Baby steps spark miracles

Baby steps spark miracles.

Ready for change in your life? See it, and take one conscious step toward it today. That’s it. Your momentum sparks energy that moves in new directions. There’s nothing to be gained by procrastination. It’s said that your point of power is always in the present moment. This moment.

The key is to focus upon creating a life filled with happiness and fulfillment, then live it Now to the best of your ability. When we release attachment to the “hows” we create a space in which transformation can occur. One baby step leads to another, and another. Typically, there is no great fanfare at the beginning of new ideas or dreams, just a desire to move and a quiet wisdom that simply says “yes”.

Today my intention is to open my consciousness to the expansion of life.

Compassion and understanding

Everyone says that they wish for happiness, yet they still cling to the ideas and things that bring them misery.

“The more we practice with our own struggles and relate to them as our vehicle to awakening, the less we will judge our struggles as defects. Likewise in relationships, the more we can remember that others also have the wish to learn from their struggles, the less we will judge others as defective when we see them caught in their distress.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Compassion and understanding are the side effects of conscious listening. Whenever you choose to bring an open heart to your meeting place, you create the opportunity to learn something new. From this space of awareness, you’ll discover an alternative viewpoint, garner understanding of another’s challenges or fears and have a greater opportunity to move into love.

Love and judgment cannot coexist in the same space. Look upon yourself with compassion. Look upon others with compassion. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to your life experiences. This is even more important within the workings of the mind. Every thought sends energy out into the universe. Purposely send kindness whenever possible… and as the Dalai Lama says, “It is always possible.”

Today my intention is to honor everyone as my teacher.

You are a sacred expression of life.

Let your dance be alive, radiant, contented and blissful.

“The authentic master is concerned only with one single thing – to provoke you to see your potentiality, to see inward.”

You are a living, vibrant expression of the Universe, sacred, complete and whole. You are not broken nor wounded; however, you have spent lifetimes believing that you are. The time has come to see beyond ancient beliefs that have outlived their usefulness. Take a breath… who is breathing?

The dance of awakening is different for everyone. We are all masters in the process of awakening, just functioning at differing phases of the journey. The more you share, the more you will have and the freer you will feel. Sharing creates a dynamic of living experience. Have you ever felt a decrease in your life by giving love or joy to another? You are a wellspring of infinite grace and possibility.

The awakening master realizes that life is only an reflection of one’s innermost state of consciousness; therefore, turn inward, drop illusion and immerse yourself in the love, light and laughter of the Universe.

Today my intention is to open my heart. I am safe. I am love. I am.

Seeing clearly

Be willing to see clearly.

“Spiritual work is possible in one place alone:  here, in exactly what you are experiencing right now.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Underneath the cacophony of the mind and the turbulence of the physical world lies a stillness that is infinite. A human experiencing internal quietude is far different from the quiet one might experience in nature. Far away from the sounds of the modern world, the silence can sometimes be deafening; however, that silence is merely the absence of noise.

Take yourself within, moving beneath the movement, thoughts and desires of everyday life. You are an infinite being and are far, far greater than you know. All the wisdom you seek is within you. Once you find a way to touch this stillness, you’ll discover a sense of grace that stays with you always.

Drink from the depths of your own wisdom. Plan a day of letting go, of releasing all thought and expectation. Can you reside in stillness and become like calm waters? It’s likely that the mind will try to kick into high gear; however, by focusing your attention deeply in the Now – walking, meditating, eating, observing – all become deeply rooted in stillness.

Today my intention is to remember that real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.

Cultivating patience

Image result for the good traveler has no fixed plans

You are right where you need to be.

“Suffering turns into hopelessness when you forget that it’s your teacher.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Sometimes it may feel like you are stuck. You’ve completed one aspect of your journey, the energy there has depleted and you may feel unsure of what your next steps should be. These are the perfect times to practice being present and cultivate the art of patience. The ego wants to pace in frustration – “I need to move now!” and it can be a struggle to remember that you’re exactly where you need to be.

When traveling by train in Europe last year, I discovered that the process was to simply to stand ready and periodically glance at the board to see when the next train was coming and where it would arrive. Being there for the first time, it was a bit unnerving to figure out a new process and trust that all was well. Some trains were right on time and easy to spot while others simply showed a delay and, of course, no amount of angst would hurry it along any faster.

The same concept applies to your spiritual journey. When you’ve completed one aspect of your growth, you must exit the train and wait. This period of stoppage is often necessary while outside factors fall into place for the next steps of your journey. At that moment you have a choice: you can complain or worry, or you can interact with those around you and pass the time in a way that’s open and friendly. When you consciously choose to bring willingness and patience to all the little aspects of your daily walk, your life becomes a peaceful place.

Today my intention is to trust that all will unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time. I am at peace.

You can set yourself free

You can choose to set yourself free.

“We cling to our beliefs, even when we know they cause us suffering. We maintain our illusions, even when they make us miserable. We know this, but we refuse to act on it….
What are we waiting for?”
~Ezra Bayda~

Don’t demand that you be perfect. Rather than wishing for the life where you are always zen, no longer subject to the manipulations of the ego or no longer subject to the very human emotions that we all share; choose instead to simply have the intention to live an authentic life.

On the long, transformative path to freedom, we are prompted to release old patterns and beliefs as they arise while making conscious choices that create an internal movement of joy and awakening. Be patient but consistent with yourself, choosing to live with appreciation and kindness. Seek to bring compassion to all of your interactions and you will continue to change in amazing ways.

Think of those you admire and list the qualities that inspire you. Read through the list, giving gratitude for the teachers that have come into your experience. Now know this: If you spot it, you got it! You would not recognize these wonderful attributes if they were not yours as well. Bring them consciously to the surface of your heart and live them to the best of your ability.

Today my intention is to remember there’s no one special I need to be. I only need to be present and open.

You are the Universe in motion

Love more. Participate more. Share your light and passions.

“When the world feels overwhelming, I want to love bigger, I want to love louder, I want to be connected to my community.”
~Mona Tavakoli~

You are changing the world. Every life you touch shifts in response to your unique energy. Each of us has an opportunity to love, to be expansive, inclusive, joyful and compassionate. Standing strong and confident in the light of your true nature allows the Divine to work through you in miraculous ways. Even a smile, heartfelt and genuine, can awaken the light in those around us.

Everything is energy. Surround yourself with uplifting books, music, people, ideas and art. Be inspired by those who live awakened lives and purposely choose to be inspirational to others. This is the moment of transformation and you are a blessing.

Today my intention is to bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place.

Living fearlessly

When fear arises, don’t reject it. Shine the light of consciousness upon it.

“The little self, driven by fear and a craving for comfort, identifies only with “me.” The true self, driven by nothing, identifies with the unbounded awareness that we truly are.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The light of consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. When we turn to face our fears and look at them objectively, their hold upon us begins to lessen. We can transform them by embracing the present moment with gratitude and gentleness.

The words scared and sacred are identical except for a slight shift in perception. Similarly, fear can become a vibrant breakthrough by shifting our view. You have the power to transform your world.

Practice fearlessness. When fear arises, say “fear is here” or “my ego is in fear mode…” rather than saying “I am afraid.” This simple choice allows you to see it more clearly rather than reaffirming it.

Some people surround themselves with others, create busy lives or keep the tv on in the background rather than being alone with their thoughts. Cultivate the ability to be comfortable with yourself. Observe how life supports you. Bless the sun as it shines upon you, the water that nourishes you, the air that gives you life. The Divine is touching your life in countless ways.

Today my intention is to be gentle with myself.

What lies within

Life responds to you.

“And what is the path?
To learn to reside in whatever life presents.
To learn to attend to all those things
that block the flow of a more open life,
and to see them as the very path to awakening –
all the constructs, the identities,
the holding back, the protections,
all the fears, the self-judgments, the blame –
all that separates us from letting life be.”
~Ezra Bayda~

In the present moment there is no regret, there is no worry. Only infinite possibility. What we choose to think dictates our state of happiness. What if you decided to greet each moment with only the willingness to experience it as it is with no mental construct? You would free yourself from the bondage of the mind.

Seek to bring stillness into your daily experience. Periodically throughout the day, check in with your body. Notice whether you feel tense or stressed or if you are able to simply enjoy the task at hand. It can be surprising how often we discover that the ego has subtly crept in to create dissatisfaction, when in reality, all is well.

Everything unfolds in the way that is most appropriate for your spiritual growth. As you awaken to your true, infinite nature, you’ll become a source of kindness and consistency, a space of peace in an ever-changing world.

Today my intention is to love.

Your journey is unique

Live in celebration of life.

“Your life should reach to others. Your blissfulness, your benediction, your ecstasy should not be contained within you like a seed.”

When you release expectation and simply take responsibility for your own joy in this moment, you create space for a new quality of peace and stillness in your experience. From this level of awareness it’s easier to slow down and remain balanced, even when swimming in the depths of emotional waters.

So many are running. Every day is a race from one task to another, attending to the demands and illusions of what is important rather than tending to the needs of the heart. Conversely, when you approach your physical experience with passion, balance and joy, you’ll discover that life actually flows more easily. Time seems to slow. Tasks become manageable because your experience is always a reflection of your inner state of consciousness.

Follow your inner guidance and remember that truth speaks in whispers while the ego is loud and repetitive. You’ll know you’re trusting yourself when you feel balanced, whole and peaceful. Your journey is unlike any other. Give expression to your passion and your joy.

Today my intention is to stay deeply rooted in the present moment. When I bring a sense of wholeness to my work, I become aligned with life in new and miraculous ways.