Open your heart

Look for opportunities to practice love.

“Love is the goal – life is the journey.” 
If you are a healer, send light, compassion and kindness today to someone with whom you disagree. If you are a server, extend a hand in love to someone who frustrates you. If you are a teacher, work more intimately with your most challenging student. Giving love transforms us. Giving love to those with whom we don’t identify or particularly care for transforms the world.

Adversity – especially inner conflict generated by blame, resentment or anger – is a fertile playground for spiritual growth. If there is even one person in the world who triggers you, you have an opportunity to utilize the alchemical forces of love and positive intention.

Basic kindness is the essence of your Being. Choose to open your heart and let your light transform all that you see.
Today my intention is to step into compassionate service.  

Life supports you

Love rains down upon you from all dimensions.

“Trust is yes. Knowing that this existence is our mother, that nature is our source and it can’t be against us, it can’t be inimical to us. Seeing this, understanding this, trust arises.” 
Everything in your experience plays a significant role in your awakening. When we choose to be open to life, to say yes to life, amazing things begin to happen. Messages appear and we learn to recognize the support that is available to us.

The awakened life is filled with synchronicities. We draw in the people, circumstances and opportunities that spark movement and growth. You are loved and supported each step of the way and the willingness to receive is paramount.

Spiritual practice is about opening to life. Enter into the realm of infinite possibility and expect a little magic in your experience. The ultimate goal is to see everything as a message from the Divine and to recognize that sacredness within yourself.
Today my intention is to remember that all that I seek is already within me.    


Living beyond happiness

The awakened life is one of contentment.

“We have to keep coming back to the basic understanding: practice is possible in just one place – in residing in exactly what we are experiencing right now.” 
~Ezra Bayda~
Many people choose to be discontented. They don’t enjoy their work or relationships, seek solace in distraction or project a general aura of boredom while they wait for something to change. At this moment in their development, they simply don’t know any better.

This is where the awakened soul can plant seeds of light. Through our kindness and compassion we can choose to bring a higher consciousness to our interactions. Zen is allowing what is without wishing it were different; therefore, instead of trying to teach love, we choose to be love.

In the present moment, can you choose to surrender to what is? That is the foundation of genuine happiness. Make this a daily practice of walking meditation as you go deeper into your own expression of joy. Open yourself to the experience of life without judging or trying to control. This is the art of contentment.

Today my intention is to remember that gratitude creates a natural flow of happiness.  


Sadhana in relationships

Our relationships are the playground of spiritual awakening.
“Whenever your relationship is not working, whenever it brings out the ‘madness’ in you and in your partner, be glad. What was unconscious is being brought up to the light. It is an opportunity for salvation.” 
~Eckhart Tolle~
Relationships, whether with lovers, family, co-workers, friends or the frustrating person behind you in line at the store, play a significant role in your souls development. Each can be your sadhana, your spiritual practice. When we bring a higher consciousness to our interactions, there is a greater possibility of staying present in challenging situations rather than becoming reactive.

If you interact with someone who is caught in the pain of unconsciousness, become a source of compassion. Observe what arises for you and hold it in your loving embrace rather than feeding the situation with negative energy. Eventually, this will become easier and easier – this is the barometer which lets you see how much you are evolving.

One of the greatest gifts you can give another is a healthy and safe space to express himself or herself. As you stay present and listen without defensiveness or judgment, you create a space where a transformation can occur. As long as one person is conscious, new energy has the potential to break through old patterns and limiting beliefs. See yourself as a loving agent of change.

Today my intention is to bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place.  


You can be at peace now by being at peace in the present moment.

“It is only in our thoughts that ideas, beliefs, and problems become solid, dark and unyielding. Reality itself is moveable, light, ever-changing. In our minds we seem trapped, in reality we are utterly free.” 
~Ezra Bayda~
Detachment is a world away from apathy. While apathy says “I don’t care” within a cloak of darkness and despair, detachment allows one to be fully engaged in life without fear or disappointment. This is the secret of happiness and it can only be found within the present moment.

Allow the Divine to express itself through you. In the Now we can participate in life’s dance by choosing to be in harmony with what is. In our free will universe there is always a choice. In the midst of anger or disruption, we might ask ourselves, “Why am I choosing to be angry when I could easily choose to be joyful?” The answer is simple – we’ve allowed the stories of the ego to have enough energy to temporarily take over our state of consciousness. The spiritual seeker may be distressed to realize they’ve dropped to a lower state of consciousness; however, the realization that you’re unconscious actually means that you are awakening.

You are far greater than your thoughts and your emotions. Observe them, detach, accept, dance, share, step into joy, repeat.
Today my intention is to release patterns that no longer serve me.

Conscious suffering

Challenges create a space where a transformation can occur.

“Suffering turns into hopelessness when you forget that it’s your teacher.” 
~Ezra Bayda~
When we seek to avert pain at all costs or when we seek to protect those we love from the challenges in their lives, we block potential breakthroughs. The core of this behavior comes from the belief that we shouldn’t suffer… that the spiritually awakened should no longer draw in the challenges of daily life. This belief is what causes suffering in the human condition.
If instead, we simply saw the experiences that challenge us as opportunities to grow, we would cease to fear them. Cultivating acceptance (saying yes to life) means that we accept all that is. That acceptance immediately begins the process of self-transformation as we journey through the levels of consciousness.
It’s important to remember that anger and resistance strengthen the ego. How quickly can you choose to move into love? Life provides constant opportunities to awaken. Each moment is filled with infinite messages of love from the Divine and as we become more empowered, we purposely transform frustrating life situations into spiritual depth, wisdom and compassion.
Today my intention is to remember that I am responsible for my own joy.


Honor your own path as sacred.
“Knowing that friends and lovers were once strangers to me, I welcome new people into my life.” 
~Louise Hay~
Everyone and everything you experience is responding to your spiritual needs and supporting your journey, regardless of how it may appear.
Prior to birth, we arrange specific karmic agreements such as birth, marriage, betrayal, support, love, inspiration, assistance or opposition, etc. Each karmic situation is meant to teach or balance energy until it is no longer required.
We also have self-karma. This is an internal experience, based upon limiting beliefs or behaviors (addiction, self-worth, judgment, criticism). While processing through these karmas, we energetically draw in people and circumstances that assist us by bringing them to the surface.
As we do our spiritual work and take a more active role in the raising of consciousness, we draw in those who can assist and support us with the goals of acceptance, unconditional love, forgiveness, peace, clarity and the like.
Whether they last for a moment or for a lifetime, all of your relationships play the perfect role in your growth. Take some time today to be grateful for those who challenge, support, teach and inspire.
Today my intention is to send love to those who have graced my life with their presence.


Authentic love has no opposite.

“Once we become willing to give love, the discovery quickly follows that we are surrounded by love and merely didn’t know how to access it. Love is actually present everywhere; its presence only needs to be realized.”
~David R Hawkins~

When we discover the joy of loving without attachment, a whole new world opens for us. Peacefulness and gratitude fill each moment with a sense of grace and life becomes simpler.

You can choose to fall madly in love with life. It is filled with blessings and opportunities to explore new aspects of your being. See it as an adventure.

Repetitive patterns show where we are blocking our ability to give and receive love. What you are willing to receive is directly connected to the amount of love you have for yourself.

As you become aware of this deep connection to the Divine, you will allow yourself to tap into the mastery that is your true birthright. Your experience will be one of passion, appreciation, enthusiasm and vitality. All that you need is already here.

Today my intention is to be a conscious creator. I am here to play in the world of form in ways that are deeply fulfilling.

Act without expectation

All pain is self-inflicted.

Celtic Vows of Friendship
I honor your path
I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place
I drink from your well
I hold no cherished outcome
I will not negotiate by withholding
I am not subject to disappointment

The degree of attachment we have to an outcome determines the level of disappointment we feel when things don’t go as planned. This is one barometer we can use to measure how much we have grown as well as what remains to be healed.

When you choose to consciously live fully present, two things occur: your history, and the baggage that goes along with it, becomes less important and you learn to joyfully embrace what is.

Living (and acting) without expectation cultivates the ability to move into acceptance more easily. We learn to allow people to be who they are. Challenges are transformed into opportunities and we discover empowerment.

You can create the life of your dreams. Honor your path by acting with integrity, doing your best and accepting what is. Everything else will fall into place.

Today my intention is to hold no cherished outcome.


Be kind and gentle with yourself as you grow and change.

“Within grief and loss there is always longing – for wholeness, for harmony, for connection. Trying to ‘move on’ too quickly denies the value of inner exploration.”
~Ezra Bayda~
Most people treat those they love and respect with compassion. They offer supportive words, a hug when required and provide kindnesses to lift the spirit. But when the focus goes inward, the voice of criticism appears. We tend to be much harder on ourselves, subjecting the psyche to an endless diatribe of expectation, recriminations and judgment.
It’s time to see the sacredness in yourself, to honor the past that has brought you to this moment and to celebrate the strength and wisdom you have cultivated along the way. Choosing to see the perfection in the imperfection is a good place to begin. Make a point to observe your self talk and focus on being loving and supportive only. Do not allow corrosive  words to create patterns of limitation and lack. You are here to discover Oneness with all life and the unique energy you bring to the planet with your smile.
The love you have for yourself determines your ability to recognize and receive love from others.
Today my intention is to nurture myself with kind words, conscious choices and supportive action.