Let your life be your message

Celebrate all paths as sacred.

“A glimpse into the eternity of our existence is a gift, and understanding the function of karma in our lives is not something that can be grasped at will. This is a wake up call; the events in your life are trying to show you a pattern as ancient as the journey of your own soul.”

Every path to awakening is different and anything can lead to a life-altering flash of awareness. Since we cannot anticipate what will spark growth in those we love, we must focus upon our own journey and become living examples of consciousness in action. As your soul moves into greater awareness, you’ll discover the limitless possibility that each loving action, kind word or life affirming prayer of compassion contains.

You may or may not be present to see the outcome; however, never doubt the impact that you have on those who grace your life. Many who struggle with repetitive patterns have carried them for lifetimes. Will this be the lifetime of transformation? Perhaps. Will you play a role in the awakening of another? Absolutely! Celebrate each path, each moment and every interaction as sacred. Your light sends waves of energy throughout the Universe.

Today my intention is to bring the best version of myself to my life situation. I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service. 

Know thyself

All change begins within.

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”

You are far more than the experiences of this life. Underneath the concept of what role you play, your likes and dislikes, goals and dreams, fear and desire is the true infinite nature of your divinity. You’ve cultivated a life filled with opportunities to know yourself at the deepest level.

Practice looking beyond the obvious. Create silent spaces in your experience to explore the vastness of the infinite. See your life as an adventure and know that you have the ability to emerge from any challenge with surprising courage and resilience.

To know yourself as Consciousness having a human experience frees you from being dependent upon outcomes. A playfulness comes into your life and you’ll discover the joy that is your true nature.
Today my intention is to bring peace to my experience of the present moment.

The gifts of disruption

Upheaval has a way of waking us up.

“When our plans crumble and there seems to be nothing left, it is only by completely surrendering to what is that we can realize that what is left is more than enough.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The human condition of suffering is driven by a need to feel safe and secure; however, the soul is driven by a desire to explore the many facets of freedom. Many become trapped within the expectations of the mind thinking once I have the partner, the home, the career, or X amount in the bank, I can relax and be happy. This constant setting of goals, seeking and worrying becomes the norm and one can become lulled into complacency.

When disruption enters our experience, we are jolted into awareness. We become fully engaged in the present moment and do what needs to be done. As the dust settles, we discover what has true and lasting value and the light and potential of the human spirit emerges stronger.

See upheaval as a gift. Yes, it shakes us to our core and takes us unexpected places. That is what it is meant to do. No matter what unfolds, recognize that you have the strength to face it, to learn from it and awaken to your true potential. This is why we are here.
Today my intention is to know that I am right where I need to be. Life will always present whatever experience is needed in order for me to move to the next level of consciousness.


Expand your consciousness through experience.

Sutra: Sat Chit Ananda (saht chit ah-NAN-dah)
Meaning: My inner dialogue reflects the fire of my soul

“The mantra – sat chit ananda – tells us that our soul is that place which is spontaneously love, knowingness, and bliss.”
~Deepak Chopra~

When your self talk is aligned with the love of the Divine, you are in tune with universal consciousness. Your inner wisdom, grace and acceptance create an aura of empowerment that emanates from you in myriad ways.

This power, unlike ego-generated self confidence, is not based upon outside factors and therefore is not reliant upon them. Money, relationships, health and experiences can then ebb and flow. Fear dissipates and life becomes an exploration of experience.

Loving and supportive inner dialogue helps us break free from old patterns of limiting thoughts and beliefs. It promotes spiritual development and accelerates positive change.

Observe the ego when it arises. Bless it for the lessons it has come to teach and then choose to see beyond it to the fire of your soul. Quieting the voice of ego will allow the vibrant light of your inner beauty to shine through.

Today my intention is to dance in the moonlight.


If your only prayer was “thank you” that would suffice.

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”
~William Arthur Ward~

Your words have power. They can elevate or destroy. They can reinforce and encourage or be used to sabotage. As a conscious creator, practice mindfulness when you speak. Know that your words are expressions of the vital, powerful energy that flows through you and constantly affects the world around you. Every cell in your body responds to your self-talk. Allow love and gratitude to create miracles in your experience.

If you choose never to complain, voice opinions or belittle another, what would your life look like? Likely, a peaceful stillness would emanate from you and people would be drawn into your presence. Cultivate a greater awareness, not only of what you send out into the world, but also of your inner dialogue. Gratitude sparks feelings of abundance, joy and Presence.  This is the road to inner mastery.

Today my intention is to celebrate the beauty that surrounds me. This moment is filled with infinite possibility.

Your point of power

The present moment is always your point of power.

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. All is well in my world.”
~Louise Hay~

Nothing is more more important than your state of consciousness in this moment. If you notice things you’d like to change in your experience, make a loving choice to do things differently today. Be willing to shift and know that you are in the process of awakening. There are countless treasures waiting to be discovered.

You are the power in your world. You can be free from destructive thought and repetitive patterns. The first step is awareness. When you shine the light of consciousness, all is transformed. Any resistance that arises (from within yourself or from another) is an indicator that something profound is happening. See it clearly and then take a conscious action that supports the new energy or insight. One conscious action will lead to another.

Today my intention is to be responsible for my own joy. All that I need is already here.

Dream the masterpiece into being

You are a work in progress.

“Nobody else gets to live your life. You’re the artist. Paint your picture. Dream your own masterpiece into being.”
~Anna Taylor~

Some people can look at a stone or a piece of wood and see something unique and beautiful waiting to emerge. The look through the lens of possibility and dare to remove the excess in order to bring something new into being. They recognize the beauty in both its forms – the raw, pure potential as well as the exquisite finished masterpiece – and they explore the process with love.

Choose to view life in the same way. Find the inherent beauty in what is and also see what could be. It takes courage to chip away at the excess, and perhaps the vision may change as you go through the process; but it’s love, consistency, bravery and empowered action that spark the imagination.
What wonders are waiting to emerge?
Today my intention is to be a conscious co-creator of my own experience.

Consciousness is bliss

Joy is impossible without pain.

“There is often a vague sense of danger with which we greet almost every person and every situation. If it had a voice, it might whisper, “Please don’t hurt me.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Prior to awakening, we humans relate to the world from a space of self-protection while living in prisons of our own making. When interacting with those who have yet to awaken, remember that fear dominates their world. Bring a sense of compassion and choose to show them the beauty that comes from living a conscious life.

The journey to awakening brings glimpses of joy, wholeness and inner wisdom. We begin to see greater possibilities. We learn how to transform challenges into empowerment. We discover the passion that comes from living an authentic life. Life becomes an adventure rather than a struggle.

With all this beauty and potential flowing in to your experience, it can be easy to forget the pain that originally sparked the movement toward higher consciousness. When you see someone who is in misery or distress, consider that they may be in the process of a profound shift of awareness. Rather than add to their story with reactive judgment, attachment or frustration, choose to be a light in the darkness. Your kindness can change the world.

Today my intention is to be grateful for the challenges that helped me to awaken. Without them, we would all be somewhere considerably different right now…

The love vibration

At the core of everything – love.

“Simple kindness to one’s self and all that lives is the most powerful transformational force of all.”
~David R. Hawkins~

The higher your vibrational frequency, the simpler life becomes. From this space of experience we learn the art of non-attachment. Choices are made from the heart rather than the mind and an empowered quiet stillness underlies our interactions.

While karmic or ego-generated love can quickly flip between love and hate, authentic Love has no opposite. It is gracious, non-judgmental, inclusive and intuitive. The healing process becomes one of bringing Love to a situation until it is transformed. The light of consciousness transforms all that it shines upon.

Once we become willing to give love, we discover that it is all around us. You are a conduit for the light of the Divine. This planet offers limitless opportunities to cultivate this aspect of your experience.
Today my intention is to be grateful for the many miracles that grace my life.   


Seek to recognize the sacred in one another.

“Spirituality is not the practice of any virtue; spirituality is the gaining of a new vision.”

This moment is an opportunity to love. You can greet it with open arms or you can close down in fear. As your consciousness expands, your perception shifts and things begin to change. When you are able to recognize the sacred in another, it changes how you choose to interact – there is only support, kindness, acceptance and understanding. You are set free from limitation.

Whether love calls you into action, acceptance, grace, forgiveness or compassion, know that you have the ability to transform any situation. Become one with the present moment. Choose a quiet space and take a moment to breathe. Still your mind and go within. Imagine that with each breath you inhale vibrant energy of pure potential. Feel its sparkling power as it informs and awakens every aspect of your being to the infinite possibilities that await discovery.
Today my intention is to keep things simple. In the stillness of Now, I have the ability to transcend the realm of thought and enter the infinite realm of the sacred.