Using a variety of techniques, together we can create space where old wounds can be healed, and energetic blockages released. When you change, the world around you is transformed. As each piece of the puzzle is revealed, the truth of your soul emerges.

Raising consciousness through love

How can you benefit from my guidance on your consciousness journey?

Feeling Disconnected ?

Are you struggling to find a sense of belonging or connection in your life? This program will help you reconnect with your true self and the universe.

Spiritual Confusion?

Do you feel overwhelmed by spiritual concepts or practices? Our sessions, tailored to your personal path, will simplify these ideas — making them more accessible and applicable to your daily life.

Karmic Challenges ?

Are you sensing unresolved karmic issues that impact your current life? Learn to identify and clear these obstacles through my  unique methodologies.

Energetic Imbalance?

Are you having difficulty trusting your intuition or tapping into your inner guidance?  This program offers tools to develop your intuitive abilities and enhance your spiritual awareness.

How I can help you create the life of your dreams


Receive personalized guidance to navigate your spiritual path, empowering you to overcome obstacles and unlock your full potential.



Tap into powerful lessons from my books, applying key concepts that resonate with your journey for deeper understanding and transformation.

Mentorship Program

Go deeper into your spiritual path with a personalized Spiritual Mentorship Program.  Includes 12 one-on-one sessions tailored to your specific needs.

About Krystina

Spiritual Counselor | Reiki Master | Munay-Ki Shaman | Radical Forgiveness Coach | Energy Worker | Hypnotherapist | Sound Practitioner

Krystina Morgainne believes every individual holds the power to transform their lives. Through motivational techniques and positive reinforcement, she helps clients harness their unique strengths to cultivate harmony, inner peace, and overall well-being.

Her empathy and honesty, paired with a deep conviction in each person’s untapped potential, foster partnerships built on mutual respect, creating a supportive environment for meaningful change.

With over 30 years of experience as a psychic counselor and spiritual practitioner, Krystina has guided thousands of clients to navigate life’s challenges and discover their true paths.

The healing began for me when you released some kind of energy blockage that allowed the healing to begin, and me to start going to the emergency room. It was an energy buried deep under many layers. You literally started the release of stored toxins in my body, so I could began to heal. Thank you.
Reading Living in the WOW provided a method to release the negativity I had been holding, consciously or subconsciously, against individuals in my past. I can see them now as angels who helped me along my path. I am stronger and happier for it.
Julie Elstner
Dearest Krystina, I am noticing an overall heightened sense of gratitude and love for all things, body, mind and spirit as well as increased energy
Lovelove, M

"Wow Moments" Blog Posts

“Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

August 7, 2024

Never Stop Learning

July 16, 2024

Transformation and Rebirth