Inner Presence

Spiritual maturity is the realization of your potential.

“Maturity has nothing to do with your life experiences. It has something to do with you inward journey, experiences of the inner.”

Presence is achieved by going inward and accessing grace. The ego disappears, the roles and life situations become transparent and only empowered silence remains. When you begin to realize that you are much, much more than the stories of the mind, you have planted the seeds of your own spiritual maturity.

We seek validation from others when existence itself is ready to communicate with us. Go inward and free yourself. The Divine seeks expression through you – allow it to flow without limitation. Be.

Today my intention is to be a living flame of awareness.


I am: the most powerful words

Your words create your reality.

“I Am: two of the most powerful words; for what you put after them shapes your reality.”
~Bevan Lee~  

Your words have power. They send energy outward and moment by moment create the reality you experience. Observe your inner dialogue as well as the words that you choose to speak. Are you supportive of yourself? Excited? Passionate? Optimistic?

Many people have wonderful moments of accessing their infinite potential when focused upon gratitude or meditation, only to sabotage later in the day with words of self deprecation. Your thoughts, words and beliefs are constantly setting the stage for what you experience; therefore, it’s important to purposefully consider what you send out in to the world so that you create movement and growth rather than reinforce perceived negative aspects of your journey.

Be gentle with yourself. Know that you are supported and loved and guided each and every step of the way.

Today my intention is to bring a conscious awareness of purpose and empowerment to any “I Am” statements I make.

Love the journey

The journey is the destination.
“Life is an adventure. Invite constant adventures, and whenever a call comes from the unknown, listen to it. Risk all and go into the unknown, because this is the only way to live at the maximum.”

New experiences bring new beginnings. They offer an opportunity to explore undiscovered aspects of ourselves. Fresh adventures have a unique beauty all their own. When you see your journey as a joy and a celebration, you’ll find that true security comes from a willingness to be fully present within the never-ending expansiveness of life.

Today is a new world filled with infinite possibility. When you meet another, be spontaneous. Listen and let your authentic self shine. Planning creates a rigid sense of expectation and limitation that precludes our ability to trust and express our inner wisdom.

Today my intention is to remember that life has been given to me to celebrate, create and rejoice.

As we change….

As we change, the world around us is transformed.

“You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we’re not. We always have the power of our minds…Claim and consciously use your power.”
~Louise Hay~

Whenever you are faced with a challenging situation you have three choices: change it, leave it or accept it. All transformation begins within. You have the ability to shift any limiting patterns or beliefs and move into conscious empowerment, and that change begins now.

What do you wish to create in your life? Ensure that your choices and words reflect the magic of infinite possibility. Ideas of lack are simply egoic stories that tend to keep us trapped in repetitive patterns. Be willing to expand your current ways of thinking by exploring new expressions of energy and movement.

Your happiness and inspiration will inform the energy that inhabits every cell in the body, every thought and dream. You have the power to set miracles in motion.

Today my intention is to be a living expression of the love, light and laughter of the Universe.

Be willing to accept a miracle

You can create the life of your dreams.

“Today I am willing to accept a miracle,
to see clearly,
communicate effectively,
love unconditionally,
project the aura of a goddess,
embrace my creativity, sensuality and the joy of life,
as I walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.” 

Every day you have the opportunity to choose how you will direct your energy. Fear is a choice, so is love. It’s important to utilize the mind as a tool rather than allowing it to become the master of your experience.

No matter how far you have come, you have only begun to scratch the surface of your gifts and potential. See yourself as a lifetime student of love. Revel in the nuanced symphony of time and space, for this beautiful world has much to teach.

Focus on your end result of happiness and satisfaction and live it now to the best of your ability. This keeps your energy and attention at higher levels of consciousness. Life will rise up to meet you there.

Today my intention is to move with grace, patience and trust.

Anger destroys your peace

You don’t need to be angry in order to create powerful change.

“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you more conscious.
Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”

When frustration, anger or sadness arises, become ever more observant and alert. Something is ready to be addressed, healed or cleared. Bring a sense of consciousness to the darkest aspects of your experience.

Your light can see challenges as opportunities to awaken. When one becomes lost in anger, in fighting, energy dissipates. The fight can become draining. However, actions taken from the higher vibrations of love, compassion and acceptance transform one’s energy into pure potential.

Let your actions be sparked by passion. Fine tune them with focused intent and watch the miracles that unfold. The higher your state of consciousness, the more power you have.

Today my intention is to appreciate the perfection of my journey of awakening.

Working within the present moment

Your experience of life is a reflection of your state of consciousness. Don’t fight against what is, use it to grow and move forward.

“Resistance is a conditioned response of the ego; it’s the ego’s effort to maintain control, the ego’s fear of giving up the known. Often our resistance prevents us from staying in the present moment for more than a few seconds. We resist because we want to avoid feeling the underlying jangle of our actual experience. We move away from discomfort into the false comfort of our thoughts. But no matter what form it takes, resistance brings no peace, we strengthen whatever we resist. By resisting something we solidify it, empowering it to stay in our life.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Embrace the Now by accepting what is. As awakening masters, we begin with the premise that we have created or agreed to participate in the experiences of our lives. Your souls purpose is to awaken – that’s it; therefore, every situation you face is playing a role in that awakening. Resistance keeps us stuck in repetitive patterns. Observe how often the mind says “This will never change” or “That’s the way I’ve always been” and then consciously examine that thought to reach a deeper truth.

You are far more than the history of this life and your limitless potential awaits discovery. See yourself as an adventurer. Seek the lessons within your life situation allow yourself to walk this earth with empowerment, grace and peace.

Today my intention is to turn every experience into an opportunity to grow.


Bathe in the splendor of your own light

You are a child of light. You are a living expression of the Divine.

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. I support myself, and life supports me. I look forward with enthusiasm to the adventures of the day, knowing that in my life, ‘All is good.’ I am the living, loving, joyous expression of life.”
~Louise Hay~

Imagine seeing yourself as light and choose to make your journey of transformation a joyous adventure. Trust the processes of your awakening and learn to see past the mechanisms of the mind. You are not broken, nor too wounded to be happy. You have merely forgotten your Divine nature. Spiritual evolution is not so much about change as it is about dropping beliefs and energies that block you from seeing the truth.

You meticulously arranged this incarnation with the ideal foundation and karmic scenarios to facilitate specific lessons for this lifetime. Embrace yourself as you are. Celebrate your unique way of being in the world. See every moment as an opportunity for your light to shine.

Today my intention is to remember that I am a beloved child of the universe. I fill my life, my home and my experiences with love.

Repetitive life patterns

Lessons repeat, growing in intensity, until we no longer require them.

“Suffering turns to hopelessness when you forget that it’s your teacher.”
~Ezra Bayda~

In the midst of a challenge, take a moment to examine the events of your life to see if you notice a repetitive pattern emerge. If you have often felt abandoned by people you trust, unheard by those around you, consistently struggle to feel financially secure or experience disappointment in love, there is a core limiting belief that needs to be healed.

Choose to transform any semblance of victim consciousness you may cling to into a powerful aspect of your spiritual awakening. We are often very resistant when it comes to seeing ourselves clearly. This is why life will present the same lesson in many different forms, growing in intensity, until it becomes glaringly obvious. Once the blinders come off, you’ll be able to begin the process of change.

Pay close attention to your inner dialogue as well as how you describe the situation to those to whom you turn. Notice repetitive words or phrases that come through such as, “Nothing I do is good enough” or “Every time things start going well, the rug is pulled out from under me.” Those are limiting core beliefs and they can consciously be changed by changing how you think.

Love yourself. Begin now. A gift awaits discovery.

Today my intention is to say Yes to life. Everything plays a specific purpose in my awakening.

Bring out the best in one another

Love allows you to recognize the sacredness in another.

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Life provides a reflection of our innermost state of consciousness. Therefore, do you best to live in such a way that you reflect the sacredness of those with whom you interact. Let your life be your message. Help others to discover their own beauty and worth by helping them to see new possibilities.

This calls upon us to purposely release any judgment or blame and reside in the higher frequencies of acceptance, willingness or love. When you strive only to be a loving reflection, you create space where transformation can occur. Without anything to fight against, the defense mechanisms of the ego can drop. What remains is pure potential.

Your soul calls upon you to be authentic and expansive. Imagine yourself as a peaceful, compassionate role model.

Today my intention is to share a new type of vision – one that sees infinite possibility.