmering pulse of life. Looking with a mind full of thoughts reveals only your thoughts.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The ego has a fear of the unknown. Why? Because the adventurer, the seeker, the student, the spiritualist learns a new way of being and discovers safety in unexpected places. They are willing to heed the call of new ideas, people, places and experiences and live in a constant state of evolution.

Many people are afraid to go beyond the boundaries of the familiar. Be willing to live each moment with intensity so that you can recognize the many gifts that are available for you.

New experiences help you to grow. New friendships or loves allow you to discover unexplored aspects of your being. Yes, there are risks inherent in adventure; however, all the skills you have cultivated can blend into something new when you choose to say “yes” to living a multi-faceted life.
Today my intention is to remember that growth needs one fundamental thing – courage.

Tranquility and happiness

Image result for buddhist flower quote

Happiness comes from within.

“The more we practice with our own struggles and relate to them as our vehicle to awakening, the less we will judge our struggles as defects. Likewise in relationships; the more we can remember that others also have the wish to learn from their struggles, the less we will judge others as defective when we see them caught in their distress.”

~Ezra Bayda~

When you move from judgment to compassion, a sense of peacefulness enters your experience. Observe how often feelings of discontent or anger are tied to judgment or opinions and you’ll quickly discover that the prison of frustration is of your own making. With this in mind, know that you have the power to create peace and grace in your experience. Re-frame the situation utilizing the filter of compassion, honor the moment as a teacher and embrace the joy that is your birthright.

Awakening is a process. Each spark of awareness leads to another and each moment provides a new opportunity to love. Smile upon life. Appreciate your infinite beauty and potential and it will be easier to recognize the beauty and potential around you. The world needs more kindness.
Today my intention is to bring a quiet acceptance to the present moment.


Balanced energy

Chakra Healing

Listen to your body.

“Begin difficult things
while they are easy.

Do great things
when they are small.

The difficult things of the world
must have once been small…

A thousand mile journey
begins with
one step.”

~from The Simple Way by Lao Tzu~

You are an infinite spiritual being having a temporary human experience. There are seven layers of energy around you, each connected to a corresponding chakra. When an imbalance occurs, the body begins sending messages to help you become aware so that the issue can be addressed.

Everything is a message. Periodically take a moment to tune into the body and listen. Things occurring on the left side are connected to women, feminine energy and receptivity, while the right side is impacted by male energy, men and the what we give out to others. Awareness allows you to address issues while they are small.

In this quick paced world, people tend to medicate, ignore, multi-task and push the body until illness forces a slow down in order to balance and re-charge. Love yourself enough to put yourself first. Slow down, breathe, meditate and commune with the Divine in a way that heals your soul. Then, take your beautiful energy out into the world.
Today my intention is to lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience.

Be willing to receive

Be open to new ideas and perceptions.

“The most powerful way to successfully face physical and emotional problems is to undergo a sacred initiation that leads to the death of your old self, to rebirth, and to your illumination.”
~Alberto Villoldo~

Each of us undergoes a series of awakenings and shifts in consciousness that are part of our spiritual development. The wisdom of these differing levels blends together as we continue our journey of enlightenment. When beliefs crystallize, we block this movement of growth and life will often present a shake up in order to get the energy moving again.

Growth is always possible. The spiritual master seeks new insights when things are flowing well rather than waiting for a challenge to prompt the search for healing and answers. This willingness to learn allows us to evolve without needing emotional suffering in order to do so.

When you share with others, the act of articulating ideas and higher perceptions further clarifies spiritual concepts. Living your truth becomes a natural way of being and teaches Oneness with life. Choose to be a visionary as you explore the realm of the infinite.

Today my intention is to remember that every moment is an opportunity to awaken to my true divine nature. 


Trust that everything will unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time.

“We live in an infinite Universe. There will be enough time to fit everything in.”

When you are fully engaged in the present moment, time stops. Suddenly the energy flows differently. All that is heard, felt and experienced has greater impact because your total awareness is immersed deeply within the Now.

Conversely, when the mind takes control through worry, doubt, excessive thought and confusion, it seems that there is not enough time to accomplish everything that you believe needs to be done. Precious energy is then dispersed in a million different directions and dissipates without truly engaging the power of the Universe.

Life will always present the opportunities, experiences and circumstances that best serve your growth. Pay attention, keep yourself balanced and then step into that flow with a sense of patience and stillness.

Today my intention is to remember that all that I need is already here.


You are in the midst of a great awakening.

“Today I am willing to accept a miracle.”

Choose one thing today and immerse yourself within it. Treat yourself to a new book. Take time to recharge. Explore your creativity. Listen. No matter what you choose to do, approach it without expectation and simply allow something different to arise within your experience.

Willingness is the key. When we allow new energy to flow, we are transformed. This is the beginning of a new phase of awakening; ask the Divine for enlightenment. A new perspective or inspiration is waiting to find its way into your consciousness and it’s up to you to be willing to receive.

Expect your life to be filled with amazing experiences, people, insights and opportunities. You will then bring meaning and momentum to a life filled with infinite potential.

There are facets of you that are waiting to be revealed. Releasing old beliefs and habits will free you to embark upon this epic journey of self-discovery.
Today I am willing to align myself with a new mission and purpose.


Bring mindfulness to the present moment.

“Talking a lot about something that bothers you is a clear sign you’ve got something huge to learn, unrelated to ‘the thing’.”
~The Universe~

Observe how often the mind prompt you to talk about things it doesn’t like – politics, family drama, the weather, challenges – and choose instead to be mindful and quiet. Honor whatever arises; however, instead of feeding the negativity, seek to go within in that moment. The ego loves to create distraction whenever profound growth is possible.

Invariably, that gentle moment of awareness will steer you into an empowering and beautiful new direction. Recognize that you have the power to create any experience you like and consciously control what you choose to put out into the world.

When you learn to see beyond the mechanisms of the mind, the spiritual insights are in harmony with life itself. They are rooted in the deep stillness of your true being. You are here to discover your infinite beauty and potential and no matter how much you’ve learned so far, remember that you have barely scratched the surface.
Today my intention is to create a space in which a transformation can occur.