You are a mystery

There is no end to what you will discover.

“I now choose to recognize the magnificence of my being.”
~Louise Hay~ 
Look beyond the role you play. Look beyond the physical appearance you have chosen. See beyond the stories of the mind. Breathe in the breath of life… slowly, mindfully, sacredly… and just be. Bask in the radiance of present moment. When you can quiet the mind, you can begin to tap into the infinite potential of the Divine.

What is truly important? In the face of infinity, how can one argue a point of view? How can we carry the burdens of past mistakes? How can we expect disappointment in the future?
Put it all down and explore the mystery.

You are on a quest of discovery. Look within with love.
Today my intention is to move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the infinite Divine Mind, where all things are possible. 


Bring a conscious awareness to all that you do.

“I easily flow with new experiences.”
~Louise Hay~ 
Spiritual practice is not about finding the perfect way to meditate or how to manifest the ideal mate, career, living situation or health. It’s about bringing a higher awareness to your experience.

Life is filled with contrasts. There is always something new to discover, unfamiliar corners to explore and everything (everything!) is here for your souls growth. You can spark awareness just as easily at a traffic light as you can upon a mountaintop in Nepal.

Nothing is more important than how you choose to experience the present moment. Practice kindness, patience, acceptance and notice how well you do. There will be times when you miss the mark and others when your light shines in amazing ways. That’s part of the process of awakening.

Live simply. There’s no one special you need to be. In fact, when you see yourself clearly, you’ll discover that you are a multifaceted work of art of exquisite beauty just as you are. Life’s wonder and mystery is a reflection of you.
Allow yourself to be amazed.
Today my intention is to trust the processes of life. Divine peace and love surround me at all times.  

Be authentic

Drop all pretense. Stop trying to please. Be the best version of yourself.

“I love myself exactly the way I am.”
~Louise Hay~ 
The dance of awakening opens new dimensions of life. In them, we are born anew and begin to leave behind the limitations, demands, criticism, doubt and worry of earthbound experience. We taste the gifts of freedom and limitless potential in our exploration and learn to bring this higher perspective to our life situations.

One of the most important aspects of spiritual growth is learning to love ourselves just the way we are. Transcend your own experience by seeing the perceived flaws of old programming as brilliant facets of your experience here in this lifetime. Let yourself shine freely for the Divine seeks to express itself through you. There has never been, nor will there ever be, someone with your way of being in the world.

Don’t hold yourself back out of fear. Allow your laughter and your true nature to be a beacon in the darkness. When you love yourself, it becomes easier to love others just the way they are… and we begin a new cycle of experience.

Today my intention is to be an authentic reflection of the light, love and laughter of the Universe. 

The Celtic Vows of Friendship


All relationships act as a mirror.

“I give to Life exactly what I want Life to give to me.”
~Louise Hay~ 
“I am not subject to disappointment…” Most people respond to that line in the Celtic Vows with a gut reaction that says “That’s hard!” However, sometimes not getting what we want can become the greatest teacher of all. The level of disappointment one feels in a given situation indicates the level of attachment. This is always self-created.
Once you notice feelings of disappointment arise, observe them – their intensity, the inner story that accompanies the feelings and your response. In that moment, the conscious spiritual seeker can pivot and re-frame their internal dialogue, thus freeing themselves and finding joy in the present moment.

Bring the gift of quiet acceptance into your response to life and discover a new way of being in the world. Your empowered responses will send waves of light outward where they will gather and most certainly return in beautiful, unexpected ways.
Today my intention is to love what is. All that I need is already here. 

You can create the life of your dreams

You can create the life of your dreams.

“I create my own experiences. As I love and approve of myself and others, my life gets better and better.”
~Louise Hay~
The way to create the life of your dreams is to live it now – from where you are, with what you have. Begin your day by focusing on what you wish to experience rather than what is missing. Let gratitude begin the momentum of transformation. Your thoughts have power and when you consciously and consistently choose what to send out into the world, you increase their impact.

Goals are measurable, concrete and tangible; whereas dreams are crafted from the level of spirit. Some wonderful examples of dreams that can enhance one’s life immediately, are:

I will continue to learn my entire life knowing everyone is my teacher.
I let go of dogmatic or limiting beliefs and free myself from the past.
I choose to parent my children consciously. They chose me for a reason…
I will live the life of a poet, seeing beauty all around me.
I will honor all life as sacred and see beyond appearances

There is nothing more important than how you live today. Bring the best version of you to this moment and  detach from specific outcomes. This is what is meant when it is said to focus on the journey rather than the destination.

If your life is filled with one wonderful day after another, if you’ve had a meaningful encounter with someone today, if you’ve shared kindness and had a positive impact on someone’s life, you are living the live you dreamed.
Today my intention is to move forward with confidence and ease knowing that all is well.

Love is the goal

Explore the mysteries of love…

“I become more lovable every day. I am seen by others as a loving, forgiving person.”
~Louise Hay~ 
Everyone with whom you come into contact is there to help you explore the myriad nuances of love. See those who grace your life as teachers and choose to be a willing student. Challenges and resistance provide an opportunity to observe any areas where you may be blocked. Simply pay attention with an open heart and know that you have the ability to break free. Your awareness sparks transformation.

Beauty is found in contrast. Those with differing beliefs or means of expression can actually help us to shine in ways we would never discover when only participating with those of like mind. When we share ideas or teach others, the act of articulation further anchors the wisdom we have attained so far. So, be yourself, love yourself and be willing to learn something new.
Today my intention is to enjoy the art of discovery. There is always something new to learn.

Do your best

We are all masters in the process of awakening.

“Every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am.”
~Louise Hay~ 
Mastery is attained through experience and conscious effort. Lifetime after lifetime we work through the veils of illusion to ultimately discover the joy and grace of our true Divine nature. Everyone (yes, everyone!) is on this same journey of discovery, merely at differing stages of spiritual development.

“As much as we deny it, we still believe we’re supposed to be perfect. Our ongoing anxiety and sense of inadequacy testify eloquently to this unexamined truth. In spiritual practice, this trap takes the form of making one attempt after another to measure up to some ideal of how a spiritual practitioner is supposed to be – more calm, loving, wise or simply more together. Yet becoming truly calm and loving requires that we first see clearly the extent we still punish ourselves by clinging to ideals of perfection.”
~Ezra Bayda~

See yourself, and everyone around you, as a work in progress. Honor the perfection in the imperfection with the knowledge that we are all in the process of awakening. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.
Today my intention is to move forward with confidence and ease, knowing that all is well in my future.  

Be reminded of magic

Road in magic dark forest

We are keepers of the sacred knowledge of life.

“I ask for more understanding so that I may knowingly and lovingly shape my world and my experiences.”
~Louise Hay~ 
I once lived in the high desert, far away from the intensity of crowds and chaos. My life had shifted and I had no tv, no distractions and was able to completely immerse myself in the mysteries of spiritual discovery. As I played in the realm of infinite possibility I noticed my home became a haven for the children in the neighborhood. They were endlessly intrigued by my magical space and filled with questions, joy and exuberance.

One day a young girl came and told me her daddy said that there is no such thing as magic. She spoke these words with a sad sense of finality and inevitability. My response was, “For him, that’s true. But as you can plainly see, there is magic all around us if we can only take the time to see it.”

That was nearly 30 years ago. Since then I’ve learned that the Universe speaks to me endlessly – through animals, numbers, angelic messages, energetic healing and inspired words from strangers. I have been joyfully astounded throughout my journeys in the world of discovery. My life has been a release of the “reality” I was taught. Layer by layer, I discarded all that blocked me from experiencing a daily, loving communication with the Divine.

There is much more to life than meets the eye. What you see, hear, taste, feel and smell is but 1% of what is happening around you. We live in a world filled with wonder. Delve into it’s depths. Expand in every direction and dimension knowing that no matter how much you learn, you have barely scratched the surface.
Today my intention is to play, to be led by gratitude and to honor the sacredness in all things.  

Thoughts create

Your thoughts have power. Direct them wisely.

“My thinking is peaceful, calm and centered.”
~Louise Hay~ 
The mind will often “kill time” by imaging, projecting, replaying, worrying or getting lost in daydreams. It’s helpful to observe moments when you become lost in thought and draw your attention to what the mind has deemed to be more important than your joy in the present moment.

Once you have noticed, bring your attention fully into the Now. Notice your surroundings, listen to the sounds around you, focus upon the rhythm of your breath. Initially, the mind will attempt to jump in automatically with it’s opinion, judgments or replaying the same old tape of inner dialogue.

Purposefully and consciously break the cycle of unconsciousness by choosing to be present as often as required. Knowing that each thought sends waves of energy throughout the Universe, send loving-kindness outward. You make a difference. Your presence and state of mind has everything to do with how you choose to experience this moment.
Today my intention is to remember that I am unlimited in my own ability to create the good in my life.

Be inspired by kindness

Rise above. Let your actions be inspired by kindness.

“I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.”
~Louise Hay~
The awakened are called upon to be living examples of higher consciousness. There are moments when you may miss the mark and others where you shine like a beacon in the darkness. Without judgment, simply notice how you respond to life and allow your actions reflect your inner connection with the Divine.

Every action we take plants a seed that has the potential to blossom into something exquisite and beautiful. Whether you’re in a position to observe this growth or not, consider what types of seeds you are planting. Old souls have the capability to see the world differently. Bring cheerfulness, bliss, kindness and the expression of joy in the little things of life to the forefront of your experience. When you are able to recognize the sacred within the ordinary, you begin to create an extraordinary life.
Today my intention is to embrace whatever life has to offer. I can choose to see differently, respond differently and create experiences of my choosing.