See your life as sacred

Every moment of your life is an expression of grace.
That’s Right! I am responsible for all my experiences
All to often we get caught up in the drama and minutia of life. Consider the truth that you are a spiritual being, your life is sacred and you are an expression of the Divine. Some people might feel that this perception is a lot of pressure, but to me, it seems to simplify things…If I feel anger – is that an expression of the Divine, or my ego running amok? If I am frustrated or impatient, is that an expression of the Divine, or am I feeding my energy into things which do not serve my growth?

The place to begin is ruthless honesty with oneself. If you feel anger or frustration, feel it – immerse yourself within it in a conscious manner. Doing so will almost immediately diffuse the situation and you will see things more clearly.

Let compassion be your guide. This is your moment of transformation.

Life changes

“Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.” ~ John Lennon
That’s Right! I handle all my experiences with wisdom, love and ease
Life is constantly unfolding in unexpected ways. The human condition often begins with resistance – we have plans and goals and tend to fight against that which seems to knock us off our path. But… it is the journey that is important, not the destination.
How we respond to the events of our lives dictates how much joy we are willing to experience. Begin by mastering your state of consciousness – consistently observe yourself with kindness, face your fears, trust the processes of your growth and know that everything has a purpose on this sacred journey of yours.
Miracles happen with you create space and allow the Divine to surprise you. New people, changes in perception and conscious interactions can alter your life in amazing ways. As we incorporate the lessons, we can flow with changes with incredible grace and faith knowing that all will unfold perfectly.
Today my intention is trust the processes of my awakening.

Using love as a catalyst for higher consciousness

Let all your decisions be led by love
That’s Right! Love is my way of relating to the world
Love does not fluctuate because it’s source comes from within – it is not dependent on outside factors. It is a way of being in the world and those who have reached this high vibration learn to bypass reason and relate from the heart.
Thought deals with specifics whereas love deals with the whole. It is able to see clearly and look beyond the obvious to the inner dimensions of being. It dissolves negativity through supporting rather than attacking.
In the energy of love, we learn that love is everywhere and what we give out returns in miraculous ways. When making decisions, choose from love – for instance, deciding to leave a job for a new exciting adventure is far more powerful than becoming fed up and quitting out of anger. One opens energy, the other destroys.
The path to unconditional love lies in surrender and forgiveness. When we release the stories of the ego, move past our history and simply bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place, the spirit enters the realm of infinite possibility.
Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred. 

Conscious changes

Don’t be afraid to live.
That’s Right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity
Our lives are filled with so much opportunity… don’t be afraid to recreate yourself from time to time. One day we awaken to discover that our current expression of life no longer provides the challenges it once did and we begin longing for something different.  That’s normal – it simply indicates that you have mastered the lessons of your current level and are ready to expand into new ways of being.
Sometimes the path of transition is clear; however, there will also be those moments when we simply jump off the edge of the abyss into the unknown with faith knowing that all we need to understand will present itself at the perfect moment.
Don’t doubt those first instincts. Follow them to see where they lead. Of course, the ego will pop in with thoughts of worry (that’s it’s job!), but we have the capability to choose to consciously see through the fear to the infinite possibilities that await… new friends, new experiences, the opportunity to share and receive and much, much more. Yes, part of us may long for the “known” and all the perceived safely that it brings, but the soul longs for growth, for dramatic expansion, and there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
Today my intention is to be willing to explore all that life has to offer.


We stand in the realm of infinite possibility.
That’s Right! Knowing that my thoughts create my reality, I choose to keep them positive and expect the very best
Intention sets the stage for all that comes into our experience, though it may sometimes come in unexpected ways. We humans have limited perception and often forget that we don’t see the big picture. Knowing this, we learn to work from the end result of happiness – choosing joy, taking baby steps, being willing to take a risk – and allow space for the Divine to bring about our desires in the perfect way.
Trust your intuition. There will come moments when you make a leap of faith and things will seem to go awry. Often, when things seem to be falling apart, they are really falling together. Let the pieces fall into place – sometimes, one person leads to another, one opportunity expands into something completely unexpected or we discover members of our soul’s support group along the way. The key is to behave as though the end result has already manifested.
Look at yourself from a space of compassion and love and healing will begin. What we forgive in others, we forgive within ourselves and then it disappears from our experience. This is how we create transformation in our world.
Today my intention is to be an authentic expression of kindness and acceptance

Anger as a teacher

Anger can be transformed into spiritual practice.
That’s Right! Everything offers me an opportunity to awaken
Anger can be experienced in many ways. It can be suppressed, hiding under the levels of awareness where it creates physical symptoms in the body, experienced as depression or explosive rage. When the ego provides a story, it can present itself as righteous anger and we will seek out others who will provide support in order to justify moments of imbalance. We can explode in reactive anger saying that it’s important to let it out; however, that energy creates wounds in our auric field an in the fields of those nearby.
You can transform anger into awakening. When it arises, feel it without justifying, repressing or acting on it – just observe. Notice what it does to your body, pay attention to the thoughts that run through the mind, and bring the light of consciousness to the present moment.
In that quiet light of awareness, you may experience a release or see through the mechanisms of the ego, thus transforming that flash of anger and bringing your attention to an unhealed wound.
When you have learned the lessons that anger has to offer, you’ll discover the art of living with an open heart. Compassion and acceptance are the gifts which await the awakened spirit.
Today my intention is to remember that, at the core, everything is connected by love

The human experience

Live with joy.
That’s Right! I am grateful
The whole point of being human is to enjoy physical life… as beings of spirit, we had never experienced the taste of chocolate, known the warmth of a hug, or felt the emotions that arise from falling in love or feeling disappointment.
And so the experiment began. As One, we created a playground within the realm of time and space. We decided to dance in the arms of the Divine by taking a journey into new levels of illusion, and getting immersed within the dream, got lost for a time and forgot the point of existence… experience.
However, even that forgetting was something that the infinite source of love had not experienced before and so, it too, fulfills an important aspect of a grander plan – the joy of awakening.
Let yourself slow down and savor all the tiny, exquisite aspects of being human today. Without inner dialogue or mind-made labels, simple be with whatever unfolds. let every action, sensation and experience be considered sacred. Slow down and consciously enjoy your food or a good conversation, run your fingertips across different textures, revel in your dog’s smile and take the time to enjoy the beauty and majesty of being human.
Today my intention is to dance in the love, light and laughter of the universe

Live your true potential

Life’s journey is one that goes inward.
That’s Right! The promise of unlimited potential awakens my knowledge of Divine truth
Who am I? What do I want? What is my purpose? What makes me happy? These questions, as taught by Deepak Chopra, lead us inward. It’s not important to know the answers, but to live the questions each and every day and the answers will make themselves known.
The possibilities are limitless and there is a way to connect to the authentic joy of discovering your unlimited potential. Begin by cultivating an understanding that everything is interconnected. This is why thoughts become things and the energy that we send out returns in unexpected ways.
Live in the realm of infinite possibility. The way to regain that expanding joy of limitless potential is to recognize the interconnectedness of all things, live in the present moment with faith and intention and be willing to receive the miraculous gifts of the divine, however they may appear.
…But it can be difficult to purposefully send empowering thoughts and expectations out into the realm of pure potential when one is struggling to know his or her own truth. All that precious vitality is expended trying to please others, adhering to a preconceived expectations or feeling lost and directionless.
Go inward. Live the questions. Let your choices be guided by love rather than by fear. All of life responds to your beautiful energy.
Today my intention is to create the life of my dreams

Happiness vs inner peace

Let peace begin with me.
That’s Right! The joy in my life is overflowing. My life gets better all the time
It’s easy to be joyful when things are flowing well – nearly anyone can tap into that energy. The gift is learning how to access inner peace during ALL moments – happy, boring, uplifting, exciting, sad, neutral, frustrating, fulfilling or challenging. All are one – merely experience. Those who have mastered the art of inner peace can flow with whatever unfolds with a quiet mind and open heart.
All of us have moments where we miss the mark and that’s ok. Eckhart Tolle teaches that unless we can greet the present moment with joy, enthusiasm or acceptance, there is more work to be done. Our ability to access those wonderful planes of existence lies within in the space in which all things are experienced.
The next time you listen to music, take a moment to appreciate the gaps between the notes, those quiet moments that give even more meaning to the melody and then apply that same innate knowledge to your life. The beauty lies in the gaps within the movement of space and time, in the realm of infinite possibility… and there you can find the beauty of your soul.
Today my intention is to look forward with enthusiasm to the adventures of the day

Repeating patterns

Patterns repeat until we no longer need them.
That’s Right! Every circumstance and situation has something to teach me
In the dance of life, lessons will arrive in differing forms until we have had the opportunity to examine them from every angle. Experience leads to wisdom and wisdom leads to compassion.
When we are ready to break free from a limiting belief, we will send out a request (at the level of spirit) indicating our desire to face a particular pattern. The souls who respond love you enough to risk your displeasure (on the level of form) and will play whatever role is needed for your growth. These beautiful souls are called our healing angels.
Our healing angels provide an opportunity to release old beliefs or discover a healthier way of dealing with repeating challenges. Resist nothing. Observe what role you may play in repeating circumstances and consciously choose to do things differently. This may take a few tries, after all, you’re exploring new realms of experience. It can often be difficult to recognize a pattern when you are immersed within it; however, asking yourself if a particular situation is bringing up familiar feelings, responses or thoughts is a good place to begin.
Finally the day will come when you recognize that you’re responding differently than you ever have. You may see the humor, feel neutral, or simply have compassion for those who have yet to learn that particular lesson… and then it’s off to the next.
Today my intention is to be grateful for those who have helped me to break free from limiting beliefs.