Dream more

Worry is a waste of your precious energy.

“Worry is using your imagination to create something you don’t want.”
~Abraham Hicks~

Everything that happens offers an opportunity to awaken. With this in mind, why worry? Instead, choose to operate with the knowledge that you can handle whatever unfolds in your experience. You are right where you need to be and learning the lessons your soul desired to learn. The “What if…?” stories created by the mind offer nothing of value to your journey. Rather than attempting to be prepared for all the outcomes you can imagine, seek the strength and empowerment that comes from being calm and balanced in the present moment.

Your state of mind has a great deal to do with your ability to recognize the unlimited possibilities that are always available to you. Real joy is often just a quiet state of grace – and you can create that any time you wish.

Focus on what you wish to see in your experience. Gratitude draws in more things for which you can be grateful. Recognizing the abundance you already have is the foundation for more abundance. Joy inspires more joy.

Today my intention is to experience whatever life offers with open arms.

False comfort

When you resist something, you empower it to stay in your life.

“Remember that sometimes not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck..”
~Dalai Lama~

The ego is conditioned to resist change. It desires to maintain the illusion of control and prevents us from living mindfully in the Now. In moments of resistance, we often retreat into the false comfort of thought. We imagine how things should be and seek to find ways to bend an ever-changing world experience to our will.
When you fight against something, you give your power to it. If you wish to transform a situation, change how you perceive it. Seek the gift within the challenge. Express gratitude for the opportunity to learn something new, to heal an old wound or expand your thinking. Once the situation has served its purpose, it will leave your life.
Know that you are loved and supported each and every step of the way. All that is required is to take one more conscious step, experience one more sensation, observe one more thought and express love one more time. When you tend to your state of consciousness in the present moment, the future will take care of itself.
Today my intention is to remember that every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am.

The power of loving kindness

Your interpretation of life is a direct reflection of your self love.

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
~Dalai Lama~

Everything that we put out into the world takes on a life of it’s own and returns to us in amazing ways. Let kindness be your guide. Consciously choose self talk that is supportive, imaginative, expansive and joyful. Know that you can never lose. There will be moments of success and moments where you learn something new about yourself and your infinite potential. Every situation and everyone you encounter plays a specific role in your awakening.

Love is a form of giving that breathes life into your experience. With each new level of discovery, expand your vision and choose to see beyond the illusions of the mind. Layer by layer we release things which no longer serve our growth as we step into the realm of limitless possibility. Your journey is unique. Explore, play, be.
Today my intention is to be willing to receive. I choose to say “Yes!” to life.


Compassionate detachment

“I hold no cherished outcome…. I am not subject to disappointment.”
From the Celtic Vows of Friendship
” I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of ever-changing life.”
~Louise Hay~
Attachment creates pain. We want things to be a certain way, we cling to self-imposed ideals of how life should be and when events seem to spiral out of control, we resist. All of this discomfort springs from the belief that we shouldn’t have any problems. Begin to create a healthy form of detachment by seeing the events of life only as the ebb and flow of experience. Know instead, that whatever unfolds is perfect for your growth and perfect for the awakening of all involved. This is how we transform challenges into empowerment.

Through complete surrender we begin to realize that peace always resides underneath the storms of thought. When we drop the need to resist, the heart begins to awaken. Compassion, for ourselves and others, allows us to see beyond the judgments of the mind and embrace whatever life has to offer. You are a child of light. Dive deeply into the present moment and see what you discover.
Today my intention is to bask in the beauty of a brand new day. I am grateful, awake, blissful and at peace. All that I need is already here.

Live your truth

“The path to love requires open-hearted attention to the very things that seem to block our way to it.”
Ezra Bayda
I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth  with integrity.
Like water eroding rock, the awakened life is one of gentle, consistent, conscious actions. Attempting to force change, whether in yourself or others around you, is akin to a flash flood that temporarily wreaks havoc and leaves destruction in it’s wake. Living your truth; however, is a series of small actions that can transform even the most challenging of situations.
Everything plays a role in your awakening. Seeing your judgments and the fears out of which they arise, allows you to choose a different response, one that brings you greater peace. Doubt is another path that opens the door to new ideas and insight. Anger points the way to repressed energy. Rather than wondering “why?” when things go wrong, seek understanding through direct experience rather than wandering aimlessly in an intellectual playground.
The key is to accept what is. Bring a greater awareness to how you choose to experience the present moment. When you take responsibility for your own state of consciousness, your actions will reflect empowerment and kindness.
Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.

The greatest gift

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

“With my loving attitude, I help to create a world where it is safe for us to love each other.”
~Louise Hay~ 
This is the moment of transformation. You have an opportunity to bring the best version of yourself to all of your interactions. Every time you choose not to participate in anger, judgment, drama or unhappiness, you demonstrate a new way of being into the world.

Our thoughts and actions have great impact. It’s time to break free from the past and be an active participant in the future we long to create. Since life is a reflection of our collective state of consciousness, each of us has the ability to be a light in the darkness. Pay attention to how you handle the little things. Observe your joy – does it radiate from within or is it based upon outward validation? Observe your level of patience – are you fully present or always focused upon trying to get to the next thing?

As we awaken to our true nature we live differently, we communicate differently. Our lives become a measure of our integrity. There will be times when your light shines through in amazing ways and others where you may miss the mark. See yourself clearly and never stop evolving.

Today my intention is to remember that peace begins with me.  

Inner beauty

Let your beauty shine through.

“I radiate health, happiness, prosperity, and peace of mind.”
~Louise Hay~ 
You bring something beautiful and unique to the world. When we drop man-made imprinting and self-criticism, we create a space where something new can emerge. Seek to engage in an inner dialogue that is supportive, kind and adventurous. There is an art to living fully immersed in the beauty of the present moment – see it, experience it. Wherever you are, be the soul of that place.

As a child of light you are entire, complete; nothing is missing, you are fulfilled. One act of trust leads to another, and another. And when doubt arises, choose to see through it and trust anyway. This creates a momentum of transformation and your true potential shines through.

Once you learn to see life as an opportunity to love, a new quality arises in your experience. Begin within. Turn your gratitude and appreciation inward. It will naturally be reflected to you through the whole of existence.
Today my intention is to express myself in joyous, loving ways.

Living peacefully

Be calm in the midst of strife.

“I move forward with confidence and ease, knowing that all is well in my future.”
~Louise Hay~ 
Don’t wait for everything to fall into place before choosing to be at peace. Life is simply a series of events and experiences, both joyful and challenging, that allow us to awaken. Observe your feelings, inner dialogue and responses and see how quickly you can move into acceptance.

Cultivate the ability to rise above the storms of life. See each moment as an opportunity to expand your consciousness. When things are going well, utilize gratitude as a way to bring yourself even higher.

The spiritual student learns to transform challenges into powerful aspects of their growth. The spiritual master does not wait for a challenge, but continues to seek and expand without problems to spark the desire for awakening.

As you become aware of your true Divine nature, you’ll create a stable foundation that will support you no matter what unfolds. This peace and grace will inform how you choose to live.
Today my intention is to make my home a peaceful haven by infusing love into every corner. Music and friendship sparkle and create a space of warmth.  

Life responds to you

You are more powerful than you realize.

“I create my own experiences. As I love and approve of myself and others, my life gets better and better.”
~Louise Hay~
The world, as you experience it, is a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs. As we awaken, we become more aware and consciously pay attention to what we send out into the Universe. Life then transforms into a playground of experience as we discover how to greet it with open arms.

When you release the need for drama, a loving quality of being is born of the fullness of experience. The love we discover is truly unconditional, a way of relating with ease and kindness, a sharing filled only with gratitude.

Honor those who grace your life with their presence. Know that you will both learn from one another. Seek celebration where you are – this moment is filled with bliss and blessings.
Today my intention is to breathe life into my vision and create the world I desire.  

Living in bliss

Live simply.

“I am responsible for all my experiences.”
~Louise Hay~ 
Bliss has nothing to do with adding things to one’s life experience. It is more often discovered when we release the things that block us from it. Layer by layer we drop the burdens created by expectation and attachment and discover a living, vibrant joy that infuses our experience of the world.

Immerse yourself fully in this moment. Close your eyes, breathe, listen, be. Wherever you are, allow your soul to enrich the experience by being fully present. Tend to your own state of consciousness and you’ll discover that the future takes care of itself.

Inner mastery is bliss. This inward journey is one of empowerment, peace and transformation. When you choose not to add to the drama of human experience, you can make a significant difference in the world around you.
Today my intention is to remember that I am a child of the Divine. All is well.
I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place.