The point of power is in the present moment

This moment is your point of power.
That’s Right! I choose to begin and end my day with gratitude
Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness. Periodically observe yourself, checking to see if you’re holding any tension in the body. Notice if the mind wanders to disquieting memories or doubt and consciously bring yourself fully into the present moment.
Bask in the radiance of this new day. Open to the realm of infinite possibility and simply Be Here Now…
Breathe deeply and create inner balance. Then all your decisions and actions will come from a place of clarity and empowerment.
Today my intention is to walk through each day with a calm heart. 

Walk into the unknown with faith

When patterns repeat, it’s because the mind is more comfortable with the known than the unknown, even when the unknown brings peace, joy, harmony and balance…
That’s Right! Freedom and change are in the air. I discard old ideas.
Awakening is a different process for each of us. One day, the spirit breaks through the stories of the mind and plants a seed of awareness, that change is possible and we begin to tend that idea with conscious intent.

For those not ready to break free from patterns of limitation, be compassionate. Hold the knowing that all will unfold perfectly and consciously interact with kindness. It’s challenging to watch someone you love harm themselves; however, all is part of the process of awakening.

Today my intention is to create memories filled with peace, kindness and compassion for others.

Love and space and freedom

I honor your path
I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place
I drink from your well
I hold no cherished outcome
I will not negotiate by withholding
I am not subject to disappointment

That’s Right! I choose to create harmony and loving communication in every situation
When you live in alignment with the Celtic Vows of Friendship, you consciously create harmony in all of your relationships. Sometimes love requires that we allow others to learn their own lessons in their own time. Compassionate detachment teaches us to listen with empathy and non-judgment, rather than attempting to remove their pain.
Relationships are tremendous vehicles for spiritual growth. In all difficulties, if we are directly present with our own pain and seek all peace from within, we can step beyond the limitations of the past into a world filled with vibrant possibility.
So, love by allowing the winds of heaven to dance in between you. Be present, and let kindness be your guide.
Today my intention is to remember that the gateways to wisdom and knowledge are always open to me.

Knowledge vs Wisdom

Seek wisdom

That’s Right! When I release things which are no longer required for my growth, I create the space in which something new can be experienced
The heart that seeks to awaken, to live authentically, cuts through the illusions of the mind. This spiritual quest opens the door to new experience, and only through releasing desire and expectations can we tap into our inner wisdom.
There is great value in expanding beyond your comfort zone. New experiences provide an opportunity to awaken our senses and awareness. Learning to be comfortable in the face of the unknown is a stepping-stone to clarity and truth.
Today my intention is to easily flow with new experiences and opportunities.

Seeing your enemy as a teacher

Those who challenge you the most on the physical plane, love you the most on the spiritual plane…

That’s Right! Everyone is my teacher. I am willing to release all patterns of resistance within me
Your purpose is to awaken. Those who challenge you should be considered your healing angels because they are willing to risk losing your love (in this lifetime) in order to assist you in your growth.
Until we are ready to awaken, we often run from these challenging relationships, only to draw in another person who will offer the same lesson in a different way. This will occur until it is no longer needed.
Consider those who trigger you and purposely send gratitude and light to them. Ask to see things clearly and look from the heart, rather than through the filter of the ego. You may find the breakthrough for which you have been searching.
Today my intention is to see only love. 

Judgment and love cannot coexist in the same space

The greatest gift that you can offer is an authentic interaction without judgment. Everyone wants to have the same experience on their life’s journey – acceptance.

That’s Right! Knowing that we are all doing the very best we can do based upon our soul age, history, imprinting and level of consciousness, I choose to accept everyone just as they are.
What if you had someone in your life that consistently supported you each and every step of the way? There would be no need for the ego to engage, to become defensive or insecure or to worry about someone else’s mood. If you are fortunate to have cultivated such a relationship, you know how valuable and rare it is.

You can choose to be that person for someone (or everyone!) in your life. What you give is returned to you, often in wonderful and unexpected ways. Practice with the little things – day to day matters are there to aid us in cultivating our desirable qualities. Explore different points of view, celebrate your connection and honor each path as perfect. This will open new dimensions of wisdom within you.

Today my intention is to honor this space, this moment and this soul as sacred. Let me be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

Steppingstones or obstacles… you choose

The beauty of free will…
That’s Right! I create miracles in my ever-changing world. I am open to the wonders of the Universe
Living a mystical life means seeking a conscious inner experience in every situation for the sole purpose of discovering truth. Beyond words and thoughts lies the infinite energy of the Divine, guiding and directing our quest for awakening, leading us to whatever situation is needed for our soul’s growth.Inner wounds cannot be healed until an experience brings them to the surface. Once they are causing an upset, we have the opportunity to become more aware of the message and purposely chose to transform them into steppingstones of awakening.

This is the beauty of free will – you can choose to remain trapped in the limiting patterns of the past or set yourself free with intention. There is a spiritual lesson in every moment you experience – if you choose to seek it, you will surely find it.

Today my intention is to love what is. All is well. 

Be love

Be love.
That’s Right! I become more lovable every day. Others see me as a loving and forgiving person
This is your moment… your moment to shine and consciously send love to those with whom you interact. If you find yourself replaying a past hurt, stop for a moment and send light to that person. Whether rushing through a busy Monday morning or walking in the woods, choose to see the world around you through the eyes of love.
What if we, collectively, simply moved into conscious, patient, compassionate inner space and chose to spend the day there? How much difference might that create in the world? I can think of nothing better.
When we make the choice to seek higher energy, often the Universe will provide opportunities and circumstances to utilize and strengthen those wonderful aspects of the personality. Dance in the light of this new day and prepare to be amazed.
Today my intention is to remember that when I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it in my life.

I am a work in progress

The journey of awakening is a process of releasing old patterns and being willing to receive while taking one more conscious step forward.
That’s Right! I am a work in progress
Each of us is a master in the process of awakening. The only difference is one’s level of consciousness. As we learn to expand our thinking, we become more aware of the absurdities of life and step outside of the melodrama.

Understanding and awareness bring about change. Spiritual teachings begin to be absorbed and applied to daily life and resistance becomes a thing of the past.

Your spiritual progress benefits the world because it raises the level of consciousness of all. Even a little bit makes a difference because it changes our response to life.

Soul work is a constant process of letting go, surrendering, accepting and expanding and then stepping out of the known into the unknown. This takes courage and faith in the Divine… that we will wind up just where we need to be.

Today my intention is to express myself creatively in ways that are deeply fulfilling to me. I am willing to choose joy. 

Everything works toward your highest good

No matter what arises, or in what form it appears, it is happening for you, not to you.
That’s Right! I recognize that awareness is the first step in healing or changing. I become more aware with each passing day
This world, and all within it, fulfills one purpose – to facilitate your spiritual awakening and evolution. Seek to recognize the gifts that await discovery within each and every situation. All that you witness has a purpose and we are here to fit the pieces of the puzzle together.

Discovery comes from trial and error. There are no absolutes; however, the journey itself seeks to set you free from self-made limitation. This thing to remember is that this experience, this moment, has something profound to teach.

Consider those who grace your life. They too fulfill a purpose and any challenges you have together are not obstacles on the path, they are the path. Knowing this, face them with love and a willingness to grow from the situation.

Today my intention is to allow love to operate in all my relationships, from the most casual and fleeting to the most intimate.