Stand in Courage

“In these times where it has seemed dark indeed
where integrity appears solely buried in legend and lore,
it is an opportunity in contrast to the shadows,
to create miracles…
by choosing first courage,
then diligence,
opening our mouth
and speaking the truth that in rare moments,
may ignite the light.”
~Tom Althouse~

To live an authentic life is to be deeply committed to the truth of who you are. There will be moments when you shine with inspiration and conviction, and others when you may miss the mark; however, it is all part of the process of transformation. Reading and study will only get you so far. It’s powerful to watch ideas as they come to life in the world around you. You are far stronger than you know.

Listen deeply to the inner wisdom of your soul. Each of us has a unique purpose and while you might find motivation and insight through others’ works, the message slightly transforms when processed through your filter of interpretation and again as you put new ideas and energy into motion.

Be the change you wish to see. Honor your purpose as sacred and embrace the continuity of your spiritual evolution. Beautiful facets of your soul still await discovery.

Into The Mystic

“If you cling too much to logic you will never be able to be part of the living process that this existence is. Life is more than logic: life is paradox, life is mystery.”


You are a unique, evolving expression of the Divine in physical form. Why not allow life the freedom to surprise you? Many walk through their days blind to the beauty which surrounds them; however, the spiritual seeker explores the ability to infuse enchantment into the mundane with their attitude, joyful expectation and innocence.

Much of the path of awakening is remembering how to be amazed, how to dance with delight in the rain, take a leap of faith or seek inspiration. Everything, in its reflection of you, becomes a message of love. Together, we rise when we consciously engage with life.

There are infinite threads of commonality that bind us. Seek out those threads, draw them into your experience and witness their impact on the exquisite tapestry of which we are all a part. We can choose to live in a way that is both connected and expansive. Set aside any perceived limitations, be enchanted by love and give expression to the magic within you.


Be proud of your unique gifts. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone who brings your perception and talents to the planet. No matter where you reside on the Path of Transformation, you are right where you need to be. It’s empowering to realize that in every moment, you are doing the best you can… and so is everyone around you.

Judgment blocks the ability to love. When we become tangled within the egoic stories regarding others’ behavior, it distracts us from doing our inner work. Even more debilitating are the blockages we create when we judge ourselves. Personal responsibility calls upon us to see ourselves clearly, but that does not include directing judgment inward. All too often the spiritual seeker gets lost in the “shoulds” and forgets that patience and compassion are the greatest gifts we can offer – both to ourselves and to others.

Embrace the aspects of yourself that might have once made you feel insecure and integrate them into the Wholeness of your spiritual expression in this lifetime. As your confidence increases, so will your ability to participate fully in whatever life has to offer. Spiritual awakening is not meant to detach us from life, but allow us to delve more fully into it. Mastery calls upon us to share ourselves with the world.

The final lessons of an old soul are based in self-forgiveness, compassion, acceptance and unconditional love toward the self and others. When we understand where others reside on the journey of awakening, it becomes easier to honor their path and accept them where they are. It would be a waste of energy to expect a young soul to understand the perception or actions of a mature or old soul… they haven’t yet reached that stage in their development.

Be true to yourself, seek spiritual fulfillment, detach from the intensity and recognize your connection to something greater. The best is yet to come.

The Power of Acceptance

“Accept – then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it not against it… this will miraculously transform your whole life.”   
~Eckhart Tolle~   

Life is constantly unfolding in unexpected ways. The human condition often prompts a response filled with resistance. We have plans and goals and tend to fight against anything that appears to block the path; however, it’s the journey that is important, not the destination. Acceptance and awareness walk hand in hand, opening doors of new perception and sparking creativity. Honor the sacredness of the present moment through the realization that everything unfolds in the way that is most beneficial for all involved.

How we respond to the events of our lives dictates how much joy we are willing to experience. Begin by mastering your state of consciousness – consistently observe yourself with kindness, face your fears, trust the processes of your growth and know that everything has a purpose on this sacred journey of yours.
Miracles happen with you create space and allow the Divine to surprise you. New people, changes in perception and conscious interactions can alter your life in amazing ways. As we incorporate the lessons, we can flow with changes with incredible grace and faith knowing that all will unfold perfectly.

Sharing Love

“If you withhold love as a form of punishment, who is being punished?”
~Donald L. Hicks~

Love is giving – giving based in kindness, freedom and compassion without expectation.

Judgment is a by-product of the ego. Condemning others, whether through “righteous anger” or an internal dialogue, creates blockages between people. The only way to break through the lower levels of unconsciousness is to become more conscious yourself. In that manner, your life will be your message.

Love transforms any situation into a space of pure potential. Like water eroding rock, the process may take some time, but the results are permanent. Each loving thought, word or act of kindness plants a seed of awakening. These seeds are nourished by our consistent mindful approach and may thrive in ways you’ve never imagined. Whether you’re there to witness the transformation or not, never doubt the power of love.

Seek to honor all paths as sacred. Each journey is unique, yet all are on the same path of awakening. One never knows what will trigger a breakthrough; therefore, it’s powerful to act as though this moment is the one that will open doors to new levels of understanding… and remember that love is the key.


“To practice any art, no matter how well or badly,
is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”
~Kurt Vonnegut~
When you choose to see through the eyes of love, you begin to unlock life’s mystery. The artist is a channel of divine inspiration. The moment shimmers with potential and we can allow that expansive energy to flow through us into the world of form.
Life is filled with inspiration. The clouds move across the sky, flowers dance on the breeze, beauty waits patiently to be discovered even as it is fleeting and ever-changing.
The artist within you desires expression. Even if no one bears witness to your creation, the ability to see things differently while allowing that vision to move you into action is transformative. Begin by watching life’s artistry. Be still and enjoy the movement all around you. Capture little joys that speak to your soul. Your awareness gives new life to all that you see.
By design, no one experiences the world in quite the same way. Our unique interpretation of life is simply another vibrant, living example of the infinite possibilities available when we play in the field of Now. Beyond ideas of right and wrong is only the voice of the Divine calling us to new levels of conscious expression.

Be Attentive to the Mystery

Each time you choose to celebrate life, you honor the present moment as sacred. In essence, celebration allows the Divine to recognize itself as it flows through you experiencing the world of form.

No matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully. Take a moment to enjoy the uniqueness of your journey, your preferences, those who grace your life with their presence and all that you’ve discovered thus far. We have much to learn from these simple moments of connection.

The expansion of consciousness is a process. It can come bursting through your experience as an insight or revelation or manifest as a gentle, subtle flow that goes unnoticed until life presents a situation that demonstrates how far you’ve come.

You are here to bring peacefulness into the space you inhabit, to awaken and share your gifts. Your life is meant to be one of discovery – a book upon which you write the story of your choosing. Eventually, you’ll find yourself living outside the cycle of story and drama, treasuring the connection of Oneness within your experience. Then life opens up into new dimensions. Put down the burdens that you have carried and become attentive to the mystery.

The Magic of New Beginnings

“I have always been delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting somewhere behind the morning.”
~J.B. Priestly~
You can create the life of your dreams. No matter what you wish to shift in your experience, begin Now. See the change, feel the joy that arises from new beginnings and take one conscious step forward in the direction of your dreams.

The willingness to open yourself to new ways of being is the key. Old patterns are created by repetitive thoughts; therefore, plant the seeds of transformation with new, expanded ways of thinking.

One thing to keep in mind is this: the ego fears change. Often, when we change our focus, that area of your life will seem to entrench you even more. See any resistance – internal or external – as an indicator that something new is happening. Push through it as best as you can. Life will rise up to meet you.

Focus on the end result and don’t micromanage the details. That is another egoic tactic designed to overwhelm. Instead, allow joy to lead to you forward. You have the ability to create the life of your dreams.

What You Contribute

“Stop playing it safe by trying to avoid adversity. Act from the heart and let circumstances unfold as they will.”

~Ezra Bayda~

The incremental steps we take toward enlightenment transform our very way of being.  Life is a dance of light and dark, giving and receiving, as contrast brings out inherent beauty within every situation.

Embrace what is with enthusiasm, passion or acceptance and take one more conscious step forward. Allow inner wisdom to guide your life. Relax, and recognize your value as an awakening master by honoring your gifts, ideas, perceptions and way of being in the world. Without you, the tapestry of existence would be missing the unique spark of the Divine that is your contribution to the whole.

When we engage with one another with an attitude of willingness and receptivity, each one of us makes a unique contribution to the evolving dance of wholeness. Nobody is higher or lower, nobody is superior or inferior. Each of us is simply an expression of life… a perfect blend of Oneness. We purposely chose to be here Now to live, learn and share, to bring light and lift one another up. We could not have dreamed a better Universe.

Transformation and Rebirth

“To live fearlessly is to actively practice peace and non-violence, even when it seems like we’re being threatened.”
~Alberto Villodo~

Our energy has a significant impact on those around us. When we embody peace in the face of challenging situations, our Presence influences others and thus, we eventually experience a collective shift to higher levels of consciousness.

The awakened spirit cultivates the capacity to see beyond the roles and mechanisms of the ego to the infinite soul within. There is no need to create an enemy or something to fight against. Instead, we recognize opportunities to teach, to awaken and to love.

Condor inspires us to rise above. With greater awareness, our vision expands and we can gain deeper understanding. Embodied with wisdom, one can walk the way of the visionary, bringing peace and non-violence into our shared experience that is often fraught with conflict. Consider your role in our collective awakening.

There is a cyclical nature to the human experience. Karmic lessons, whether personal, mutual or collective, teach through the polarity of opposites until we find the center of neutrality. Step into compassion, be true to yourself, rise to the occasion, and honor the journey of awakening as sacred.