Freedom and self-mastery

Happiness is a choice.
That’s Right! I am ready to set myself free from the past
Freedom lies in the understanding that you are responsible for your own joy. With this knowledge you can do anything! You can choose to release resentment, to stop allowing the stories of the past to destroy the present, to walk forward on your life path without fear… the possibilities are endless.
Sometimes, especially with souls who are more advanced, the ego finds ways to sneak in the back door undetected. It often begins with a desire to help, the desire to evolve, to find joy, etc., but the self talk leads to dissatisfaction. Should you notice your mind wandering to the future or replaying the past, observe it without judgment but purposefully shift your energy into the present moment. Create a space of joy. Celebrate your journey. There is no greater power on earth than your ability to choose freedom over enslavement.
Each of us is a master in the process of awakening. The only difference is the amount of experience and understanding we have amassed. Always seek to go inward and choose self-mastery to the greatest extent that you can with what you have from where you are.
Today my intention is to seek wisdom. Knowing that it comes from within, I will quiet the mind and see through the eyes of love.

Celebrate life

There is much more to life than meets the eye.
That’s Right! I am willing to live within the mystery
As an infinite spirit, your life purpose is to experience all the aspects of being human. When we drop the mind’s projection of good and bad or right and wrong, it all becomes sacred experience.
Pay attention. Hold the energy of the Now with delighted anticipation and open to whatever this moment has to offer. Immerse yourself in it. Celebrate with joyful gratitude and honor the lessons that unfold.
We are here to learn through experience, to discover new aspects of ourselves by witnessing the reflections that arise in those around us and seeing ourselves clearly.
Today my intention is to remember that infinite energies are unfolding Now, and there are limitless levels to explore.

Gratitude and appreciation

Begin with gratitude.
That’s Right! The more peaceful I am, the more I have to share with others
What a gift it is, this opportunity to choose how we wish to experience life! Your first thoughts upon awakening dictate how the energy of the day will be experienced. The more often you choose appreciation and gratitude, the more open you will be to receive the myriad gifts of the Divine. Love flows upon you from all dimensions.
The enlightened spirit takes full responsibility for their own state of consciousness. They seek to adjust their inner dialogue whenever necessary and take the time to periodically observe how they are responding to the present moment. The simple movement of awareness can change everything.
Choose to release every doubtful, negative or anxious thought from your mind and your life. Turn the mechanisms of the ego into mindful powerful thoughts and observe the miracles that unfold.

Today my intention is to handle all my experiences with wisdom, joy and ease.

Teachers and masters

Those who have changed our lives walk with us forever.
That’s Right! Every experience I have leads me to a greater understanding of my purpose on Earth

Knowledge comes into our experience in many ways… through inspirational books and writings, an authentic teacher, observing the mysteries of nature or the many life lessons that transform our perception.

As we move from teacher to teacher, their words live on. We approach life attempting to view it through their eyes and finding the seed of higher perception that lived within us all along.
Honor your teachers by living authentically. Apply the new knowledge you have assimilated to old situations. Process challenges in different ways until they no longer seem like challenges at all. It’s not that life is suddenly different; however, you will have changed your response to it as your perception reaches new levels of understanding.
And when the time comes, be a teacher for others by demonstrating higher truths – acceptance, kindness, peacefulness. Your light will create ripples of energy that transform the world.

Today my intention is to be grateful for the many teachers of my life.

Honor all paths as sacred

In this infinite universe, there are endless ways to celebrate the journey.
That’s Right! I honor your path as sacred

Acceptance and respect are wonderful gifts that we can offer to one another. No matter how one chooses to seek enlightenment, healing and peace, it is all part of the infinite source of love that guides us home.

The beauty of the human experience resides in free will, choice, experimentation, discovery, passion, “aha” moments, change, awakening, freedom and joy. Those who insist that what has worked for them is the only way to achieve enlightenment limit themselves and those around them. Much like differing tastes in books, music or art, the joy is in the discovery.

Seek with an open heart and support others as they too seek the Divine in their own unique way. In such a loving state of openness, we are sure to learn something new in the process.

Today my intention is to create a space in which transformation can occur.

Enlightenment in the real world

Peace is available to me now.
That’s Right! I can choose joy

The goal of enlightenment is not only to discover inner peace and balance, but to bring that beautiful energy out into the world. It’s relatively easy to achieve a state of Zen while living in a cave (or hiding in one’s meditation room), but it takes a master to hold the space of love when someone is screaming in your face… or worse, passive aggressively attempting to undermine confidence and self esteem.

We are here to help one another – through projection, support, teaching and sharing – in every moment we have the opportunity to reach new levels of understanding.

Enlightenment brings freedom. Freedom from drama and anger, freedom from regret or worry, and this freedom, once achieved, will become the foundation from which we experience life.

Consider those whom you admire. The qualities that shine their way into your consciousness can do so only because they are a mirror of your own. See yourself clearly, own your light and share your unique gifts with those who enter your life.

Today my intention is to greet life with an open heart

Experience brings self knowledge

Sometimes you have to be who you aren’t in order to discover who you are
That’s Right! I am a spiritual being having a human experience
Experience is a great teacher. Through experience we discover what ignites our passion as well as what leaves us feeling blocked. In frustrating situations we often come to very important realizations that impact the way we choose to approach life thereafter.
Bless the moments of clarity as they arise. Your soul knows the purpose behind challenging moments and living consciously makes the breakthroughs that much more freeing and empowering.
The road that you walk creates sparkling facets which allow the love of the Divine to shine beautifully through you.  Not only are you a light in the world, but you are discovering the necessary balance of dark and light and the perfection which lies within the power of the present moment.
Today my intention is to remember that my purpose is to experience the Divine in everyone and everything. As an infinite being, I am willing to explore all that life has to offer

The progression of awakening

Everyone participates in our awakening.
That’s Right! All things work toward my highest good
Spiritual awakening is a progression. Step by step we expand our vision, cultivate new knowledge and find ways to apply it to our lives. Though a shift in consciousness can happen in an instant, more often it occurs over time. Periodically take a moment to assess your responses to life. It’s likely that you’ll discover you process challenges differently, are less reactive and move more quickly from anger to peace. How much have you grown over the last year, or five or ten?
When the ego seeks to distract by planting the thought that you “should be more evolved by now” – recognize that you are exactly where you need to be. Lessons may repeat in differing forms until you’ve had the opportunity to explore every nuance. Myriad situations will arise which allow you to cultivate unconditional love and acceptance, and ultimately, the periods of harmony and peace will far outweigh the moments of frustration.
The way you can measure how far you’ve come on the journey is to recognize how much peace you are experiencing in this moment… what are you choosing right now?
Today my intention is to remember that there are always new levels to explore.

Know thyself

Know thyself… pay no attention to the opinions of the multitudes.
That’s Right! I am willing to see clearly
The world is full of opinions, perceptions, beliefs, trends and causes. In this infinite universe, there are certainly enough nuances to go around and until we become aware, it can be easy to get caught in the web of expectation.
While others always have something to teach, one must discover their own path, live their own passions and stay true to their unique soul’s mission. Once this inner balanced has been attained, nothing can shake it.
Challenges that come your way offer an opportunity for you to cultivate what you have learned on the Path of Transformation. Sharing with others provides a space in which you can articulate your truths. Resistance from those in your sphere of influence indicates that powerful change is occurring.
Live your truth. Pay attention. Learn all that you can… and allow your beautiful light to shine.
Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

The strength of acceptance

At the core of everything… Love.
That’s Right! I open my heart and give thanks
When we choose to live with an open heart, we set the stage for a deeper connection with one another. Love allows us to stay in alignment with the Divine no matter what the circumstance. We follow our bliss, give freely and honor the journey of awakening.
There is nothing to fear. As infinite beings, we simply experience the ebb and flow of life. Endings and beginning are intertwined and beauty lies within the threads of the tapestry we weave together.
Courage allows us to create a space in which a transformation can occur. We honor the lessons and pace of one another’s growth by moving into acceptance at every opportunity. Love is the absence of resistance.
Today my intention is to be grateful