Live authentically

Live authentically.
That’s Right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity
You are a unique blessing. Seek to remove all that blocks you from being at peace with yourself and the present moment. When you find balance in mind, body and spirit, you’ll discover the ease and grace that come from living an authentic life.
Loving yourself allows you to give and receive love in an empowered way. Dropping ego (and quickly seeing through it’s mechanisms when they arise) opens the possibility of a true connection with others. Distractions and drama disappear and life becomes a dance with the Divine.
Listen to your words. Choose to speak only those which are loving, uplifting, supportive, compassionate and kind. The greatest gift we can give one another is acceptance.
Today my intention is to release all control to the Universe. I am at peace with myself and with life.

Challenges as a doorway to awakening

Challenges will arise on the Path of Transformation – they provide an opportunity to cultivate and utilize the tools of awareness.
That’s Right! I am willing to say “Yes!” to life… especially the hard parts
The mind’s inclination is to solve problems when they arise. It seeks to know the “why?” and “how?” and strives to alleviate challenges through physical action; however, the most important aspect of right action is one’s state of consciousness. Initially, it’s easy to get knocked off balance by an unexpected upset and begin addressing the situation from a state of frustration or fear; however, any choices need to come from the highest state of awareness possible in order to have greater impact and empowerment. These are the moments of transformation.
We do not encounter obstacles on the journey, the obstacles are the journey. When they arise, quickly remind yourself that there is a gift to be found within the situation, it has arrived in your experience specifically for your soul’s growth and you have the necessary tools to greet your life with courageous mindfulness.
Today my intention is to remain in a state of gratitude at all times. I am willing to see clearly, communicate effectively and love unconditionally, beginning with myself.

The power of thought

You are a powerful co-creator. Every thought you think is creating your future. What you give out, you get back.
That’s Right! My world is a reflection of my words, thoughts and beliefs
I’m fat. I’ll never get this right. I can’t. This probably won’t work. He’ll/she’ll never change. I have a weak immune system. Nobody ever listens to me. I’m an idiot….. How often do you hear limiting statements coming out of your own mouth?
Our words have power. Every utterance is a sacred communication with the Divine and it’s amazing how difficult it can be to see (or hear, in this case) the patterns we allow to define our lives.
Consider the open energy in these statements: Things always have a way of working out. I am willing to try something new. I deserve the best. I am grateful. Every experience has something to teach me. Opportunities are everywhere.
The present moment is the point of power. Become conscious of limiting patterns and be willing to change. When you choose to speak purposefully and positively, you set new wheels of experience in motion.
Today my intention is to transcend perceived limitations. I am a glorious, infinite being on a journey of discovery.

The journey of awakening

Every interaction and circumstance serves your soul’s growth
That’s Right! Everything works toward my highest good
Our purpose on this planet is to seek experience and enlightenment, ultimately discovering the truth of our infinite nature. Every moment provides a doorway to the Divine and those who walk the journey with us act as mirrors, showing what blocks us from seeing clearly.
Consider the repeating patterns of your life. If you find that others consistently judge you, it may be that you yourself carry judgment that needs to be cleared. Once you consciously release the need to judge, you will no longer attract those who are judgmental into your life; or if you do, you will no longer be triggered by their actions – and their appearance shifts from being a mirror to an example of how far you have come on your own journey.
Our relationships also reflect our most deeply held beliefs. If person after person disappoints you, you may have a core belief that you don’t deserve kindness, honor and respect. Working to step into empowerment without being attached to particular outcomes will raise your vibration and transform your interpersonal experiences.
Highest good doesn’t mean the most fun – it refers to the soul’s desire to awaken. We are here to clear whatever blocks us from love and this is task requires ruthless self-honesty, courage, consciousness, kindness and patience.
Today my intention is to honor my path as sacred. Every person is meet is my teacher and there is always something new to discover. I choose to greet life with open arms and an open heart

Share your light

Be the change you wish to see in the world
That’s Right! A kind word can change everything
With all the challenges we witness around us, it’s easy to get lost in empathy and commiseration; however, our role as spiritual seekers, is to provide a higher energy, a broader perception and share the light of love.
In all relationships – with the Self, one another, perceived enemies or during fleeting interactions – we must be the change we wish to see. Whether we desire greater compassion, acceptance, openness, kindness or truth, it must begin within. That may even be the reason you chose to walk the earth at this place and time – simply to be a light shining in the darkness.
Angels and masters walk among us. Seek them out, reflect their light, let them inspire you to reach for greater heights, and tap into the mastery of who you are. Be the love you wish to see.
Today my intention is to walk in the love, light and laughter of the Divine. This is my moment to shine!

Know thyself

Know thyself
That’s Right! All that I need is already here
Some people seek recognition or validation. Some seek to be needed. Others base every decision upon what they believe is required of them… and all feel trapped by the expectations of others.
The awakened spirit lives in his or her own truth. Led by passion and compassion, they walk the path less traveled. If others seek to admonish them, it’s ok. When others seek to revere them, they simply turn inward. Each of us walks a unique path and it cannot be defined by anything other than our inner wisdom.
When you come to know yourself, understand your soul’s purpose, seek to experience joy and enlightenment in all that you do, you will be set free.
Simply stated: do not allow yourself to be defined by limitation. You are an infinite being, a source of wonder and life awakens to play in the light with you.
Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.

Release that which no longer serves your growth

Be at peace with what is
That’s Right! I recognize that awareness is the first step in healing and changing… and I am becoming more aware each day
Meditation, stillness, gratitude, consciousness… all allow us to tap into the power of the present moment. And in this moment we have the opportunity to drop the things that block us from experiencing love and peacefulness.
Spiritual awakening is not about what you can achieve, but what you can release. It is not about manifestation but about dropping the beliefs that block us from receiving. It is not about having a perfect life, but living life in perfection.
See if you can spend the entire day releasing anything that blocks you from experiencing joy. See the pure potential in this moment and then play in it. Your power comes from being balanced, aware, non-reactive and joyful… and from there, anything is possible.
Today my intention is to find joy and appreciation in everything that I do.

Be the change…

I can be the change I wish to see in the world
That’s Right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity
If the world provides a reflection of our state of consciousness, then all of us can expand into a higher truth. We each view life through the filters of our perception. Paying attention to the thoughts which drive our stories can provide tremendous insight to our own motivations, lessons and process of spiritual evolution.
The more peace that you cultivate within, the more you will find it reflected to you. Working from the premise that all circumstances that we witness act as our teachers, it’s important to remember that as each lesson is mastered and released, it will no longer be necessary as part of our experience. That’s why we say “Be the change you wish you see” – it offers the possibility of a whole new experience.
All change begins within. Seek peace in each moment, in each thought and present it within every conscious action. You are making the world a better place.
Today my intention is remember that there is always something new to learn.

Live expansively

Life is about being open to experience, vulnerable and willing to expand into joy from wherever you are with what you have.
That’s Right! I am willing to greet life with open arms and an open heart
Fear, judgment, limiting beliefs and doubt can keep us from opening ourselves to whatever life has to offer. Each moment is about experience. Every situation has something to teach, and we have the responsibility to greet life with open arms.
Those who remain stuck in old mindsets miss the joy of discovering their own beauty. When you interact with those who struggle with repeating patterns, hold them in your mind with love and compassion. Everyone is on the same path – the Path of Transformation. Whether we awaken in this particular lifetime or one yet to come, it’s important to remember that awakening and joy will definitely come.
This infinite Universe will continue to offer opportunities to discover love – again and again – until each one of us steps into enlightenment.
Today my intention is to love unconditionally remembering that we are here to help one another along the way.

Anxiety versus ease

When you are at ease with who you are, the pathway of awakening opens for you
That’s Right! I trust the processes of life
Stress is a great indicator that the mechanisms of the ego are engaged. Thought creates anxiety. Worries arise… “Am I doing the right thing??”
When you are living your truth, there is no question. Even challenging situations and choices feel empowering. You can walk in your integrity, do your best and accept what is without reservation.
No matter where you are on the journey, turn inward periodically and observe how you feel. Imbalance is held within the body and can act as a barometer – tension in the shoulders may indicate that you are taking on too much responsibility, a clenched jaw may point to resentment or anger and general anxiety shows that you don’t trust the processes of life.
Today my intention is to keep my understanding clear. I am willing to flow with the changes of life