Hope prevails

A gift lies within every challenge.
That’s right! Divine peace and harmony surround me at all times
Things are often quite different than they appear. An obstacle turns your life into a new and vibrant direction. A broken heart sends you on a journey of self-discovery. Rejection from those who you feel should support you allows you to tap into inner strength, self-reliance and a solid knowledge of your own abilities.These situations are gifts from the Divine and those who seek the gift, find it. Those who choose to blame or remain stuck in victimization have the same opportunities. The only difference between the two experiences is one’s attitude and the willingness to move forward in spite of the challenges that present themselves.

Suffering is the result of insisting that something be other than it is. Don’t fear discomfort – use it! Know that your life can be transformed and that you hold the key.

Today, my intention is to rejoice in new growth and leave all doubt behind me.


Don’t wait for your life to be “right” before you choose to feel good about it.
That’s right! I now accept and appreciate the abundant life the Universe offers me
The paradoxes of life transform every moment into infinite possibilities. No matter what you choose to feel or what you choose to experience, you can create it from what is offered to you.Enlightenment is a cleansing of preconceived beliefs and hard-won wisdom. It frees us to walk free of limitation and fully engaged in life itself. It reminds us that no matter how far we have come, much more awaits discovery.

True happiness is not attached to anything specific. It is the natural state of being and always accessible. No matter what unfolds in your experience, the quiet joy of being resides. When we slow down and pay attention, we discover the beauty and delights that are all around us.

Gratitude is a powerful state of mind. It shifts realities, creates a space for new perceptions and opens us to infinite possibilities through acceptance and surrender to the present moment.

Today, my intention is to experience my life in perfect balance, honoring mind, body and spirit.

Self love is sexy

There is nothing more beautiful than someone who shines from within…

That’s right! I deeply love and accept myself just the way I am

Everyone who has manifested you into their life, has done so because of the unique light and energy that you possess. When you can be yourself, love yourself and occasionally laugh at yourself, you are providing them with the perfect experience.

It’s that lightness of non-expectation that is so appealing. When you first meet someone, the attraction begins because you are simply being you. When we load ourselves up with the weight of expectation, fear and desire, that beautiful, original and carefree spirit gets buried underneath layers of thought.

Love yourself. Reward yourself with thoughts of praise. Know that others respect you and appreciate all that you do. With our loving attitudes, we help to create a world where it is safe to love one another.
Today, my intention is to good to come to me from everywhere and everyone.

Transforming darkness into light

Allow the light of consciousness to shine through you.

That’s right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity

It’s important for each of us to face our own shadows. There are seven different attributes that we select from to facilitate our growth. These are what the ego utilizes to target core fears or insecurities. They are: arrogance, self-deprecation, impatience, martyrdom, greed, self-destruction and stubbornness. No matter what energy repeats in your experience, it’s important to recognize the beauty that lies within it. On the path of awakening, it’s important to remember that everything shifts into a positive expression when we raise our consciousness.

  • Arrogance – vanity transforms into pride
  • Self-deprecation – abasement transforms into humility
  • Impatience – intolerance transforms into daring
  • Martyrdom – victimization transforms into selflessness
  • Greed – voracity transforms into an appetite for life
  • Self-destruction – thoughts of suicide transform into sacrifice
  • Stubbornness – obstinacy transforms into a healthy life-affirming determination

Strong emotional reactions to a person or situation reflect that there is still something within us that requires healing. Pay attention to your state of consciousness. How often do you feel triggered? How quickly can you move back into balance?

Everything works for the highest good of all involved. With each step toward enlightenment, the love that shines through you benefits all those with whom you come in contact. Light transforms the darkness.

Today, my intention is to remember that every experience is perfect for our growth process. I choose to be at peace wherever I am.

Living authentically

Actions speak louder than words.
That’s right! When I live authentically, miracles unfold in my life 

The ego loves to seek recognition. This may take the form of name dropping, boasting, speaking in a manner that underscores the listeners lack of knowledge or ensuring that everyone knows about supposed altruistic good deeds or accomplishments. When the ego desires to share an accomplishment for the purpose of feeling fulfilled, simply choose to remain silent. This will shift you into empowerment and greater awareness.Authentic people are quieter. The essence of their soul’s work comes through in their consistent peaceful attitude. Kindness is their natural response and they do not seek  or need recognition from others in order to know their own value.

Let your life sing the melody of the Divine. Live your passion, follow your bliss and be a light to those who are still finding their way out of the darkness. That may be your purpose. If one life is changed in a positive and life-affirming way because of an interaction with you, you have left the world a better place… and there is no greater joy than that.

Today, my intention is to be the living, loving, joyous expression of life. All is well.

Unconditional love

Seek to give love, to be love and allow life to unfold without fear.
That’s right! Love rains down upon me from all dimensions
“Most humans believe that love is something that you get, that it is an emotion, that it has to be discovered, and that the more they give away, the less they will have. The opposite is the truth. Lovingness is an attitude that transforms one’s experience of the world. We become grateful for what we have instead of prideful. We express our lovingness when we acknowledge others and their contributions to life and to our convenience. Love is not an emotion but a way of being and relating to the world.”
~ David R. Hawkins
All that we think, say and do is recorded in the infinite field of consciousness. With this in mind, the awakened spirit seeks to give love (whether or not it is recognized by others on the physical level). We dance within the gifts of the Divine and share that joy with one another. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness. When you can say to another, “I am grateful for every moment we have spent together” without expectation or regret, you have arrived.When you can be Unconditional Love, a profound transformation occurs in your own viewpoints and they way that you choose to interact with the world. This shift in awareness creates space where the ego cannot reside, and freedom awaits us there.

Today, my intention is to honor those I love by respecting their paths, choices and perceptions as sacred.


Happiness is a choice that we make from moment to moment.
That’s right! To rejoice in the bliss of existence is enlightenment
Beyond experience, beyond thoughts and expectations, lies the infinite energy of pure potential. The moment you wake, you begin a new day filled with opportunity and choices. Many people will approach it much in the same manner that they do every other day (and that too is a choice) and wonder why nothing changes; however, this is the moment of transformation.See what can happen when you simply dance within the present moment – just feeling what there is to feel, seeing what there is to see and tasting the experience with every aspect of your being.

“There is no choice you’ve ever made, nor any you will ever make, that will limit you as much as you may fear.

Nor even limit you at all.

How cool is that?

Fear not, there have been no mistakes.”
~ The Universe

In every moment you have a choice. Should you notice discomfort, you may simply want to ask yourself why you are choosing to have that experience instead of the experience of happiness. Within the answer lies a gift.

Today, my intention is to dance with the joy of life. All that I need is already here.

Conscious suffering

Suffering has no value unless it is conscious suffering.

That’s right! Everything works toward my highest good. There is always something new to discover

One of the ego’s most subtle tools is the thought that one shouldn’t be feeling what they’re feeling. It plants a seed saying, “I should be beyond this by now” which causes the spiritual seeker to doubt their own evolutionary growth.

Emotions are powerful teachers. They are an integral aspect of the human condition. Though we learn to ride the ups and downs of life and how to stay balanced through the turbulence we experience, emotions, when they arise, should be felt wholly and explored.

This is not to say that it’s appropriate to act in an unconscious manner or while trapped in a full-fledged egoic state; rather, we take the time to process our feelings, honoring them as part of our personal path of awakening.

This distance between suffering and peacefulness can be bridged by dropping our thoughts regarding a particular issue. Our role is to see beyond the stories of the mind and experience whatever feelings arise with an open heart. That is transcendence.

Today, my intention is to reside in the light, love and laughter of the Universe.

The journey of love

Love and accept yourself exactly as you are.

That’s right! All that I need is already here

Deep within the layers of karma, information, opinion, history and knowledge lies an eternal divine being… you. By facing your fears, you are in the process of expanding into your true nature as an expression of the Divine.

Because of this, it is possible to love those who play the role of hating us, to forgive things we once thought impossible to forgive and to be peaceful when it seems that peace is not at hand. Dear ones, you hold the key:  inner transformation.

You have a Divine purpose. You walk a sacred journey. You are participating in raising the vibration of the planet. Relax into this wisdom and be willing to receive. Drop the barriers to love that you carry.

As you awaken, things begin to move faster. Karmic lessons present themselves, energies are balanced and you’ll find yourself quickly moving on to the next. The speed with which you advance is based upon the degree that you can love and accept yourself Now.

Today, my intention is to honor my own path as sacred. Every circumstance and player has guided me in the process of seeing myself more clearly.

Be kind to yourself

Your thoughts have power.

That’s right! It is always easy for me to adapt and change.

This moment is the only thing that exists – the Now – how are you choosing to experience it? All suffering is a by-product of thought. It can be easy to get trapped into a web of lies created by the mind, carrying the burdens of the past or feeling the weight of your own fears or expectations about the future…

But here and Now, life is filled with the miraculous. If you stop and look with an open heart, you’ll discover myriad things for which you can be grateful. Begin from where you are with what you have. Seek to fill this moment with gratitude and appreciation. Choose to find the beauty.

You can always cope with the present moment. All that you need to know will make itself known at the perfect time in the perfect way. It’s imperative to be kind and nurturing to yourself and time to break free from self-imposed misery.

Realize that you constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world. Move forward with confidence and grace knowing that all is well in your future, primarily because the future doesn’t exist – it will simply be another present moment that is filled with incredible beauty, things for which you can be grateful and the love and support of the Divine.

Today, my intention is to love who I am and reward myself with thoughts of praise.