Consciousness and perception

Everything is pure potential… until we interpret it from our current level of consciousness.
That’s Right! I move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the infinite Divine Mind, where all things are possible
When we speak of infinite possibilities, it simply means that an object, idea or circumstance can easily be experienced in myriad number of ways depending upon the beliefs, attitudes and life experiences of the person doing the interacting.

To most of us, a chair is a chair. However, to a child who has yet to learn the concept “chair”, that object may be a fort, a place to hide or anything their imagination can conjure. At some point, someone solidifies their imprinting with a statement such as “No, that’s not for play. We sit on chairs.” And, all at once, infinite possibility and joy are limited to a particular “truth” and eventually the child becomes an adult who forgets all the fun moments and discoveries he or she once had.

Consider that our early years are spent experiencing – everything is interesting, sometimes magical or scary, but we are willing to explore without preconceived ideas or concepts. Then we begin to learn – both from our own trial and error and from watching those around us and limitations become hard-wired into our experience.

The next step of personal evolution is the re-awakening of consciousness. We begin to play in the realm of possibility, creating new realities, changing things that once seemed so permanent and find that freedom awaits. So, the next time you find yourself embroiled in a discussion of right vs. wrong or differences of perception, remember that we all process life from our own level of consciousness. Therefore; everyone’s perception is “right” to them based upon their own experience and the lessons which are needed for their soul’s growth. Giving the opportunity to explore and learn, our perceptions will surely expand to encompass every possibility.

Today my intention is to laugh at life (and at myself), and choose not be offended by anyone or anything.

The beauty beyond labels

Choose to see beyond the roles that people play.
That’s Right! Everyone is my teacher
When we drop the labels that divide us and simply see all that unfolds as perfect, it opens us to new perception and understanding. As awakening beings, we know that all relationships provide us an opportunity to see our own shadows and beauty. From there, we can heal or accept as needed as we take one more step closer to the Divine.
Righteous judgment is the ego’s way of creating division. Judgement and love cannot coexist in the same space; therefore, we evolve more quickly by choosing to find ways to love our way through challenging situations.
Seek to be fully present in every interaction you have today. Should you notice a pattern, pay particular attention – especially to any words of encouragement or guidance that you hear yourself giving. Those messages are meant for you and the Universe has arranged the perfect coincidence, providing  an opportunity for growth.
And finally, be kind to yourself. Drop all critical self-talk and take the time to appreciate how far you have come, how many lives you have touched, and marvel as the majesty of your awakening.
Today my intention is to take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.

The journey of enlightenment

This is the moment of transformation
That’s Right! It is always easy for me to adapt and change. I am flexible and flowing
There are moments when the final piece of the puzzle falls into place. Something shifts, we can visualize the next phase of our growth and passion reignites.
When you learn to live from the level of soul, amazing things begin to happen. Fear dissipates and we become aware of the exquisite perfection of our experience. The rhythms of change are in the air and each of us has the opportunity to tap into the wonder of living.
Stand back and look at the tapestry of your life. Each thread has played a vital role in who you are. Every experience, chance meeting, inspiration or insight played it’s part in the synchrodestiny of your purpose. You’ll discover that everything has meaning when you observe it from a higher perspective.
In the midst of change it can be challenging to see clearly. Those are the moments when it’s important to show up and be open to experience, ready to flow with whatever unfolds. Clarity will come; however, it’s important to consciously continue to create the space in which transformation can occur. Laughter is also helpful…
Apply intention and attention to the present moment. Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness – you are deeply connected to everyone and everything and love resides at the core of it all.
Today my intention is to purposely shape my own destiny as I move towards enlightenment

Be a conscious creator

You are more powerful than you know
That’s Right! I trust life to be wonderful. I see only good ahead and expect to be surprised in delightful ways
Your thoughts and words create your reality. When the ego-driven mind gains momentum, it can be hard to remember that you are a conscious creator, you are living a life of purpose and have chosen to reside in a world that offers infinite possibility.
Awakened movement can only come from within and that inner transformation begins with a thought. Self awareness is sparked by the realization that you are ready to expand yourself in a way that creates greater freedom and joy in your experience.
Some powerful statements to use in the process of creating personal changes are:
  • I am willing to release the patterns within me that have created this situation
  • All things work to my highest good – this situation, whatever it has to offer, is an important part of my awakening
  • I am willing to grow and change. Every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am
Your energy sets the stage for the filter through which you experience the world. When you take the time to create balance by cleansing your home, create a sacred space, observe your thoughts (purposely shifting them into empowerment when necessary), and making morning Gratitude Walks a priority, you create the space in which a transformation can occur.
Today my intention is to be mindful. Every choice, thought, word and action supports my desire for a life filled with joy.

Choose to be a light in the midst of darkness

Be the change you wish to see.

That’s Right! I envision a world of peace and plenty. I feel harmony and unity between nations and I contribute to their harmony
Sometimes fear and anger seem so prevalent. It’s easy to lose sight of love in the ego-driven patterns of judgment and chaos. The important thing to remember is that life is a reflection of our collective state of consciousness and it’s up to each one of us to consistently transform our own shadows into light. Consider the idea that the dysfunction we witness is there as a reminder to look within.
Everything serves a purpose, not only for your growth but for the growth of humankind as a whole. In times of darkness, light – any light – shines brightly, making a tremendous difference.
Keep this simple idea in mind. Are you contributing to awareness or participating in the illusion? As awakened beings we have a greater capability to see beyond the roles and the world of form to the love which resides at the core of all things. There is no need to intellectually change another’s point of view; however, living in a state of grace and acceptance makes a resounding statement.
Today my intention is to remember that freedom and change are in the air. I discard old ideas and open to new ways of being

How to get what you want out of life

“We are all just walking one another home…” ~Ram Dass
That’s Right! With my loving attitude, I help to create a world where it is safe for us to love each other
Rejoice in one another’s good fortune. Be a blessing by helping those around you to achieve their dreams. Support searches for love, success, satisfaction and joy by offering your love and assistance without expectation. The natural flow of energy ensures that all that you give freely will surely return to you in amazing ways.
The ego says “but what about me?” or “when will it be my turn” prompting desire or the fear of missing opportunities. Rather than falling prey to the voice of limited belief, know that miracles await. So, whether you share a smile, support, compassion or physical assistance, act with a heart that is free from fear for you have amazing gifts to share.
Today my intention is to see my patterns and make changes without embarrassment or guilt.

You are responsible for your own joy

You are responsible for your own joy.
That’s Right! When I create peacefulness in my mind, it is reflected in my life
Ego loves to blame, seeing others as the source of pain. It’s primary purpose is to distract, and it does so with stories that support the unconscious desire to remain asleep. Many people move from one drama to the next, unaware that the key to releasing turbulence lies within them.
Each of us has one primary life lesson that repeats in myriad forms until we have mastered all it’s nuances. Many souls will enter your life to assist you in this endeavor and you will discover that the more you love yourself, the less internal conflict you will have. Inner confidence and grace create awakened responses to others’ dysfunction or ego generated behavior.
When you notice yourself making the conscious decision to remain neutral in dramatic situations, you are taking responsibility for your own joy – and that is a powerful place to reside.
Today my intention is to experience today as a wonderful day. I choose to make it so.

Allow your light to shine

The awakened soul sees life differently.

That’s Right! I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing
One wonderful indicator of personal growth is resistance from those around you. As we change, the world around us is transformed, and often, close family and friends will unknowingly attempt to keep the status quo because they may not be ready for their own changes.
Be patient with those who grace your life. Gentle reminders, detached compassion and love without expectation are new ways to respond to the existing patterns in your life. You make a difference as consistent awakened behavior becomes your new baseline.
Your intentions will manifest – often in unforeseen and miraculous ways. In the meantime, choose to live with laughter and joyful expectation. No matter where you have been or what situations have played a part in your awakening, you have the ability to transform your experience. The light of consciousness changes everything.
Today my intention is to dance in the light, love and laughter of the Universe

Creative visualization

The point of power is always in the present moment.
That’s Right! Life supports me and brings the perfect circumstances for my growth
Our experience of the world is a reflection of our thoughts, words and beliefs. Worry dissipates vital energy that could be directed into positive solutions, creative visualization and joyful expectation for the future.
The present moment is the doorway to enlightenment. We can engage life’s magic by understanding our power and remembering (always!) that thoughts become things.
Decide what you wish to create. Honor where you are in the present moment and visualize the end result. Any thoughts which impede your progress should be observed, examined and transformed into the realm of infinite possibility.
Be excited, enchanted and celebrate the fact that you are getting closer every day. As you walk through your lessons, they become easier to navigate and soon you will see the light on the horizon.
Today my intention is to rejoice in what I have and greet my challenges with open arms

You are the Universe

The soul craves experience and expansion.
That’s Right! It is my birthright to express myself creatively in ways that are deeply fulfilling to me.
The journey of awakening began the moment that we entered the realm of time and space. Here in the physical world, we have the opportunity to rediscover our true infinite nature through lifetime after lifetime of experience.
We attempt to learn as much as possible during each incarnation, flowing through three different 27 year phases – Youth (ages 0-27), Power (ages 27-54) and Wisdom (ages 54-81). Typically, we create extreme transitional events that lead to an opening in perception or prompt us to reassess the meaning of our journey. The resulting change shifts us to the next phase of our development.
Be willing to release that which you no longer need knowing that you will create the space in which a transformation can occur. The best is yet to come.
Today my intention is to easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.