The discomfort of awakening

Be willing to be ruthlessly honest with yourself.
That’s Right! I see my patterns and make changes without embarrassment or guilt 

Transformation takes you into new realms of experience. Honest observation is required. When you’re ready to recognize the places in your life situation where you may feel stuck, it can be uncomfortable. The ego will create stories which promote procrastination and it’s important to push through to the next level of your evolution.When you love yourself enough to face your fears, you’ll discover that the past has no power over you. Trust the processes of life to align you with whatever is required for your soul’s growth.

Awareness is the first step of healing or changing. The resulting new insights will forever transform your journey.

Today my intention is to remember that the point of power is always in the present moment.

Open to the mystery

Embrace the uncertainty of the unknown with joyous expectation.

That’s Right! Today is my stepping-stone to new awareness and greater joy

When you’re ready to release the need to worry, all that previously wasted energy will be directed into a full and conscious experience of the present moment. When we are anxious about the future, our fear of the unknown destroys today’s peace.

…The search for security and certainty is actually an attachment to the known. And what’s the known? The known is our past. The known is nothing other than the prison of past conditioning. There’s no evolution in that – absolutely none at all.” ~ Deepak Chopra

The natural transformation of the soul leads to less worry. We begin to experience life in the field of Now, watching it unfold, embracing infinite possibilities and open to the mystery as it unfolds in our lives.

When you focus on specifics, demanding that your life situation conform to your preconceived expectations and desires, you shut out entire realms of possibility. Rather, you can choose to celebrate the beauty of your awakening in every moment. Seek the adventures that await.

Today my intention is to welcome new people and experiences into my life.

All paths are sacred

I honor your path.

That’s Right! Divine peace and harmony surround me at all times
When we choose to see all paths as sacred, something beautiful begins to unfold. We open ourselves to the nuances of life, judgement disappears and we discover our own ability to transform.
Seek the Divine within the present moment – the majestic energy of the infinite is all around you. Choose to see beyond labels and roles to the truth of the spirit within. Truly listen to one another’s points of view and support each journey with compassion and kindness.
There is no greater gift than acceptance. It opens the heart chakra and the mind as well as our ability to be fully present with one another. Celebrate the dance of awakening, in whatever form it may appear, knowing that all ultimately works to our highest good.
Today my intention is to accept what is with gratitude and joy.

Facing challenges

The obstacle is the path.

That’s Right! I am aware that what I do not want to change is exactly what I need to change the most

You are a living embodiment of the Divine, here to have the human experience. In every moment, we are living and loving and working immersed within the infinite energy of the Divine, and all that we face serves a definitive purpose in our enlightenment.

Obstacles provide an opportunity to cultivate new skills. They show us how far we have come on the path of awakening and allow us to discover our true potential.

Bring a sense of adventure to the challenges of your life. Seek to find unique ways to face the hurdles you encounter, keeping a consistent, positive attitude to the best of your ability. There is nothing you can’t handle.

Believe in yourself and the processes of your awakening. The best is yet to be.

Today my intention is to handle all my experiences with wisdom, love and ease.

Living aligned with truth

Be the change you wish to see…

That’s Right! Every day offers me an opportunity to become more of who I am
Relationships do not cause pain, they bring out the pain that has been hidden within. When you are ready to heal old wounds, you soul group responds and each person plays their role as part of the process.
Consider those who challenge your beliefs. They help you to cultivate strength in the face of opposition and learn to live aligned with your truth. Those who offer resistance as you learn and grow are showing you the reality of your transformation. As you change, the world around you is transformed as well; therefore, resistance is the barometer which indicates you are truly walking the Path of Transformation.
Bless those who grace your life with their presence. Each plays a specific role in the ongoing evolution of your spirit. Seek to see beyond the illusion of your life situation to the purpose within it and allow your expression of life to be a living reflection of the Divine.
Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.

Living consciously

Awakening, enlightenment, empowerment… are all states which allow you to become aware of your inner dialogue.

That’s Right! I am responsible for my own joy
Life is a constant flow of energy and transformation. Your consciousness is the only thing that remains, immovable, constant and eternal. To understand this is the freedom that you seek.

Taking responsibility for your state of consciousness is an amazing opportunity. Life is an adventure. We move from the unknown to the unknown and learn from our responses to the unpredictable.

The only way to become a master of oneself is to walk consciously through whatever life offers, not fearless, but willing to face any fears. When you are willing to walk though the shadows, you will emerge transformed and courageous will new knowledge of your own ability and potential

Today my intention is to be contented. Here, in the present moment, I choose joy.



Transformation begins when we allow ourselves to wash away the pain…
That’s Right! I am willing to create change in my experience by releasing that which no longer serves me
In the midst of every healing session, the picture above represents my impression of the meeting place of our  souls. Whether  we are coming together to do a chakra cleanse, soul retrieval, karmic imprint removal, life changes through hypnosis or communing with the inner child, we greet one another at the Rivers of Life.

From here, anything is possible. The healing waters cleanse old wounds and wash away the pain and intensity that so easily become a part of day to day life.

Freedom awaits you. Love yourself enough to accept the gifts of the Divine. You are surrounded by assistance, and when you are willing to receive, miracles abound.

Today my intention is to visualize transformation and live as it has already materialized in my life. 

Choose Joy

Happiness or misery…?  Your choice.

That’s Right! When I create peace within my heart and mind, I find it reflected throughout my life
All the love of the Divine and (by extension) all of life itself supports you on each step of your journey. With each layer of pain and illusion you release, your experiences will reflect your new level of consciousness. These changes may begin subtly… you begin having positive exchanges with strangers throughout the day, family relationships have less conflict, prosperity flows throughout various aspects of your life and you may notice yourself feeling gratitude more often.In every moment you have a choice. Should you notice yourself in a state of tension or upset, begin the process of observation by asking yourself, “Why am I choosing this?” Sit with the energy a bit… you may be on the verge of discovery. No one has the power to control what you choose to feel. You have unlimited potential. Knowing this, why would you ever settle for anything less than Bliss?

Today my intention is to celebrate each and every step of the journey I have taken so far.  My life has been graced by amazing people and circumstances, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

Living bliss

When we speak our gratitude out loud, two things happen… we demonstrate our willingness to be responsible for our own joy and we raise our energy to a powerful, magnetic frequency.
That’s Right! This is the moment of transformation
If you want to achieve a greater understanding of life, cultivate the ability to avoid black and white vision. The ego finds security in “knowing how everything works” and seeks the reassurance of a particular mind set.

Allow yourself to see your growth as a work in progress. With each lesson and insight, your views should expand.

When you come face to face with the Divine in it’s infinite forms, all thought should disappear so that only the heart remains. When we see through the illusions of the mind, only joy remains.

Empowerment is being aligned with oneself. From this evolving state of grace and balance we discover that to rejoice in the bliss of existence is enlightenment.

Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.

Walk with love

We are the caregivers of our magnificent planet.
That’s Right! I begin each day with gratitude
Together we participated in the creation of this amazing playground. Long before we chose to become human, we participated in the realms of time and space, spending eons as mountains, oceans, forests, cloud formations and so much more.

In human form, in the space of forgetfulness, we began our journey. Sometimes feeling the power of beautiful places, sometimes hearing whispers in the wind… over lifetimes, our level of consciousness determined how we viewed and treated the planet. Now, as we recognize the sacred in everyone and everything, we have once again become stewards of life.

Without judgment, treat each moment with love. The smallest actions such as cleaning trash on the street, helping a struggling insect out of a puddle, rescuing a puppy or organizing a neighborhood garden aligns you with the Divine.

Walk with purpose, kindness and compassion. Talk to the trees, dance with the wind, allow the soothing waters of mother earth to cool you… and love the moment you’re in.

Today my intention is to walk consciously.