Awakening Through Play

“To me there is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more prayerful than playfulness.”


Balanced play creates greater peace in your experience and squirrel is a wonderful teacher. She constantly frolics and chatters, often chasing a friend in circles around the trees. But she is also industrious. In her play, she gathers and stores nuts. As the seasons change, many of those hidden nuts are forgotten and some begin to grow. In her playfulness, she emits the essence of pure presence, the side effects of which can be seen for years to come.

Consider bringing lightheartedness into your experience. This can be accomplished with a conscious change of attitude. Day-to-day tasks take on new meaning and time flows differently. The work still gets done, but it is no longer draining. Your balance and well-being amplify all that you do with heightened vibrancy and meaning. You may be surprised to discover how much energy is available to you.

Your joyful attitude can be an inspiration to those who are driven by fear, stress, or worry that there is a different way to experience life. Consider that a conscious playful example may plant seeds of transformation.



“Celtic mysticism recognizes that rather than trying to expose the soul or offer it our fragile care, we should let the soul find us and care for us.”
~John O’Donohue~
Consider that any changes in your experience are preparing you for expansion into a new playground of consciousness. Every shake-up provides an opportunity to break us free from limiting patterns and beliefs that are no longer necessary.
The resilience of the soul has no limitation. Once you truly see through the mechanisms of the ego, you’ll discover potential that is ready to shine. Yet, how would you know where your blockages lie without them first rising to the surface? When we’re ready to clear a particular issue, the soul requests assistance. That assistance often presents itself in the form of a challenge or ending. Life will always offer the perfect experience for your personal awakening.
When faced with the shadow we have a choice… get lost in the story or forge a new way forward. The former will lull you back to sleep until the next upset occurs, while the latter creates a fresh, dynamic journey that ultimately expands your consciousness. As you awaken, the world around you is transformed.

The Essence of You

When used consciously, the breath can be utilized to access a sacred realm. To calm the mind, to honor the present moment as sacred, to enter the gap between thoughts, to open yourself to receive… visualize yourself as pure Essence. Expansion occurs as we drop the layers of limiting belief. Distractions become diaphanous and Presence, more profound.

When stressed, a typical reaction is to hold one’s breath or become rigid. That starts a cavalcade of imbalances that often present in the physical form as mishaps, reactivity, misunderstandings or accidents. In panic, one can spiral in reactivity and fear. Caught in the moment of perceived limitation, the ego will attempt to distract.

Practice creating moments of Presence consistently. Like any repetitive action, this becomes easier the more you do it. Rather than waiting to correct an imbalance, amplify your moments of peace. Over time, this awareness transforms your experiences from the mundane into the mystical. Your awareness expands through conscious action in the present moment.

As an evolving human, you’ll still encounter lessons, triggers, and facets that are ready to be explored. By utilizing the tools you have cultivated, challenges morph into multi-dimensional aspects of character, insight, compassion, patience and empowerment.

Limitless Potential

“Whenever you deeply accept this moment as it is — no matter what form it takes — you are still, you are at peace.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

This moment is the gateway to enlightenment. In the midst of hyperbole and distraction lies an infinite well of peace from which you can drink. Honor your journey as sacred by drinking deeply of the love, light and laughter of the universe.

Periodically choose to detach from worldly limitation and enter into the stillness of infinite possibility. Within the gap between words, breaths, heartbeats or movement we can catch a glimpse of  life’s limitless potential. There is no need to fill it that silence with analytical thought or action. Just be present. Your conscious awareness activates inner wisdom and peace.

Some call this the space of no mind. Detachment allows us to observe all that unfolds with greater clarity. From the vantage point of awareness, you may discover greater compassion, especially for those who are momentarily caught in the mechanisms of the mind. Your light is transformative, not only for yourself, but also for those around you.

Engage life’s magic through stillness. Consciousness seeks to experience itself through you. When distractions are removed, what remains? Love.

Harmony, Faith and Intuition

When we live in harmony with all that surrounds us, we learn how to be in the moment and leave the past behind. The awakened spirit sees life as a dance with the Divine where adventures await. As we release our fears, knowing that we are loved and supported each step of the journey, an innocence and trust emerges. This support makes itself known in unusual and ever evolving ways and we learn to follow our inner guidance and intuition.

Taking the leap into the unknown is nothing less than a leap of faith. In the beginning this can be very difficult – we have spent lifetimes cultivating our knowledge. However, maturity allows us to surrender with joy to what is, continually release the past and go on trusting as we walk forward. Every situation has something to teach and with this inner flowering and wholeness comes unlimited possibility.

All of your experiences have brought you here to this moment of perfection. How would it feel to allow the eternal beauty of your being to sparkle with joy and excitement at the thought of the never-ending journey of discovery? That is the freedom of empowerment.


By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others.
The ego creates traps through anxiety and doubt… worrying what others may think, wondering how to please, get noticed or leave an impression. Many people often struggle with indecision, trying to determine what is the “right” thing to do in a given situation. Conversely, Zen asks us to navigate our journey with integrity and authenticity. When you live aligned with your inner truth, harmony shines through you and is far more impressive than anything contrived by the mind.
Seek to release your attachment to the story-line of ‘me.’ See today as a blank slate and enjoy the idea that this moment is a new beginning. You can choose to experience life without a running inner commentary, without fear, having nothing to prove. Simply do your best, act with integrity and accept what is. When you have nothing to prove, the whole world belongs to you.
Life becomes much more simple when we are joyful, balanced and at ease with ourselves. Love yourself enough to enjoy who you are. You are right where you need to be – an awakening master on the path of transformation.


One challenge that many spiritual seekers encounter is opposition from those around them. The ego may, for a time, flame the inner struggle between the human desire to be accepted and the souls desire to live in ones truth. Those who oppose you teach you how to be authentic. They will be the first to point out when your actions are hypocritical. They will demand explanations and then pick apart spiritual ideas in a way that may cause the newly awakened to doubt their own experiences and insights; however, this articulation (especially to oneself) is an important aspect of spiritual awakening.

True empowerment resides in humility and enlightenment. When you notice the egos desire to be right, to score points off a frustrating person or even to be recognized as a spiritual master, go within and consciously release the need to speak. Watch how strongly the mind responds… Your authenticity has a greater impact than changing someones mind, performing miracles or receiving temporary adulation from the uninitiated. Life will always present the ideal situation for your growth. The spiritual student will look at a challenge and ask themselves what there is to be learned. A master will look at the ease and joys of life asking the very same question.


“A spiritual teacher is sometimes necessary to help you uncover that one thing you do not wish to see.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Our culture is based upon doing rather than being. Throughout many facets of life, we are taught that we must take some action to fix, achieve, or be productive in order to feel happy and fulfilled.

A life of spiritual practice is often one of opposites. When a challenge arises or when triggered, take a moment to simply be with it. Be a loving witness to whatever unfolds in your experience rather than immediately jumping up to fix the problem. Consider that it has some meaning for your journey.

Remaining present and in a continuing state of acceptance is not passivity or apathy. Quite the opposite, it takes an incredible amount of conscious awareness and discipline to stay deeply centered in the Now – aware, empowered and aligned with grace.

Observe how often anger or reactivity arises in your experience and utilize it as a barometer to check the progression of your spiritual growth. You may discover yourself in situations where anger used to arise and instead find that you are calm, centered and insightful. This is the beautiful evolution of your soul entering new levels of awareness.

The Work of a Lifetime

“Whenever your relationship is not working, whenever it brings out the ‘madness’ in your and in your partner, be glad. What was unconscious is being brought up to the light. It is an opportunity for salvation.”
~Eckhart Tolle~
Our relationships are the playground of spiritual awakening. Whether with lovers, family, co-workers, friends or the frustrating person behind you in line at the store, each plays a significant role in your souls development. When you choose to bring a higher consciousness to your interactions, there is a greater possibility of staying present in the midst of challenging situations rather than becoming reactive.
When you interact with someone who is caught in the pain of unconsciousness, become a source of compassion. Observe what arises for you and hold it in your loving embrace rather than feeding the situation with additional negative energy.
One of the greatest gifts you can give is the ability to hold space for another. The choice to stay present and listen without defensiveness or judgment creates space where a transformation can occur. As long as one person is conscious, new energy has the potential to break through old patterns and limiting beliefs.

Choose Celebration

“There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”
~Nelson Mandela~

There is no need to wait for a reason to be joyful. Honor this moment through laughter and playfulness and bring a gentle awareness to the perfection of your life. The ego-mind creates a heaviness that distracts one from enjoying the present moment. It may tell you that things are not good enough, that you are not yet good enough or that there’s too much to be done… there’s no time to be silly or frivolous. Consider that the egos job is to teach through the contrast; therefore, choosing to purposely explore the opposite of it’s serious inclination is a good use of your energy.

Those who know how to celebrate life also know the joys of working hard, and loving deeply. They bring an empowered, meditative quality to the present moment rather than being lost in thought. See if you can recognize the sacredness in the ordinary. Existence responds to the wonder of your light. Open your heart to the moment and be the loving witness to all that you see.