Be the change…

Be the change you wish to see in the world
That’s Right! My experience of the world is a reflection of my thoughts and beliefs
All to often we shake our heads in disbelief, amazed by the lack of consciousness that we witness in the world around us. But, we are all intertwined. In order to make a difference, we must first begin within.
As we release the need for drama or chaos, it ceases seeking us out. As we heal our wounds, we are able to experience one another with open hearts. As we move past judgment into compassion, a new picture emerges… and it is beautiful.
Don’t try to fix others – not your friends, not your family. Seek only to tend to your own state of consciousness, bringing awareness and kindness to each and every moment. This is how we change the world.
Today my intention is to be the change I wish to see

Lack or abundance?

Nothing is lacking. What a powerful statement.
That’s Right! All that I need is already here
Ideas of lack or abundance create the way we choose to inhabit the present moment. Depending upon which filter we use, we build the momentum of our experiences.
Consider the difference between someone who looks at a bank statement and feels broke and another who feels safe. Obviously, the feeling of poverty or safety has nothing to do with a particular number but with ones relationship to money itself.
Gratitude opens the pathway for abundance in all of it’s forms. We can choose appreciation, find joy in the present moment and celebrate life as it unfolds… or we can resist what is. Resistance causes pain while acceptance opens up the world of infinity possibility in miraculous ways.
Today my intention is to share my gifts. I am willing to greet life with open arms

Living consciously

Nothing matters more than your state of consciousness.
That’s Right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity
Thoughts can create terrible discontent and unhappiness when the “What ifs?” become more important than the present moment. No matter what unfolds, you have the ability to face it with strength and integrity. Living in the Now brings all your energy, passion, intuition and talent to the forefront where you can creatively navigate through whatever experiences life has to offer.
The mind, on the other hand, can debilitate by sending one’s energy on a wild goose chase. It imagines every possible scenario, considers the worst, most painful outcomes and attempts to prepare for, or try to avoid, failure, thus diffusing one’s precious energy and resources.
Peace is yours Now. The way to determine how far you have come on the path of transformation is to observe the amount of peacefulness you experience each and every day.
Today my intention is to receive whomever comes into my experience as an honored guest

Joy comes from within

All that you need is within you.
That’s Right! I am responsible for my own joy
All too often people attach their happiness to a particular outcome. When we allow outside events to control our joy, we become trapped by circumstance.
Step into empowerment by taking personal responsibility for your own state of consciousness. No matter what arises, move more deeply into the Now. You can choose how to experience the present moment. When we release the ideas of right and wrong and simply honor the path we walk, we have a greater ability to choose peace. Even moments of sorrow or frustration are Divine, for they often lead us inward where we discover our truth.


Today my intention is to choose joy


Behind the sounds, beyond the experience, under the chatter of the mind lies the brilliance of your own Divine nature.
That’s Right! I quietly reside within the stillness of the present moment
Peace is a simple thing… all we need to do is clear away the clutter and listen. The conscious awareness of the spiritual seeker opens these moments of connection, and from there our perception of the world expands into something wholly new.
Wherever you are, be there completely. Listen, just listen. Find the heartbeat of life and enter into it. You are infinite. You are divine. You are awake. And so it is.
Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.

Live authentically

“Normal” is overrated…
That’s Right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity
Many people spend a great deal trying to anticipate what others expect of them. Whether parents, lovers, co-workers or strangers, all that we see is a reflection of our own beliefs. So, if you believe that someone wants you to be emotionally stronger than you feel, it truly means that you desire to be emotionally strong. Unfortunately, it’s easy to become distracted while getting stuck in the loop of blame, projecting our beliefs onto those around us and then becoming frustrated because they seem to misunderstand us or judge us.
You can step into your own power by knowing and accepting yourself. Stop trying to please others. When you live in your integrity, life becomes more clear. You’ll have a greater understanding of yourself and, as a result, will be more apt to project confidence, kindness and truth.
Each of us is unique, with special talents and desires, perception, dreams, soul mission and history. This unique blend creates the space from which you can experience the world in your own way. From there, breakthroughs and transformations are possible.
Today my intention is to stand in my truth, to live and move in love.

Our impact on others

You may never know the depth of the impact you have had on others lives, but never doubt that it has been significant.
That’s Right! I follow my inner guidance. I am a shining example of love and light.
The gifts you have to offer are unique. Those who have drawn you into their experience desire, on a soul level, your particular energy and perception of the world. The specifics of our encounters can fade over time, but we remember the joy, the emotion or frustration we have experienced as a result of our interactions with particular people.
When you live consciously, it’s much more common to leave a positive energetic imprint – a smile which resonates through all levels of understanding and perception. Let kindness be your religion. Give the gift of acceptance to those with whom you interact – they will love you for it!
Today my intention is to ask for more understanding so that I may knowingly and lovingly shape my world and my experiences.


I choose joy – in every moment, in every situation, in every interaction.
That’s Right! I am grateful
Whatever we send out into the world returns to us. In the process, the energy expands and transforms with it’s own unique volition. Our role is to be willing to receive while honoring the processes of our own growth.
Happiness comes first. When you choose to live from a space of authentic joy and gratitude, your consciousness becomes a magnet for all the gifts that life has to offer. The joyful person seeks for the opportunity to dance, learn, share and love and realizes that there is no need to struggle.
If you have ever caused yourself pain, let it transform into compassion. The lessons of the past have brought us to this sacred moment where we stand together at the threshold of understanding. Choose to drop the stories which no longer serve you and step into joy.
Today my intention is to love unconditionally

Be the change you wish to see

I can be the change I wish to see…
That’s Right! I am a master in the process of awakening
Everyone is a master in the process of awakening, a spark of the Divine seeking awareness of itself. Part of that process is flirting with the desire to make the world a better place and so we reach out – sharing, teaching, contributing – not realizing that others may not be ready to receive.
The only differing factor is ones level of consciousness. Some are more awake and others have yet to consciously begin that aspect of their journey. True mastery begins when we stop seeking to change others and focus solely on our own inner growth. This is how we change the world – from within.
Your actions have a great impact on those around you. As you become more aware of your own divinity, layer by layer releasing that which no longer serves you, you will find great joy in your own awakenings.
Today my intention is to choose to see the Divine within everyone I meet. 

Transformation in daily life

Let your life be a dance of empowerment, passion and acceptance…
That’s Right! My experience of the world is a reflection of my thoughts and beliefs
Most people can find incredible inner strength when faced with intense challenges; however, I’ve discovered that we can learn a lot about ourselves by paying attention to how we respond to the day to day frustrations of life.
Complaining, by it’s very definition, is the rejection of what is. For the awakened person, awareness quickly kicks in and inspires us to transform the situation – either by taking action or choosing to view it from a higher perspective.
Since everything contributes to our spiritual awakening and evolution, observe your responses to the little things. Sometimes it’s just a matter of slowing down, realizing that you need time to breathe and bring yourself back into balance. Choose to say “Yes” to life, don’t allow frustration to lower your energy, rather let it become the springboard to new heights.
Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.