The world is our reflection

The world is our reflection. At any given moment, you can measure how much you have evolved by witnessing your response to the people and events you encounter in your day to day life.  Circumstances, whether blissful or challenging, are fluid and it’s important to develop an inner sense of connectedness, peace and balance in order to ride the waves of experience with ease.

The ego will often attach great significance to the highs and lows – feeling extreme joy in times of abundance and frustration or sadness during times of challenge. We don’t tend to notice the mechanisms of the ego when things are going well; however, every “high” must be followed by a proportionate “low”.  You are infinitely greater than the events of your life.

Likewise, the intensity of our response to the unconsciousness in others reveals what aspects of growth still require our attention. Whenever you experience a strong negative reaction to someone, it is because the projection you see is showing you an aspect of yourself which still requires to be healed or balanced. Consistently observe, go within and do your own work. The next time you run into the same situation you may notice that your energy around that issue has become more neutral. Thus, they have lovingly provided you a reflection which verifies your soul’s growth.

Choose to see beneath the habitual layers of reality to the power and depth of the present moment. The ego will often respond to the Now seeing it only as a means to an end, an obstacle or an enemy… but there is greater depth to you and what your soul wishes to accomplish. Through acceptance, we are freed from imprisonment and able to step into limitless possibility.

Today my intention is to accept whatever life offers with the knowledge that every moment contains a gift. I choose to expand into love.

This moment is sacred… love the journey

There is perfection in this moment and you are right where you are supposed to be. The Divine seeks always to aid, uplift, awaken, expand and guide you on your unique Path of Transformation. It is time to learn how to flow with what life offers. This ease and flexibility allows you to enter advanced states of spirituality and in doing so, you become a conduit for healing and inspiration. Old souls have great impact when teaching others by example.

For many, this movement into acceptance is challenging. They cling and fret every step of the way, only to discover that things fall into place perfectly in the end. Only then do they finally choose to move into a state of happiness and trust. Picture the amount of stress created throughout the process and how it affected their experience, health, relationships and joy. Valuable energy is wasted feeding fear and tension when the destination becomes more important than the journey.

This moment is sacred. Will you live it consciously or waste it?

I sat pondering the slight difference in the spelling of sacred and scared. Could it be that there’s only a slight movement required to move from fear to empowerment? From a numerological standpoint, the energy of the two words is identical; however, one is vibrating in the positive pole and one in the negative.

Likewise with dog and god. Same energy – different polarity. Both have the capability to teach unconditional love and remain faithful and fully present in the Now; however, I’ve never heard of war or enslavement brought about as a result of someone’s loyalty to their dog or its breed… but I digress.

Consider that a slight shift can alter everything within your experience. Most likely you’ll discover that it’s something as subtle as a change in perception or the movement from the negative pole into the positive. Your journey is blessed and supported by the Divine.

Today my intention is to love the journey. I am embarked upon the path of liberation, discovering freedom from fear and new ways to trust.

Psychic vampirism and what it can teach us

Ever wonder why being around certain people is draining? You might find yourself feeling tired, headachy or off balance after an interaction and need time to regroup. This is a phenomenon called Psychic Vampirism.

When people are vibrating less than 200 – demonstrated by acting from shame, guilt, apathy, grief, fear, desire, anger or pride – they are completely unaware of their ability to connect to the Divine. Unconsciously, they replenish their energy by absorbing it from the people around them.

This energy exchange can happen in a few ways but primarily it comes from strong reactions. Whether in the form of anger or arguments, frustration or an egoic response, the action is the same. Your aura grows large (you might even feel a rush of energy at this point) and flows outward toward the other person. They absorb it and walk away from the interaction feeling much better… leaving you with the need to process and recover your balance.

The best way to stop this unhealthy flow is through neutrality or genuine compassion and unconditional love. For most people, neutrality is the easiest place to get to quickly. When you choose not to respond or feed the energy in any way, you are protecting yourself. The people may (unknowingly) feel thwarted and try another angle, but if you can remain neutral and/or compassionate, eventually they will either move on to deal with someone who will react to them or learn something from you in the process.

When you worry or replay challenging moments in your mind, all your energy flows to the object of your consternation. In this manner, you may find yourself sending your precious and vital energy outward instead of allowing it to create beauty and balance within the present moment.   In this manner, Psychic Vampirism acts as a teacher and demonstrates the importance of remaining aligned with the Now.

Choose to abstain from co-dependent energetic behavior. This gift of love allows each person to process through their own lessons and challenges and teaches you the art of compassionate detachment. When you do choose to give your energy from a space of consciousness and love, you become a channel through which the pure energy of the Divine can flow. This is invigorating rather than draining – uplifting and limitless – and a healthier way to assist one another on the journey.

Your inner purpose is to awaken

Each of us has the same inner purpose – spiritual awakening. The outer purpose – the roles we play, the goals we set and the group of souls with whom we are entwined – can vary differently from person to person. Our unwavering commitment to enlightenment is paramount. It is the purpose of your sojourn here and once realized, provides the foundation for fulfilling the tasks you have set for yourself in this life.

The inner purpose is concerned with being. The outer purpose is concerned with doing. As your consciousness shifts to higher levels, new energy begins to flow throughout every aspect of your life. This beautiful transformation becomes integrated in your responses and outlook and thus, you actively participate in the awakening of the planet.

If you are “trying” to evolve or awaken, that is the ego at work. It brings it’s stories of struggle and practice and works on the belief that it’s somehow hard to become spiritually aware. Allow your commitment to be a gentle desire to live in accordance with joy. Spiritual awakening is a process that cannot be forced. There is no set action that one can take, no rules to follow – instead it is a personal and profound shift in perception that allows you to see life differently.

Your outer purpose may change dramatically throughout your life and that is appropriate. For many years I was committed to being a singer/songwriter. It served the wonderful purpose of helping me to overcome insecurity, discover how to promote myself, cultivate my voice and allowed me to meet my husband. Once I received the gifts that particular goal had to offer, my outer purpose shifted. My commitment now is to share the stories of my growth and to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance. Even my commitment to writing these daily Wow Moments! has changed my life in unexpected and wonderful ways.

So, allow your outer purpose to shift in whatever way feels appropriate to you by following the inner promptings of your heart. All things serve their purpose on your unique Path of Transformation. Your soul’s inner purpose is to awaken. Simple, fulfilling, magical… you can choose to be fully present where you are and take one more conscious step forward.

Today my intention is to allow a deeper meaning to flow into all that I do.

The gift of illumination

Like the sun, you shine ever more brightly as you become more spiritually aware. Whether you’re conscious of it or not, this energy does have an impact on those around you. For this reason, it’s important to cultivate compassion with the understanding that others may not yet be ready to see their own shadows… shadows created by the light you cast.

Often we have to stand by and witness as people create additional challenges in their own experience. The ego’s reactivity creates excessive drama causing them to make choices that keep them stuck or they simply make things much harder than they need to be. These patterns come to the surface because they haven’t yet reached the necessary level of understanding or integrated the lesson they are working on.

Compassion comes from remembering how it felt to be asleep yourself. There was likely a time when you fumbled toward ecstasy, lost in the dark, frustrated and looking for answers… until something within you awoke. Shamans call this illumination. The process of awakening is different for everyone – a chance meeting, the perfect teacher comes at the right time, a burst of inspiration changes limiting perception and growth is possible. As loving beings, it is our job to offer support without judgment and be there to act as guides when someone is ready to ask for direction.

Today my intention is to dance in the light, love and laughter of the Universe… to share a smile, a kind word, a compassionate ear and a loving heart.

Each day is filled with limitless possibility

I love walking in the hours just prior to dawn. The day is filled with limitless possibility and I feel the freedom which comes from knowing that I can choose to create something amazing. Every moment provides this same opportunity, but somehow it’s easy to forget how much power we have over our response to whatever situation arises.
It’s important to have a continued awareness of your state of consciousness and take time to adjust whenever necessary. Nothing is more important than your joy. As you proceed to higher levels of consciousness, it becomes easier to walk the line of neutrality within the paradox hidden in the events of the physical world. Often what we experience contains a myriad of emotion – we deal with the loss of a loved one, financial challenges, we succeed in regard to personal ambition or discover joy in the little things – and yet under all there is an underlying energy of faith… of knowing that all works toward our highest good and that while things may flow in and out of our lives, we walk in the light of expanding consciousness.
We are here to experience all that we can. The layering of human perception weaves a tapestry of exquisite design and each thread supports the next. Each of us is responsible for our own awakening. Leave your friends and family to discover their own truth in their own way and realize that you’ll have the greatest impact by being an authentic and consistent example of an awakened soul. Plant seeds of love whenever possible. Nurture them with ongoing drama-free interactions and observe the changes within yourself. Imagine the world of your dreams and begin living it now. There’s no need to wait.

Today my intention is to make choices that nurture my mind, body and spirit and align my energy with the Divine.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is…

Of all the aspects we discover on the Path of Transformation, one of the most powerful is surrender. The spiritual knowledge of surrender as power flies directly in the face of the logic of the ego which cries out for action.

The initial reaction to any obstacle is the desire to find a way around it or through it. We look for solutions and finding none, it’s easy to become stressed and lose vital energy in frustration. Moving into acceptance or surrender does not meet throwing up your hands in despair or apathy, giving up the moment you are thwarted. Instead, it can be consciously utilized as a moment to put your spiritual knowledge into practice knowing that all things happen for you… not to you. This moment is one that you can use to accelerate your soul’s evolution.

That movement from frustration to empowerment is the path. Instead of experiencing ongoing ego-related reactivity or old stories and patterns, we can choose to observe what arises and begin to look inward for the purpose behind the challenge.

Make any necessary choices from a space of love rather than from one of fear. My favorite mantra to utilize in these situations is:

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is

You may find that a new way to move forward presents itself. Assistance may arrive in forms that you had never imagined. You have the opportunity to discover the power of surrender and allow the mysteries of the Universe to unfold all around you.

Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity. I trust that all situations have divine purpose on my life’s path.

Learning to articulate the lanuage of the soul

On the Path of Transformation, solitary practice is an important part of our development. We learn to walk in our truth and find our unique way of being in the world. Powerful too, is the heart-focused connection discovered within a group of like-minded individuals. The synergy created within group energy transforms and accelerates the growth of all those who are actively involved. When used consciously, group energy expands us into new dimensions and you can help to uplift and nourish the spiritual journey of others.

Meditate, chant and pray with those who resonate with your being. The combined intention and synergy has the power to lift the entire group into a new frequency. For those of you who are natural leaders, allow yourselves to participate without exercising control and receive the blessings generated by the group energy as well.

It can be challenging to articulate the language of the heart; however, the language of the soul is another matter – our spiritual knowledge must be articulated in order to be fully incorporated into our experience. Thus, we discover the power of sharing with others. Each of us simultaneously plays both roles – student and master.

So, balance your journey in the way that is best for you. Spend healthy time in solitude, connect with those who support your walk and share what you have learned. There are always new dimensions waiting to be discovered and the best is yet to come.

Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

Nothing is more important than my state of consciousness

It’s imperative to have a healing outlet for intense emotion and the tension that is created when trying to meet so many demands and expectations. Without healthy release, many people build up repressed energy until they manifest an explosion (usually over something small or unrelated to the core issue) in order to clear the tension.

Physical movement can be very helpful in these moments – beat a pillow, shake the body, jump, run or dance – anything to allow your energy to move freely. This conscious approach can alleviate the soul’s need to create a catastrophe in order to release negative energy.

The things we repress become burdens that influence our behavior. Consistent gratitude, meditation, conscious breathing or prayer aligns you with the Divine; however, it’s important too, to release the things which do not serve you.

All humanity struggles with the same issues – simply from varying degrees of consciousness and perception. When we recognize the commonality of our experience, our hopes and dreams, our fears and doubts, we are better able to see how we are joined together in the miracle of existence. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all.

Celebration joins us. In joy, how can we harm one another (or ourselves)? As we find ways to create an attitude of laughter, of living and celebrating the present moment, we learn the power of acceptance and freedom.

Today my intention is to dance with the joy of life and merge with the light, love and laughter of the Universe.

See Yourself Bathed in Love

This morning I awoke from a vision of the energy of love streaming down upon us from the higher dimensions. One concept blazed through my mind – see yourself bathed in love. This directive seemed so imperative that I simply remained still and allowed the images from my spiritual guidance to flow.

In certain aspects this is easy to visualize, of course. The light from the sun is a beautiful example of unconditional love – shining down on everyone equally, holding back nothing, demanding nothing. As I sit here writing, I chose to drink a glass of water from a high state of conscious awareness… it too, is simply a flow of love which nurtures the body (and in this case, the mind and emotional bodies as well).

Easier still, we discover the energy of love within a kind word, laughter among friends, the smile of a dog, the art of creation, music, meditation, the feel of a mountain or by hugging a tree.

But what about man’s inhumanity to man? How can we find love in the desolation of once beautiful places, the destruction of the resources of our sacred mother earth or the poisoning of the mind with hatred? This is where spiritual practice and higher frequencies of awareness come in. If we hold the concept that all things have love at the core and we are the recipients of whatever is needed for our souls growth, we begin to look for love – even in the unlikeliest of places… and by looking for love, we are assured that it will be found.

The Universe works in ways that are sometimes subtle – we become blocked only to discover that a situation far more advantageous awaits us. We are treated poorly and someone completely unexpected steps in to offer assistance and our life takes off in a new direction. The insights I was provided this morning brought a greater understanding regarding the concept that the person who challenges you the most or creates the most conflict in your life actually loves you the most from a spiritual level.

From the higher perspectives – love, joy, peace, enlightenment – this is more easily witnessed. We can appreciate the weaving of the tapestry of our existence together in a new way and thus, cease being reactive or falling into judgment. In this way, we actively participate in the transformation and awakening of the planet and bring healing to all.

Your love is the greatest gift that you can offer in any situation.

Today my intention is to see and accept the gifts that life has to offer, no matter what form they choose to appear.