Drop attachment

Learn to flow with whatever unfolds in your experience as if you had consciously created it with a specific purpose in mind.

“Great calm, generous detachment, selfless love, disinterested effort: these are what make for success in life. If you can find peace in yourself and can spread comfort around you, you will be happier than an empress.” 
~Rabindranath Tagore~ 

Attachment creates distress, disappointment and anxiety; therefore, the way to peace is to practice detachment. See if you can cultivate this skill throughout the day when sending emails or texts, proposing an idea or project or hoping that someone will respond to you in a particular way – all are ideal opportunities to practice letting go.

Having preferences is a part of the human experience. When your preferences crystallize into absolute requirements, suffering comes into the equation. Seek to playfully ask for what you want and then flow with the energy as it unfolds. When we open to the flow of the universe, we leave room for miracles to occur.

You are a powerful co-creator in your own experience. Seek to create joy, expansiveness, freedom and faith. Everything will unfold in the perfect way for your continued spiritual awakening.

Living the Mystery

Learn how to be at peace in the midst of the unknown.

“Total trust, surrender, relinquishing control – all this is only words. Look into the night sky. Tell me what you see.”  
~Ralph Blum from The Book of Runes~   

The unknown holds infinite possibility. When we seek to understand every piece of the workings of the world around us, we bring limitation into the equation. In a universe filled with limitless potential, it’s important to remember that no matter how much we have learned, we are always at the beginning.

There is much more to life than meets the eye. Energy connects us all and we are constantly setting new things into motion – that is the joy and beauty of evolution. Nothing is stagnant, even when that appears to be the case.

If you choose to experience life with childlike wonder, something miraculous begins to unfold. It brings a little magic into your experience and you may discover the hidden language of the Divine.

Using relationships as mirrors

Healing ourselves can change the world.
“If we have the courage to look at the social and political forces in the world as reflections of the forces at work within each of us, we can more effectively take responsibility not only for our own personal healing but for the healing of our planet.”
~Skakti Gawain~

There is a connectedness between our personal transformation and the collective evolution of of humanity. As we work on healing our dysfunction, it is mirrored by the people around us. The spiritual student sees everything as a message and has a greater ability to move from judgment to awareness in the midst of a challenge. The need for this mirror dissipates when we have cleared the imbalance.

Our collective consciousness is likewise reflected in our communities, our nations, our stewardship of the earth and relationships with others on the planet.

Observation will show you again and again that whatever one accuses or complains about is something they cannot see within themselves. Therefore, as we heal ourselves, we become a living example of what a balanced life looks like. This thread of energy is a spark that will awaken those who are ready to play an important role in the planets transformation.

Seek to bring balance into your personal experience. Notice the triggers that occur on a personal level as well in current cultural or world events, and take ownership for your own state of consciousness. This is your path of transformation.

Keep things simple

The ego loves to have a problem to solve.

“When life is simple, pretenses fall away; our essential natures shine through.” 
~From the 37th verse of the Tao te Ching~   

Our culture praises multi-tasking, struggle, intensity… however, higher consciousness teaches the opposite: that life is easy, when ego is dissolved things flow with greater ease and grace and there is plenty of energy for all.

Empowered individuals can transform the world. This is done not by force, but by recognizing the flow of energy and utilizing it. Your words, thoughts and actions are constantly creating. Direct them well – with positive intention, joy and detachment. Allow your essential nature to shine and watch the changes that flow through your experience.

Between wisdom and love

Discover your unique way of being in the world.
“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.” 

The dance of awakening is a beautiful synergy of opposites. We learn to navigate the illusion of the physical world while integrating the limitless possibility of the spiritual.

Honor the movement of awareness as it weaves its magic in your experience. Each of us has a choice whenever challenges arise – to crumble or to learn. Your willingness to seek answers ensures that you will rise above.

Learn to be comfortable with the unknown. Within that field of limitless potential, you may discover your true sacred nature.

Live authentically

The world is your reflection.

“The greatest act of courage is to be and to own all of who you are – without apology, without excuses, without masks to cover the truth of who you are.” 
~Debbie Ford~

There is no one like you. Stop trying to please others and choose instead to simply live in your truth. The resulting passion and energy will propel your life into new and powerful directions. When we embrace who we are without apology, we begin to focus on our life’s mission and the path becomes clear.

Encircle the world with your love. We have chosen to be here Now for a specific purpose, and whether that purpose is physical, spiritual, energetic or creative, each of us has a unique role to play.

Never doubt the impact that you have on those around you. You are far more powerful than you realize.

Do your best

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

“Our self-images define our own boundaries, limiting us to the narrow ideas of who we believe ourselves to be.” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 

Every interaction has something to teach. Every moment, your soul is seeking to broaden its perception. With expanded consciousness we can see more clearly and begin to make more informed decisions. This is the slow and subtle process of awakening.

The ego may try to tell you that you should be farther along, more enlightened or belittle you for your humanness. Pay no attention. Simply do your best with what you have from where you are. The nature of the soul is to awaken and you are right where you need to be.

Accepting support from your soul group

Every lifetime we gather with members of our soul group to continue a journey that began long ago.

“A ‘heart-link’ describes the relationship between two persons who have known each other for many lifetimes and who have developed a deep and loving understanding of each other on an essence level.”
~Jose Stevens~   

When you meet someone and have an immediate connection with them, chances are that you’ve interacted many, many times before. These relationships can often be confusing until one understands the feeling of Oneness is due to past soul work rather than the traditional relationship categories more commonly used.

Sometimes these beautiful souls come in to offer support, pivot your direction or remind you of what you’re here to accomplish. Follow your intuition and see what unfolds in your experience. Nothing can shake the foundation of soul friendship with those with whom you have a history.

Remember that there is much more to life than meets the eye. Everything serves a purpose and our love lifts one another up.

The journey to love

We don’t need to be loved. We need to be love.
“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”  
~Ezra Bayda~ 

The true expression of joy is found in sharing our gifts, our light, our dreams, kindness and compassion without attachment or expectation. As you begin to feel more balanced and safe in the world, it becomes easier to be love and everything becomes a beautiful dance with the Divine.

What if every person in your life felt safe being themselves around you? What if your love and acceptance created a space where exploration was possible? What if it was impossible for them to fail? I believe that they would discover aspects of themselves that were never imagined…

When we choose to honor each path as sacred (yes, no matter how it may appear), we create a loving space filled with possibility.

Life is wonderful

Experiencing the contrasts of life opens our hearts and minds to new possibilities.

“What happens when we slow down and pay attention? Everything! Innumerable delights are right at hand.”  
~Ezra Bayda~

You have the power to create wonder in your experience. Rather than placing your focus and attention on perceived problems, seek instead to recognize the beauty and abundance all around you. This purposeful choice will bring the needed clarity.

Even when things seem messy and confusing, all is well. You are constantly in the process of discovering new aspects of your strength and wisdom. Challenges offer us the opportunity to cultivate the attributes we so desperately seek to bring into the world of form. Whether you are ready to be more accepting, loving, forgiving or peaceful, life will meet you where you are and provide exactly what is needed for your growth.