Everything that you believe about yourself exists because you learned it. Judgments, opinions and points of view are developed over time and limit the infinite potential which with you were born. We can learn to re-create our perception of reality through new interpretations and there are many, many ways to interpret life. If the perception that you’re using brings up frustration, anxiety or self-doubt, purposefully explore alternate ways of thinking. One exercise is to see how many different viewpoints you can create around a particular situation. Then, choose the one that brings you the greatest joy and go with it. Even if you can’t settle on just one idea as your paradigm, the energy will be flowing in several different directions at once and the original limiting viewpoint will cease to be your primary driving force.
Reward yourself by accepting and loving yourself just as you are… a master in the process of awakening, a masterpiece of the Divine, a symphony waiting to be completed. Each day you have the opportunity to learn something new. Every moment offers the possibility of enlightenment and your energy is transforming the world. Thank you for the unique gifts you bring to our collective experience.
Today my intention is to remember that all is well, perfection is unfolding and there is much more to life than meets the eye.