You are the Universe

The soul craves experience and expansion.
That’s Right! It is my birthright to express myself creatively in ways that are deeply fulfilling to me.
The journey of awakening began the moment that we entered the realm of time and space. Here in the physical world, we have the opportunity to rediscover our true infinite nature through lifetime after lifetime of experience.
We attempt to learn as much as possible during each incarnation, flowing through three different 27 year phases – Youth (ages 0-27), Power (ages 27-54) and Wisdom (ages 54-81). Typically, we create extreme transitional events that lead to an opening in perception or prompt us to reassess the meaning of our journey. The resulting change shifts us to the next phase of our development.
Be willing to release that which you no longer need knowing that you will create the space in which a transformation can occur. The best is yet to come.
Today my intention is to easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.

Forgiveness and freedom

When we choose to take full responsibility for our own joy in the present moment, forgiveness becomes possible. The knowledge that challenging circumstances and people grace our lives for the purpose of assisting in the cultivation of wisdom, faith and empowerment allows us to see beyond the ego’s story to the core of infinite love.
That’s Right! I am unlimited in my own ability to create the good in my life
Anything can be transformed by the light of consciousness. Situations will repeat, giving us the practice we need in order to recognize limiting patterns in myriad forms. When you find yourself realizing that an old lesson has returned you are awake. Turn and face life with courage, knowing that you have the tools to shift limitation into wisdom.
Forgiveness is a powerful tool of self-awareness and growth. Anytime a situation knocks you off balance or you need a way to access your inner knowledge, complete a Radical Forgiveness Worksheet, read it out loud to yourself and then burn it in a simple personal ceremony of gratitude. The energy will shift, setting you free to walk forward in grace.
Today my intention is to open my consciousness to all the wonderful possibilities of life.

Love and wisdom

“A quiet mind is all you need. All else will happen rightly, once your mind is quiet. As the sun on rising makes the world active, so does self-awareness affect changes in the mind. In the light of calm and steady self-awareness, inner energies wake up and work miracles without any effort on your part”
~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
That’s Right! Today is my stepping stone to new awareness and greater glory
We live within the flow of love and wisdom, yet many fail to understand that joy must first begin within in order to recognize the gifts that are waiting. How many times today can you view life as a miracle? What do you choose to experience? Awareness of the self as both all and nothing is the opening of consciousness – and therein lies peace.
The mind creates separation, an abyss which sometimes seems insurmountable; however, it is the heart that builds a bridge to discovery. All that you need is already within you and is here, Now.
Today my intention is to love who I am and reward myself with thoughts of praise, gratitude and delight.

Soul connection

It feels like I’ve known you forever…
That’s Right! Every experience I have leads me to a greater understanding of my purpose on Earth
What a joy it is to reconnect with those who have walked with us on the journey! Those synchronistic coincidences of time and space that bring us together are all part of the dance of awakening. We seek to know the Divine through one another while agreeing to play the appropriate role required for one another’s growth.
When you feel a deep connection with someone, it’s typically because you have spent lifetimes cultivating the relationship. The sense of comfort or discomfort is lingering energy between the two souls and it fulfills a vital purpose in our awakening.
When someone graces your presence – whether for a brief moment or weaving throughout your experience for years – take a moment to be grateful for all they have brought to your life. We are merely reflections of one another… connecting in order to understand ourselves better, to offer support, friendship, compassion, kindness, lessons and love.
Today my intention is to live in harmony with this moment. The more peaceful I am inside, the more peace I have to share with others.

Teachers and enlightenment

Seek those who seek to see the light in others.
That’s Right! Everyone is my teacher
When living your truth, there is no need to point it out or explain. Truth is self-evident. Whether you have absorbed your knowledge from those who have walked before, opened a book to a life-changing passage or had an “aha” moment of insight, let those around you have the opportunity to decipher the message on their own.
Beyond the lessons, stories, quotes or examples, there is only pure consciousness. When we keep the message simple, mastery has an opportunity to make itself known in the most appropriate way – and that may vary significantly from person to person.
A true teacher will never step into judgment nor see themselves as more conscious than others. In an enlightened state, we discover that nothing is excluded – all is love and we reach out a helping hand.
Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred.

Peace in the present moment

Choose to be peaceful now – from where you are, with what you have, to the best of your ability.
That’s Right! My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy
When we have compassion for ourselves, even though we may sometimes feel lost, confused or mired in expectation or regret – we have the ability consciously find our way back to peace Now. The only blockages are those we create – mental patterns and projections and self-judgment – and because these limiting thoughts are no more than old programming and habitual patterns, they can absolutely be transformed into empowerment and freedom.
The place to begin is observation. Notice your inner dialogue and love yourself back into the grace of this moment. Breathe consciously, shift the self-talk to supportive, joyful expectation and give yourself permission to be happy.
All too often, mankind carries a very deep seeded belief that suffering is necessary and sometimes even preferable to experiencing unbounded joy. One such example might be, “How can I be happy when so many are starving?” As if joining the suffering can in any way change things for the better. Let your light shine through the darkness. It’s entirely possible that was your reason for choosing this life, this time and this expression of Divine within the realm of human experience.
Today my intention is to take full responsibility for every aspect of my life.

Shine the light of consciousness

Everyone is my teacher
That’s Right! I am willing to see clearly
Together we walk the path of awakening. Beyond labels, expectation and judgment, we find only souls in search of enlightenment. Be aware than reaction, disappointment and judgment are distractions – if you spot it, you got it. When dealing with another’s unconsciousness, remember to also look within and clear anything which blocks you from experiencing joy and acceptance in the present moment.
When we observe our own tendencies and self-talk, we allow the light of consciousness to shift how we perceive our life situation and create the space in which a transformation can occur.
Dance your way home. Tending to your own state of consciousness is the greatest act of love that you can offer. Be the change you wish to see and bless the teachers of your life.
Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

Celebrate the journey

Let every thought, belief and action support your
dreams and desires.
That’s Right! When I create harmony in my mind, I create it in my life
Each of us is wholly responsible for our own joy. We create the ease or challenges in our experience and have the ability to transform any situation into one of empowerment and freedom.
Shift your thinking whenever necessary to ensure that it is consistent with all that you wish to create. Should you hear yourself saying things like “It’s hard”, “I’ve always been this way” or “Things will never change” recognize the limitation that you have just agreed to accept into your experience. Thoughts and words create powerful energy that sends waves of intention throughout the Universe.
Know that what you desire is already on it’s way to you. Aligning your thoughts and actions with your desires will completely turn your world around. Miracles will unfold and you will actively engage in bringing them into your experience.
Today my intention is to celebrate the journey!

I am not subject to disappointment

I am not subject to disappointment…
That’s Right! My heart is open. I am willing to release all resistance
How often are you able to approach life’s circumstances without becoming attached to a particular outcome or desire? Resistance creates conflict both within ourselves and our relationships as well as within our relationship to the present moment. Disappointment is an indicator that we need to examine our expectations.
When you choose to honor all paths as sacred, you set the stage for an authentic interaction in the present moment. This openness allows two souls to touch and grow and learn from one another.
And then you dance together… for a moment, for a lifetime, and ultimately for all of eternity.
Today my intention is to be at peace with life

The signs of spiritual awakening

You know you’re getting somewhere on the Path of Awakening when you worry less and laugh more…
That’s Right! I am willing to receive a miracle
Ease and grace are born of experience. After facing repeating patterns that assist us in our spiritual growth, we finally experience a break-through and everything begins to change. We drop the need to know exactly how things will unfold and learn to work from the end result. We purposely utilize our thoughts and intentions in positive, empowering ways.
In awareness, the world seems less threatening. Life becomes more joyful and we are ready to take risks and expand into new experiences, knowing that we are guided each step of the way.
As a spiritual being mastering the human experience, it’s important to remember to be at peace in your own truth and allow the light of the Divine to shine through you. Joyfully watch emotional intensity fade away as you step into the majesty of the present moment – aware, enlightened, awake. This is your destiny.
Today my intention is to honor the process of my awakening. I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.