

Has your life been a celebration or a sadness?

“Jump into the river, that is the only way to know life. Jump into the river. Never be a spectator. The spectator is the poorest man in the world. Participate.” 
Your life has purpose. The only way to discover that purpose is to live it authentically. The wise man on the mountain may appear peaceful and all-knowing; however, he may be unable to pay his bills or function well in the world. Our participation allows us to cultivate our unique capabilities. Our experiences build compassion and wisdom.

Don’t be afraid to fail. Be willing to say “I don’t know” when necessary, but also bring that willingness to how you choose to experience life. Someone can research honey, describing how it is produced, its texture, how differing flowers change its flavor, etc. But until one actually tastes honey, they cannot understand its true sweetness or how it transforms the taste experience.

This human experiment is meant to be enjoyed. Have your preferences but do not be attached to them or block the limitless possibilities that are available to you. As we dance together, all of existence celebrates through us.

Evolve or repeat…


This moment is filled with infinite possibilities. Evolve or repeat…

“Residing fully in the present moment allows the unconditioned energy of life to flow through the conditioned body and mind. The willingness to simply rest in the physical experience of your life is the key to spiritual transformation.” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 
This planet is a playground of discovery and every moment provides an opportunity to learn something new. No matter how it appears, we are all engaged in the same journey of awakening. Each path is unique. Each soul is expressing the energy of the Divine in the way most appropriate for them. With this in mind, cultivate patience, compassion and acceptance.

Be patient with those who grace your life. Keep planting seeds of kindness and tend them with joy. Any experience could be the catalyst that moves an awakening soul in a new direction. Most suffering is self-created; however, it plays an important role in spiritual development and leads to transformation. While it can be challenging to watch someone you love hurt themselves with unconscious repetition, keep in mind that their challenges are required for their growth.

As we evolve, we are more capable of learning without a catastrophe to push us into new areas of awareness. See yourself as a lifetime student of love. As you continue to awaken, you’ll see more clearly and approach your life experience with grace and empowerment.

Right action

Mastery is having complete control over how you respond to life.

“Presence is a state of inner spaciousness. When you are present, you ask: How do I respond to the needs of this situation, of this moment?” 
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
Awareness ensures that your responses to life are empowered rather than reactive. Once the ego is no longer in control, your stillness and alertness will allow you to bring a higher consciousness to any situation. From that space of awareness, the action (or inaction) that is for the highest good of all involved will make itself known. Then you can act, allow and accept.

Another way to observe right action in motion is that, once completed, it drops completely from your consciousness. There is no need to replay it, take credit for it, wonder if your choice was ‘right’ or worry about how things will unfold. This is the Divine working through you without ego-driven interference.

Cultivate mastery through the simple things of your experience such as driving, interactions with your children, the energy you bring to your work or your self-dialogue. The peace of Presence is always there. Honor the present moment as sacred by experiencing it fully.


Shamanic energy – hummingbird

When you are ready to embark upon an epic journey, call upon the spirit of hummingbird for assistance.
“When we settle for comfort over discovery, or compromise the soul’s longing to grow, we begin to wither. When we reawaken the great instinct to learn and explore, our lives grow less trivial and become epic.”
~Alberto Villoldo~
Every year, ruby-throated hummingbirds migrate over the Atlantic from Brazil to Canada. These tiny little birds wouldn’t appear at first to have the energy or stamina to journey over 2500 miles; however, they are able to draw energy from the sweetness of life. This instinctual movement represents joyful courage in the shamanic traditions.

When you are faced with daunting circumstances or don’t know how you will accomplish that which seems impossible, call upon the energy of Hummingbird. Let her teach you how to drink the nectar of life, to be fiercely independent, a hard worker and a playful expression of the Divine.

Hummingbird is linked to the 3rd Eye Chakra and awakens soul perception. With spiritual insight we learn to recognize the deeper meaning behind our relationships and experiences. Everything becomes an expression of the sacred.

Today my intention is to act with joyful clarity. I choose to live from the heart and let circumstances unfold as they will.


Remove the word “should” from your vocabulary.

“After meditating for some years, I began to see the patterns of my own behavior. As you quiet your mind, you begin to see the nature of your own resistance more clearly, struggles, inner dialogues, the way in which you procrastinate and develop passive resistance against life. As you cultivate the witness, things change. You don’t have to change them. Things just change.”
~Ram Dass~
Procrastination feeds the ego-mind in one of two directions. It feels good to contemplate the good things you will do someday, seeing yourself as being better or making positive changes. Conversely, negative self-talk keeps us stuck saying “I know what I should be doing, but I never seem to finish anything.” Either way, it feeds false personality and creates dissatisfaction in the present moment.

The moment you notice a “should” creep in, simply take action – any action – and allow the energy to move in whatever direction it flows. The choice to take one conscious step opens up a world of possibility.

No matter what challenges arise, notice your thoughts. When you change your thoughts, your life is transformed. Inner resistance is something that can be released through movement.
Today my intention is to remember that every day things get easier. My new experience of the world is a reflection of my new way of thinking. 


Seeing perfection in the imperfection

When we look through the filters of love and acceptance, we discover that all is well.

“To become a great teacher, one must become a teaching.”
~Gabrielle Roth~
Can you see it? Can you look at a seed and see it’s perfection, it’s potential? Encased in a protective shell until it’s ready to sprout, the seed carries the potential of growth – not only of the one sprouting, but of the many, many plants that will evolve from it.

The spiritual seeker can bring this same light to those with whom they interact. Is the person in front of you a seed full of potential, a flower in bloom or decline or ready to nurture the energy of the future? All aspects are natural and part of the perfection of the process of growth.

Choose to find the perfection in the imperfection. See the value of everything and how it may serve our unfolding journey. This is how we honor all things as sacred and it tends to move us into peace, compassion and acceptance. What a wonderful place to reside.
Today my intention is to embrace what is with an open heart.  



There’s no need to rush. We’re just getting started.

“To clarify ‘eternal’ just a smidge…
Once the river of time has rounded her final bend,
and the last star in the sky has brightened its last night,
and every child who may ever be conceived
has been given ten thousand names…
we will have just begun.”
~The Universe~
Enlightenment is not about how quickly you can make it to the finish line. Consider how small our many lifetimes of experience are when compared to the infinite nature of the Divine. This playground is meant to be an immersive experience. Allow yourself to fully participate in the present moment knowing that time is an illusion.

The ego loves it when we rush because we tend to miss things and then need repetitive circumstances in order to explore all that awaits discovery. When we slow down and view things from varied perspectives, we access an inner peacefulness that is unshakeable.

Observe yourself today. Notice how often you rush through the present moment to get to something else. Purposefully bring your complete awareness to the Now. Doing so will provide the opportunity to find inspiration within it’s secrets.
Today my intention is to slow down and view everything as sacred. 


Be kind

Kindness is never wasted.
“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
~Dalai Lama~
Every moment offers opportunities to be kind to yourself, one another, animals, the planet as well as future generations. When we bring the practice of compassion to our life situation, we become integral aspects of the dance of creation.

Sometimes the ego seeks immediate gratification through reminding another of their shortfalls (as we perceive them), getting in a snarky comeback or simply expounding upon our opinions. That sort of response feeds the negativity of a situation and is a missed opportunity to bring a higher level of consciousness to the present moment.

We are called upon to be channels for Divine energy. Release the need to blame anyone and instead, choose to accept people as they are. There are no enemies – simply souls playing various roles in our collective awakening. Those who are still asleep need your love, not your judgment.
Today my intention is to see every experience as an opportunity to cultivate a greater understanding of my life’s purpose.



You are a joyous expression of the Divine.

“Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
When you chose to be joyful, there is no one in the world who can take that from you. Our experience of life is the physical expression of our level of consciousness. Your light brings a unique energy into the world and as you evolve, you cultivate the ability to create a deeper connection with the joy of being.

True joy runs deeper than desire, experiences, disappointments or struggle. In the midst of challenge, it calls upon us to become the observer, to see life through the lens of compassion and freedom. Joy frees you from fear.

Remember to pause and appreciate where you are. Honor your journey as sacred with the realization that far more is happening on your behalf than you realize. Love rains down upon you from all dimensions… always.
Today my intention is to remember that when I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it in my life.  

Using relationships as mirrors


Healing ourselves can change the world.

“If we have the courage to look at the social and political forces in the world as reflections of the forces at work within each of us, we can more effectively take responsibility not only for our own personal healing but for the healing of our planet.”
~Skakti Gawain~
There is a connectedness between our personal transformation and the collective evolution of of humanity. As we work on healing our dysfunction, it is mirrored by the people around us. The spiritual student sees everything as a message and has a greater ability to move from judgment to awareness in the midst of a challenge. The need for this mirror dissipates when we have cleared the imbalance.

Our collective consciousness is likewise reflected in our communities, our nations, our stewardship of the earth and relationships with others on the planet. Observation will show you again and again that whatever one accuses or complains about is something they cannot see within themselves. Therefore, as we heal ourselves, we become a living example of what a balanced life looks like. This thread of energy is a spark that will awaken those who are ready to play an important role in the planets transformation.

Seek to bring balance into your personal experience. Notice the triggers that occur on a personal level as well in current cultural or world events, and take ownership for your own state of consciousness. This is your path of transformation.
Today my intention is to love unconditionally, beginning with myself.