Living in joy

Joy is what remains when we release that which no longer serves us – fear, ego, limitation and stress.
That’s right! I am grateful for this moment and the limitless possibilities it contains

Stress destroys one’s health and well-being and blocks us from experiencing all the present moment has to offer. However, joy creates a flow of abundance and empowerment. Those who choose to be joyful discover the magic of being a powerful co-creator throughout the movement of life.

Find your own joyful way of being. Savor your life experience and dance in the flow of love. Let each moment be a reminder that you are infinite and divine – a spiritual master in the process of awakening.

Being fully present guides you through the challenges of life with a higher awareness of the possibilities available to you. From this space of objectivity, you’ll discover greater balance and freedom to explore the infinite facets of your being.

Today, my intention is to embrace the gifts that are all around me.

Separation vs Wholeness

Some people grace your life for a moment, others for a lifetime… and everything possible in between.
That’s right! I am willing to love unconditionally
Unconditional love means accepting whatever unfolds in your experience. People flow through our lives offering new insights, ideas, feelings and lessons and stay as long as the soul requires. For those with whom we share karmic contracts, interactions may be filled with the emotional highs and lows of human connection; however, they always offer an opportunity to expand our consciousness and grow in ways that we’ve never imagined. When the emotions become more neutral it is an indication that the contract is complete.Bless those who have graced your life. See them as the loving teachers that they are and send them on their way with gratitude knowing that the time you spend apart is infinitesimal compared to the bond of eternity, wholeness and Oneness that we all share.

When you choose to accept rather than spend your vital and precious energy clinging to the past, you are free to live life empowered, joyful and fully anchored in the Now. At the deepest level, all things are one. There is no separation and our purpose is simply to awaken to this knowledge and help one another along the way.

Today, my intention is to bless the loving souls who have graced my life. I am filled with gratitude knowing that each interaction has left me a better person.


Compassion is the awareness of the bond we share with all beings.

That’s right! I care for the earth and all the creatures who share this amazing planet with me

  Authentic relationships are possible only when we have an awareness of who we truly are. When we can see through the mechanisms of the ego to the true spirit of another, we can dance within the paradox of human compassion and higher awareness while holding space. In this manner, we create a space in which transformation can occur.

Holding space is far different from fixing someone else’s problems or seeking to ensure that they avoid pain. By honoring all paths as sacred, we operate from the premise of love and acceptance – allowing the lesson, offering support and sowing seeds of compassion.

Today, my intention is to live in total harmony with my environment and everyone in my world.

The power of your words

You create your reality

That’s right! I am willing to claim my power

Our words have power. It’s important to pay attention to what you say and what you expect to experience. No matter what you wish to create, you hold the key.

All too often I hear people say, “I know it’ll be hard” or “No matter what I do, it’ll be difficult” when faced with the task of transformation… and then, of course, it is… because their words have power.

Joyfully, the same can also be said for those who simply know that they have the ability to face life with an open heart and mind. These empowered souls move through changes with greater ease. And when obstacles arise, they seem to find a way to flow with grace, seeing more possibilities.

Practice throughout your daily experience. Expect meetings to be easy, choose to enjoy moments in traffic, observe the difference between those who complain and feed their frustrations and those who support themselves and one another with kindnesses.

You have the power to create the life of your dreams.

Today, my intention is to easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.

Your life mission

Never doubt the impact you can have upon the world.

That’s right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity

Each of us has a soul mission that desires to be expressed in this lifetime. Some may be subtle, touching the lives closest to them, while others are more expansive, aiding many in their quest for peace, healing and transformation.

If you haven’t yet discovered your mission, live your passion and your mission will make itself known. There’s no right time or wrong time to step into this aspect of your soul’s work. When you have reached the appropriate stage in your development, energy reaches a critical mass and something new begins to happen.

Tend to your state of consciousness with the understanding that each circumstance and interaction uncovers new facets of your potential. The light that shines through you changes everything.

Today, my intention is to dance in the love, light and laughter of the Universe

Life responds to you

You are more powerful than you know.

That’s right! My experience of the world is a reflection of my beliefs, thoughts and actions

What do you wish you create? Do your thoughts and actions support your vision? It’s important to allow yourself to be led by love while thriving immersed within your unique passions, goals and abilities.

When challenges arise, consider the possibility that they have manifested in response to your soul’s desire for transformation. Often, things appear much different than we expect; however, since our view is limited on the physical plane, it’s helpful to remember that everything works toward your highest good – always.

There’s a tremendous difference between the ego’s desires and the soul’s desire. One is functioning from the mind, and the other from realms we can barely comprehend. Do your best from where you are with what you have, and trust the processes of life to lead you ever onward.

Today, my intention is to embrace the present moment with joy, acceptance, passion and a willingness to experience all that life has to offer.

Operating from joy

Give with an open heart.

That’s right! My joyful thoughts create my joyful world

It’s important to balance your spiritual journey within your physical experience. When you’re out of alignment, it’s challenging to bring the best version of yourself to your life situation. Giving to others while out of balance creates a drain in energy, while giving from a state of empowerment opens a portal which allows the unlimited energy of the Divine to replenish you.

Peace is a state of mind. It is not dependent upon material accomplishments or the opinions of others. Pure love exists right before your eyes and when you choose to view everyone and everything through it’s filter, you open to the energetic connection that binds all life together.

Awareness is the first step of healing or transformation. Periodically ask yourself if you are operating from a state of joy rather than obligation or resentment. As you take responsibility for each aspect of your life, it becomes easier to stay in awareness of what is right for your unique journey.

Today, my intention is to stand in truth and live and move in joy.

Peace is possible

You have the capacity to transform any situation.

That’s right! Every moment provides an opportunity to discover new aspects of myself

See life as possibility. Instead of expecting a particular outcome, open to each moment with acceptance and an authentic belief in your inner strength. Our experience of the world is a reflection of our thoughts and beliefs; therefore, see how you can consciously interact with the present moment without self-imposed restrictions.

What do you wish to create in your life? Do your words and actions support your goals or do they keep you trapped in limitation? No matter what you discover, this is the moment of transformation. As you approach your life situation with clarity and courage, subtle shifts immediately begin to occur. You may notice that conversations flow better, coincidences start to unfold and you are able to see multiple possibilities that are available for you. All these positive shifts are a response to your passion and optimism.

Accept the gift of joy. Share kindness. Live in gratitude… and be willing to accept a miracle.

Today, my intention is to choose to embrace infinite possibility, Now.

The depths of emotion

Discovering the limitless facets of connection is what makes being human such a glorious experience.

That’s right! I am willing to love unconditionally

Love brings a spectrum of emotion – joy, anticipation, excitement, compassion and everything in between. As divine, infinite beings, we chose the human experience specifically to learn how to open our hearts to one another.

First and foremost, let your love be a passionate love of life itself. Fall deeply in love with each incredible new day. Allow yourself to feel pain whenever it arises, for it is heart-felt compassion that teaches us the art of connection. It creates movement, sparks new ideas and creates the space in which a transformation can occur.

Seek to create your own melody. You can allow your heart to sing through the depths of your emotions and feel the healing energy flow outward throughout the Universe.

Today, my intention is to fall madly in love with life.

Inner beauty

Beauty shines from within.

That’s right! I deeply and completely love and accept myself just the way I am

Those who have drawn you into their lives seek only to experience your unique energy. Though it may seem that others attempt to change you, their true purpose is to make you aware of your strength and passion.

Honor all paths as sacred. Choose to see the beauty in others and take the time to listen. The grace that waits to be discovered within our experiences is dependent upon our ability to have authentic interactions.

Your purpose is to awaken, and every moment provides the opportunity to do so. See through the mechanisms of the ego to the divine source of light, love and laughter which resides within.

Today, my intention is to see life as a gift.