Love resides at the core of every situation.
“The less you open your heart to others, the more your heart suffers.”
~Deepak Chopra~
Together we walk the path of awakening. The relationships that are drawn into your experience provide the perfect situations to facilitate your personal growth. When you choose to view the world through love’s filter; it changes your perception. Everything becomes simple: it is either love or a call for love.
When challenges arise, we must sometimes dig deeply within in order to access our ability to love. See those who challenge you as healing angels who play a role that provides an opportunity to strengthen your ability to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego. When you can recognize the sacredness in yourself and in the other, life opens.
The ultimate goal is unconditional love. This calls upon us to begin within. Our outward experience of love and acceptance is directly related to the love and acceptance we have for ourselves. As kindness awakens with you, it overflows into your life experience and is reflected back through your interactions.
Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.