Expanding your consciousness

Awareness is the key to transformation.
That’s right! I am willing to see clearly

In this infinite Universe every journey is considered sacred. The whole point of human consciousness is to have a unique experience. We can learn from others and become inspired by those who have walked before, but each of us must ultimately traverse our own path.

If you spot it, you got it! Self awareness allows us to view the people in our lives as mirrors of our own state of consciousness. When you pay attention and choose to own your own stuff, the process of awakening is accelerated.

The depths of your understanding are fathomless and no matter how much you learn, you stand at the gateway of infinity. Miracles dance within your grasp and worlds of possibility swirl around you. The more peaceful your heart, the clearer your vision.

Today, my intention is to explore new facets of myself. I am a living embodiment of the Divine.

Raising consciousness

Each and every one of us is on a journey of awakening. Some are at the beginning while others have played in this realm for a while, and the only difference is ones level of consciousness and transformation can occur at any moment.
That’s right! I gladly release all that no longer serves me

Compassion – both for ourselves and for others – creates the space in which a transformation can occur. We set the stage for growth with our kindness and openness. We plant the seeds of awareness by authentic action and support for one another.

Look upon those who are trapped in unconsciousness with compassion remembering that you have walked that same road. Memories of all your past lives are encoded within your DNA and add to the beauty of your spirit.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. Let your life be a reflection of the peace within you.

Today, my intention is to remember that the gateways of joy and wisdom are always open to me.

Be willing to accept a miracle

Each of us can choose to easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.
That’s right! Everything that is around me serves a purpose on my journey of awakening

Many people ask for a miracle and then limit their ability to receive by choosing to function within the known instead of leaping into the unknown. Faith demands that we shift our thoughts, release our fear and step into the flow of life. The gifts that await are limitless.

Every bridge that you cross leads to greater fulfillment. When you create peacefulness within your mind, it becomes easier to trust your inner wisdom.

The infinite power of the Divine flows through every being on this planet. We are all interconnected and support can flow into your life through anyone at anytime. Sometimes, the Universe sends messages and information via the unlikeliest of sources – be ready and willing to receive… and never forget that you may be the miracle for someone else.

Today, my intention is to allow good to come to me from everywhere and everyone.

Choose to explore the possibilities

You can choose how to direct your energy.
That’s right! I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world

All the experiences, mistakes and adventures from this and previous lifetimes have built a reservoir from which you can draw your wisdom. Challenges have created unique opportunities to explore love and tap into your strength.

As an awakening spirit, you are being guided to weave something beautiful within the experiences of your life, cast off that which is no longer needed and begin this new cycle with the gifts you have discovered.

When you choose to release old emotional or behavioral patterns, it clears the way for new emotions and higher knowledge that will create peace in your experience.

Today, my intention is to be at peace with myself and with life.

I am…

It is said that the words “I am” are the most powerful words one can use… because whatever follows them becomes your reality.
That’s right! I am willing to grow and change. Every moment provides an opportunity to become more aware of who I truly am

What if…? What if you began each day with unconditionally loving and supportive statements about yourself and what you wish to create? Your words have power. They send ripples of energy throughout the Universe. They plant the seeds of tomorrows experience.

As a conscious creator, be aware of your words and ensure that they are in alignment with your goals and desires. Your statements can support or sabotage, propel you forward or stop you in your tracks. When you choose to say “Yes!” to life, you’ll notice that your journey opens in amazing ways.

Take the time to replenish your spirit. Moments spent nurturing yourself are very powerful indeed for they set the stage for joy.

Today, my intention is to be willing to explore my own shadows knowing that I will emerge out the other side, courageous and transformed.

Infinite possibility

You are here to awaken to the knowledge of your own true nature as a divine, infinite spirit of pure potential.
That’s right! I choose to reside within the realm of infinite possibility

We live in a world where we are bombarded with information, marketing, opinions and told what to believe before we’ve had the opportunity to process the experience. Speculation and judgment rule conversations and it sometimes seems that all focus is on the projection of the future rather than the inherent beauty and potential to be found within the present moment.

Old souls walk a different road because they process their experiences from a higher perspective. On a planet which consists of mostly mature and young souls, part of our challenge is to maintain faith in this higher perspective while living authentically and teaching by example.

The awakened spirit understands that all perceptions add richness to the tapestry of which we all are a part. We dream a new world into being by opening to possibility, being willing to accept a miracle and encouraging growth – both in ourselves and in those around us. Practice living beyond human expectation and limitation and allow the source of all life to flow through you. Keep things simple. Miracles happen when we get out of our own way.

Today, my intention is to allow truth to express itself through my words and actions. I am open to love.

Dance in the rain

Embody the love, presence and freedom that is the essence of your true nature.
That’s right! I now find simple ways to quiet the mind and open my heart

There is a wise passage through life… one that calls the awakened to walk its journey. As we learn the peacefulness that is found in mindfulness, generosity, loving-kindness and integrity, our lives become living examples of how to create an atmosphere of safety and trust in an all-too-often frightened world.

The human experience is meant to connect each one of us in compassion learned through commonality of our experiences. At some point, all of us have known love and loss, joys and sorrow, life and death, hopes and fears, and ultimately we discover the thread of understanding that connects us all. This takes lifetimes to achieve and leads to freedom and liberation.

When you can find the joy within the sorrow, the beauty within the challenge and the light of communion with the Divine in your interactions, then you are playing within the paradox of being a spiritually awakened human. Trust your intuition and begin with the actions that best serve your heart. As you transform your perspective, the world around you is transformed.

Today, my intention is to embody compassion and joy, knowing that all change begins within.

Living your truth

Trust the processes of your awakening.
That’s right! Every situation helps me to become more aligned with my true nature

The ego demands guarantees before taking action; however, trust is a leap into the unknown. The mind procrastinates while the heart leads you toward the goal. Whenever you find yourself pausing, ask yourself, “What am I afraid to lose?” Nothing will ever leave you empty when you are living your souls truth.

The prison of what others think is built with layer upon layer of worry, doubt and fear and losing such self-created misery is a step in freedom. Choose to live life in its totality with awareness and meditation – begin Now, in this moment. There is no need to pause. This is not a renunciation of life in favor of being “more spiritual,” and in fact, the opposite is true. It allows you to drop anything which blocks you from living authentically and madly in love with life.

Expand your boundaries. Know that you are guided each and every step of the way. Dance in the light of love… and from there, anything is possible.

Today, my intention is to easily and comfortably release all that I no longer need.


Know thyself.
That’s right! I honor the role that my each member of my family has played in my awakening

You have the ability to live far beyond happiness and misery, in a state that has no opposite – Bliss. Whatever you choose to experience, do it fully. Immerse yourself within the present moment by being aware, accepting, mindful and consciously choose to embrace what is.

Whatever you see is a projection of what is happening inside of you. The pleasures and pains of life transform as we age and the play will continue as long as it is required for our growth. It’s a wonderful practice to revisit the triggers of your past (something many choose to do around the holidays or by spending time with family) to see how much you have progressed on your journey.

Notice how others expect you to be. Notice what you are attached to and how the mind responds to the various situations you are presented. Certain aspects will show you tremendous growth while others may regress you in surprising ways. Be the observer, honoring the role each person is playing in this lifetime… but most importantly, honor yourself by choosing to say “Yes” to life.

Today, my intention is to be gentle and kind with myself as I grow and change

The transformative power of kindness

Loving actions weave new patterns in the world around us.
That’s right! I am joyful and choose to live in harmony with life
Freedom and change are in the air. It’s time to disregard old ways of being and step into the transformative power of kindness. When we trust life to be wonderful and see the potential within the present moment, old triggers and pains begin to fall away. From this space of awareness we discover the capability to act without fear, to give without expectation and to be the change we wish to see in the world.The Universe completely supports every thought and belief that you choose to carry. Realize that you are unlimited in your ability to create good in your life. You are awakening. You are a gift and whirlwinds of possibility are swirling all around you in this moment.

Today, my intention is to choose to be fulfilled in all areas of my life.