Joy is impossible without pain.
“There is often a vague sense of danger with which we greet almost every person and every situation. If it had a voice, it might whisper, “Please don’t hurt me.”
~Ezra Bayda~
Prior to awakening, we humans relate to the world from a space of self-protection while living in prisons of our own making. When interacting with those who have yet to awaken, remember that fear dominates their world. Bring a sense of compassion and choose to show them the beauty that comes from living a conscious life.
The journey to awakening brings glimpses of joy, wholeness and inner wisdom. We begin to see greater possibilities. We learn how to transform challenges into empowerment. We discover the passion that comes from living an authentic life. Life becomes an adventure rather than a struggle.
With all this beauty and potential flowing in to your experience, it can be easy to forget the pain that originally sparked the movement toward higher consciousness. When you see someone who is in misery or distress, consider that they may be in the process of a profound shift of awareness. Rather than add to their story with reactive judgment, attachment or frustration, choose to be a light in the darkness. Your kindness can change the world.
Today my intention is to be grateful for the challenges that helped me to awaken. Without them, we would all be somewhere considerably different right now…