Our collective transformation

Life is rarely as serious as the mind makes it out to be.

“Every event is an opportunity to connect with the vastness of being.”
~Ezra Bayda~

There are various aspects to spiritual awakening: personal, ancestral, collective. We begin by focusing on the self, healing old wounds, releasing judgment and anger and discovering healthy empowerment. But growth doesn’t end there. Our expanding sense of “We are One” takes on new meaning as we open our hearts to show others the way. By teaching we anchor our knowledge and are compelled to apply it in our life situations.

Personal evolution transforms into ancestral growth. The members of our soul group are also affected and will share in the new energy we emit. As you clear your own karmic imbalances, it frees those spirits to explore new aspects of their own awakening.

Collective awakening calls upon us to slow down and share with another person or with a group. This outward exploration of your inner soul work is a demonstration of Oneness. To participate in a living, evolving experience of mutual awakening is a high form of awareness. Love, teach, be an example… repeat.
Today my intention is to remember that everything offers an opportunity to awaken.


Your life is meant to be a loving conversation between you and the Divine.

“The small things of life have to be transformed by your inner transformation. This I call the religious quality; everything becomes sacred. Taking a bath, making love, eating food, going to sleep – everything becomes sacred.”

Imagine what your life experience would be like if gratitude was the first thing to come to mind in every situation. Each step you take, each moment would simply be part of a loving conversation. As the mind is reconditioned to see the good, expect joy and embrace what is, this approach will become your natural way of being.

Gratitude lifts us higher. It transforms the ordinary into the extraordinary. To the outside eye it may appear that nothing has changed. We still “chop wood and carry water” however, the quality of the work is transformed. A spiritual, balanced life is one that blends the meditative qualities of a buddha within the human experience.

Mastery is the allowing of your true inner spirit to shine. It is your birthright, your joy, your expression of life. It awakens through your gratitude.
Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.

Mindful communication

Before you speak, ask yourself if what you intend to say is helpful, loving or uplifting.
If not, it can wait…perhaps forever.

“A positive mind finds opportunity in everything. A negative mind finds fault in everything.”

The awakened soul sees things differently. As we enter higher levels of consciousness, we are able to view the world from a broader vantage point. Every breakthrough is the beginning of a new vision and a new way of being.

Be mindful of what you choose to share with others. Your words have great power and gossip, anger, frustration or judgment will waste your precious energy by feeding it into what you do not want in your experience. Conversely, mindful communication calls upon us to ask ourselves if what we are going to say or share will be of positive benefit to others. For instance, complaints or the sharing of bad news do nothing but destroy ones peace and the joy of others in the vicinity; while a complaint followed by a positive course of action acts as an inspiration to create a difference and indicates one is taking personal responsibility for their own joy. Even better, the awakened soul doesn’t waste energy discussing the problem, they speak of the solution and then take action.

In a world that seems preoccupied with gossip, opinion, causes and boycotts – seek to accentuate the beauty of life. Participate in things that inspire you and lift your spirit. Be a bringer of light who walks in the world with humility, passion and joy.
Today my intention is to live in harmony with life.

A call for love

Love resides at the core of every situation.

“The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.”
~Deepak Chopra~

Together we walk the path of awakening. The relationships that are drawn into your experience provide the perfect situations to facilitate your personal growth. When you choose to view the world through love’s filter; it changes your perception. Everything becomes simple: it is either love or a call for love.

When challenges arise, we must sometimes dig deeply within in order to access our ability to love. See those who challenge you as healing angels who play a role that provides an opportunity to strengthen your ability to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego. When you can recognize the sacredness in yourself and in the other, life opens.

The ultimate goal is unconditional love. This calls upon us to begin within. Our outward experience of love and acceptance is directly related to the love and acceptance we have for ourselves. As kindness awakens with you, it overflows into your life experience and is reflected back through your interactions.
Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.

Enter into stillness


There is strength in silence.

“True silence can only be found when you move inwards. It exists in your very interiority. Then it has infinite depth and infinite height. It is immeasurable. And to know it is to know all.”

Silence is more than the absence of noise. It is an inner communion with peace and awareness. In the stillness we become open to receive and it is within that gap of ‘no mind’ that we can touch the infinite.

Our current experience of the world is one of bombardment – a blend of sound, marketing, opinions, expectations and ego-driven thought. Our senses are often overwhelmed. Many spend each day running to accomplish many self-imposed tasks while neglecting the one thing that truly matters – grace.

Create pauses throughout your day to appreciate the beauty around you. Stop and breathe. Find something for which you can be grateful. Imagine joy flooding every aspect of your being. Touch the realm of limitless possibility and you will discover inner sacredness and beauty.
Today my intention is to be still.

Childlike innocence

Image result for quotes childlike wonder

Now is the time to rediscover the magic of life.

“Enlightenment only grows in the soil of innocence. Innocence means childlike wonder, awe. The enlightened person is the one who is continuously wondering.”

For many, the joy of discovery is a forgotten language. They approach life with a seriousness that blocks the possibility of appreciating the wonders that are all around them. The filters of adulthood preclude the experience of wonderment and they look upon those who dance with delight as fools.

Yet, the fool is closer to enlightenment. Fully present, she brings a playful curiosity to her experiences. She sees the sacred in the trees, animals and the earth and plays with sparks of Divine energy.

Unlearn some of your seriousness. Spiritual awakening is finding the innocence of your true nature which lies hidden under layers and layers of conditioning and the weight of expectations.

A mind that is receptive, playful and relaxed is a mind that is open to inspiration and insight. Don’t try so hard – all you need to know is within you and it will make itself known when you are ready to receive.
Today my intention is to embrace life’s magic by being playful and open.


Love what you do

Know your role, embrace it and share your passions.

“I love myself; therefore, I work at a job I truly enjoy doing, one that uses my creative talents and abilities, working with and for people I love and who love me, and earning a good income.”

~Louise Hay~
When you chose to come to planet earth, you chose one of seven roles to explore throughout your many lifetimes. They are:
Priest, Server, Sage Artisan, King, Warrior or Scholar
There are many ways to express yourself. For instance, a server may be someone who runs a household or b&b, works to protect or teach others or literally serves in the hospitality industry. For those whose mission is to serve, fulfilled comes through service.

Priests tend to the spiritual needs of others. They may be found in spiritual centers or yoga classes, working as therapists or in positions where they can be uplifting and are dedicated to the higher good.

Sages love to be on center stage. They are often humorous and creative while Artisans seek expression through their creations.

Kings and Warriors tend to run things and always seek action. They are organized, passionate and accomplish a lot. They enjoy the physical aspects of our planetary experience.

Scholars consistently seek new information and experience. They are typically neutral and can see both sides of a situation. They tend to be more quiet and withdrawn than other roles.

Our collective experience needs all of these roles blended together in order for us to have a balanced experience. Once you embrace who you are and live it to the best of your ability, you naturally bring a beautiful energy to the planet.
Today my intention (as a Priest) is to inspire others to access their own inner wisdom.

Universal love

Be the reason that someone smiles today.

“All of life is a circle or spiral of experience, and no point on the circle is better than any other. Each point is merely a different perspective with a different lesson behind it. We are all equally part of the whole… regardless of our degree of awareness.”

~The Michael Teachings~

Old souls often struggle to maintain an authentic sense of self while immersed within a society primarily comprised of young and mature souls. While the young soul focus is on power, greed, control, appearances and exerting independence and mature souls create excessive drama, old souls see the world differently and thus, can feel misunderstood and undervalued.

It’s important to remember that all soul ages play a significant role in our collective awakening. Think of the planet as a school. A 12th grader is not better than a 6th grader – they just have more experiences, insight and wisdom. Sometimes old souls may feel detached from the drama and noise of the young/mature soul experience and will simply focus on their own journey while learning patience and compassion along the way.
We are required to share our knowledge by being examples of what is possible.  Decide how you wish to show up in the world. You have the ability to rise above ego-mind and recognize the greater purpose of being here.
Today my intention is to have unconditional love toward myself and others.

True contentment comes from within

Each of us must take responsibility for our own joy.

“The deeper, more genuine experience of happiness is the natural state of our Being when we are not so caught up in our self-centered thoughts and emotions.
Ask yourself: Am I truly happy right now?
What blocks happiness?
Can I surrender to what is?”

~Ezra Bayda~

Ego-driven happiness is based upon attachment to an outcome. The mind sets a goal or expresses a desire which sparks movement on one’s journey. The goal’s only purpose is to create new experiences which will facilitate awakening; however, only the mind attaches, the goal becomes the motivating factor which determines whether or not life is perceived as enjoyable.

Picture someone who is suffering. Is it not because something didn’t turn out as planned? The spouse leaves, the lucrative job slips away, children make their own mistakes, health challenges arise… The antidote is acceptance. Acceptance is not dependent upon whether or not we like something, it is a state of mind and a way of being.

When you make the choice to be happy, you’ll begin to discover how important your thoughts are. Utilize the three questions provided above to bring yourself present. Each question has the zen-like ability to take you deeper into the Now, to tap into your own light and potential. Enjoy your dreams and goals but do not attach to them. Begin with the realization that any perceived blockages are actually vital aspects of your growth and ultimately will lead you to discover the true joy of being.

Today my intention is to remember that true contentment comes from within.

I am….

Every moment you have a choice. What are you creating in your experience?

“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.” 
~Deepak Chopra~
Listen to the words you say. Become a loving observer and consciously choose to shift any habits or words that reinforce old ways of being, blockages or limitation. You are far more powerful than you know and are constantly in the process of creation.

Empowerment comes from taking full responsibility for whatever unfolds in your experience. With this blend of strength and humility it becomes possible to set new intentions and consciously direct your energy in beautiful ways. Life will reflect your beliefs and intentions back to you, and thus begins the process of change.

It’s exciting to remember that no matter how much we have learned or how far we have come, that we have barely scratched the surface of what is possible. Your journey is sacred. You are sacred, and there are many levels still to explore.
Today my intention is to love the journey.