Divine Feminine

The divine feminine is grounded in Presence. It creates peace and harmony in our experience by slowing things down and allows us to enter the Now respectfully, honoring the sacred that resides in all things. Once body, mind and spirit are aligned, we are capable of receiving all that life has to offer.

Nurture the divine feminine within you by opening to existence. When there is no need to defend, you become a channel of light and love whose actions emit a powerful, peaceful depth of being.

We all need to explore the expression of masculine and feminine within our own experience. There are times to receive, to contemplate, to love… and others when it is appropriate to move or take action. The way forward will make itself known. Let it flow, and step into the energy in whatever way is most appropriate for this stage of your journey.

Spiritual Liberation

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”

~ Ezra Bayda~

Everything plays a role in your spiritual development. The awakened person lives in gratitude and joy, content within whatever the present moment offers. This peaceful sense of connectedness comes through spiritual maturity and is not tied to any desired outcome or reliant upon the actions of others.

Liberation from ones challenges is not about reaching a point where life flows without problems. We discover empowerment when we learn how to transform stumbling blocks into stepping stones. Be willing to let go of any deep feelings of unworthiness and step into a position of empowerment and personal responsibility. Only then will your life be transformed into an expression of pure love.
Once awakened, everything becomes an opportunity to rise above. Even the mundane challenges of daily life are integrated into our spiritual work. The next time you feel frustrated, annoyed, impatient or blocked, stop and ask yourself how the moment can be transformed through a shift in perception or conscious action.

Mastering the small, seemingly insignificant things cultivates the tools required to handle anything that may come your way.

Surrender and Acceptance

“When we bring a gentle awareness to the layers of our conditioning, and to the struggles that arise out of our conditioning, the power of that conditioning slowly dissolves. Life then moves toward the unconditioned – where the vastness, or love, just flows through.”    

~Ezra Bayda~

The ego often seeks to fight, prove oneself right, defend beliefs or struggle against life. Whenever you observe this happening, consciously move into surrender. Allow the energy around you to flow unimpeded. You’ll access the strength and peace that reside underneath the mechanisms of the mind.

When we choose to surrender to what is, we demonstrate that we have faith in the processes of life. The awakened soul often discovers that things flow better when we get ourselves out of the way.

Trust the wisdom of your higher self. Place your focus upon how you are responding to life rather than trying to control how it unfolds. Are you operating from a space of joy, enthusiasm or acceptance? Choose to view your experiences as opportunities to awaken. The present moment is your point of power. When you really pay attention, you’ll discover that everything is your teacher, life supports your awakening, and you are enough.

Encouraging Authenticity

“As human beings, our job in life is to help people realize how rare and valuable each one of us really is, that each of us has something that no one else has or ever will have something inside that is unique to all time. It’s our job to encourage each other to discover that uniqueness and to provide ways of developing its expression.”

~Mr. Rogers~

There’s something beautiful about each persons’ unique way of being in the world. To help another to be authentic begins with acceptance. When we give space, those we love can explore, make mistakes, find their strengths and learn powerful lessons. In fact, one might say that freedom begins the process of self-discovery.

Failure is important. It indicates the willingness to stretch beyond our comfort zone and explore. It builds character and ultimately teaches that our challenges do not destroy us – they inform us. We cultivate compassion, humility, strength and wisdom with each conscious step with take.

As you explore the realms of possibility, you’ll find that your Presence is transformative. Share your story with those who seek inspiration, and most of all, fear nothing. Your authentic nature will encourage others to explore their own.

New Vision

“Spirituality is not the practicing of any virtue; spirituality is the gaining of a new vision. Virtue follows that vision; it comes on its own accord. It is a natural by-product. When you start seeing, things start changing.”

Consciousness is the journey of expansion into all dimensions, the discovery of broader perspectives and the integration of all that we have learned. It seeks to express itself through our interactions and provides an opportunity to see life differently.

The human condition is one of forgetfulness – separation, drama, ego, desire. The spiritual seeker begins to drop the veils of illusion and opens to the infinite, only to experience the bliss of discovering that the truth lies within. This is transcendence.

Life is a tapestry of dark and light, a blending of dimensions from the depths of lower consciousness to the heights of love and communion. They exist together and when we cultivate the understanding that all levels of consciousness are required in this dance of awakening, we begin to have a very different perspective of the world. When we stand in the presence of the Divine, our humility and gratitude open portals to higher levels of existence. And so it is.

The Secrets of Eternity

“In the stillness of a quiet moment, allow your soul to speak, and you will find the Atman, the eternal self, whispering its truths.”
~Shree Shambav~

Awareness arises through the removal of distraction. In stillness, the soul speaks. The greatest breakthroughs occur when we are on our knees. A spark of consciousness transforms pain into wisdom. Turn toward your fear and allow that pivot to break the chain of repetitive thought. When we learn how to see through the mechanisms of the ego, we can purposely awaken a deeper part of us.

The answers lie within, it is true; however, there will come a time when peace arises by simply residing within the question. Insights ultimately lead us to take one step at a time, focus on the task at hand, and be a source of peace throughout the journey. Everything else is secondary.

The gift of your Presence is transformative. When you choose to be non-reactive, when you speak kindly in response to hatred, when you educate by example, you become a teacher. Find your unique way of being in the world. Listen deeply to the silence. Explore the gap between words, breaths, heartbeats. There you will discover the secrets of eternity.

Peace and Purpose

“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Your journey is unique. As your vision expands, you’ll discover the joys that can be created through balance and self-mastery as you seek to express your soul’s purpose. When energy is focused upon awakening, the need to blame others disappears. We learn to take full responsibility for our own experiences.
When intense emotions arise, slow down and observe the feelings without judgment. Allow the moment to be as it is and examine why you temporarily have chosen to give away your power through reactivity. As you turn as look toward the true object of your distress (typically your thoughts about a situation rather than the situation itself), it begins to transform. The light of your consciousness allows you to understand yourself – and that is the point of our sojourn here.
Honor all paths as sacred. Give others the support and space they need to find their own way and choose to stay deeply connected to your own peacefulness. Tend to your own state of consciousness. Everything will come together exactly as it should.

What You Seek

In a world filled with limitless possibility, whatever you seek is what you will discover. Each time we choose to find the gift in a situation, one makes itself known to us. Pay attention to your thoughts and words for they are your personal conversation with the Divine… When we approach the present moment with a resounding “Thank you!” filled with gratitude and joy, it becomes easy to see more clearly.

Choose to honor all things as sacred. This approach releases the tendency to judge or reject and opens your heart in miraculous ways.

You are a master in the process of awakening, a conscious co-creator of your own experience. As a soul seeking empowerment and enlightenment, realize that your choices dictate your reality.

Oneness brings a sense of stillness and connection into your experience. Watch how existence interacts with itself. A tapestry of exquisite design is being created. Everything flows together in a way that creates support and balance.
Darkness, limitation, fear and doubt are mind-made prisons of our own creation. Fortunately, the door is wide open. You can choose to step across the threshold into a world filled with freedom, joy and exploration. Let your light guide you…

The Beauty You Choose to See


“This is my wish for you: Comfort on difficult days, smiles when sadness intrudes, rainbows to follow the clouds, laughter to kiss your lips, sunsets to warm your heart, hugs when spirits sag, beauty for your eyes to see, friendships to brighten your being, faith so that you can believe, confidence for when you doubt, courage to know yourself, patience to accept the truth, Love to complete your life.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
When days are busy, when the mind seeks to enslave you with limiting interpretations, when others are lost in dysfunction, consciously choose another path. Peace begins with you. Choosing to recognize gifts the present moment has to offer creates a different experience. Noise fades into the background, pain seems more manageable and it feels safer to reside in the Now with an open heart.
This is the gift of enlightenment. Conscious awareness takes us deeper into life. It expands our perception and thus, changes not only how we view the world, but our role within it. The greatest gift one can give is the gift of Presence. Create spaciousness in your experience. Enjoy the sunset, remember to laugh a little and appreciate the beauty you choose to see.

Transforming Obstacles Into Empowerment

“The obstacle in the path becomes the path. Never forget, within every obstacle is an opportunity to improve our condition.”
~Ryan Holiday~

When faced with a challenge, observe how quickly you can step into it and examine the possibilities. Rather than wasting time on resistance or complaint, jump into the dance knowing that something far greater than you imagined is in play. The ego loves to weave stories about how something is wrong or should not have happened; however, everything on the path plays a purposeful role in your spiritual development.

Empowerment resides on the other side of fear. The willingness to take one conscious step forward sets powerful energy in motion. With each step, you will discover a new aspect of yourSelf that is ready to shine. Knowing that there is grace to be found within the challenge, instead of asking “Why?” ask “How can I bring the best version of myself to this situation?” This attitude draws in wisdom, insight, conscious action and resolve.

The past doesn’t define us, but it does inform us. Step into empowerment by taking ownership of your life and choices. Honor your path of awakening as sacred. The best is yet to come.