
Growth requires one thing – courage. We must be willing to take a risk, to delve into the unknown and make an attempt to dialogue with all of existence. If you rely too must on creating safety by building walls around you, everything is blocked… the challenges as well as the joys of discovery. If you are courageous enough to drop defense mechanisms and allow yourself to be vulnerable, who knows what may happen? There are no guarantees, and yes, there may be hazards along the way, but that is what seeking is all about.

The gifts you discover are yours to share. You loved yourself enough to set out on this journey, and love allows you to align with the Divine and discover facets of your existence which are ready to shine. We ride the highs and lows of life assisting one another one the way and this is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to give myself permission to be all that I can be. I deserve the very best that life has to offer.


Guardians of light

Love rains down upon you from all dimensions. From the first conscious breath of a day filled with limitless possibility, to the embrace of twilight and everything in between, if you seek to find love you will find it. That’s the power of being awakened. We discover the joy of choosing how we wish to approach each moment and understand that life reflects it back to us.

No matter where you are on the journey, recognize that you are a master in the process of awakening. When it seems like challenge after challenge is being presented, walk courageously forward knowing that it is merely a pattern making itself known because it’s ready to be released.

You can create the life of your dreams and it begins now. Live it this moment. Forgive those who challenge you and make the choice to see them instead as healing angels who are helping you to cultivate your most precious qualities. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone with your way of being in the world – shine on, wondrous being of light!

Today my intention is to be the change I wish to see.

Staying present

The way to feel fulfilled and balanced is to give your full attention to the present moment. No matter what you choose to do, do it completely; otherwise, your mind will carry that moment with you, gnaw at it and dissatisfaction will present itself in your experience. For instance, if you choose to take a bath, give it your full attention. Enjoy the scents and the feel of the water on your skin. Stay in gratitude for those who have made such a moment of peace possible. Immerse yourself completely in the experience. When finished, you will drop the idea of bathing and simply move on to the next action. If while you bathe you worry about the kids, how to solve a particular challenge or rush through it to get to the next thing, you deny yourself the gift of being fully present, and perhaps later find yourself wishing you had taken a moment to relax – the mind is carrying the past.

When we slow down – eating, walking, interacting and moving through the world with consciousness – the energy remains balanced. It’s easier to stay aligned with the present moment because the mind will not be carrying the unfinished business of the day. The internal monologues of the mind are a by-product of incomplete living and we can create peace in our experience by living each moment fully.

Today my intention is to create a loving space of peace and balance. I will practice giving every task my full and complete attention.

The source of light and love

The source of light and love resides within you. This infinite energy radiates outward, ultimately touching everyone and everything. We live in connection with one another. It’s time to go beyond the limitations of the mind by going inward. In meditation, you experience the eternal aspect of who you are. When you learn how to reside in the stillness of Now, the energy transforms every aspect of your life. Greater creativity arises, more compassion and a quietness of spirit, for you are the light of love.

Many people struggle with the concept of worthiness and are unwilling or unable to receive love, abundance or joy into their experience. The very idea of approaching the present moment with a sense of ease and grace eludes them and instead, they attach to outcomes and become trapped within the highs and lows of events. Have compassion for these beautiful beings knowing that the best way to teach is to become more aware of the light within yourself. Be the change you wish to see and allow yourself to be a reflection of the peace, potential and Presence of those around you.

Today my intention is to create a space in which transformation can occur.


Visualize compassion

Repeated visualization changes your body on a cellular level, your mind on an intellectual level, your heart on an emotional level and your consciousness on every plane of existence. Therefore; visualize compassion, love, bliss, freedom and joy. See yourself choosing joy in every situation. These limitless ideas will inspire you to play in new realms of experience of the awakened heart and mind.

The world is filled with possibility and each of us has the opportunity to cultivate our unique way of walking the journey. Learning to slow down, breathe consciously, see yourself creating the life of your dreams and then let go and allow it to unfold in miraculous ways. Sometimes it can help to visualize a sacred image or figure who is traditionally known to carry the qualities you wish to expand within yourself. For instance, if you feel a kinship with Quan Yin, see her in your mind, appreciate the aspects you find inspiring with the knowledge that they are reflections of something which is already within you. Eventually, you will expand the idea to witness Quan Yin in all those with whom you interact.

Let your visualizations inspire you to transform your life in wonderful ways. The wisdom, compassion and kindness that you seek are within, waiting to be explored.

Today my intention is to embody compassion. I am willing to experience life with an open heart.

The Path of Transformation

Transformation is possible only through acceptance of the necessity of opposites. When we accept life as it is without judgment we learn how to transform challenges into light, blockages into opportunity and limitation into freedom. The power of acceptance lies in our ability to embrace what is.

In rejection, life becomes a struggle. Only by contrast do we discover the balance required to create the beauty of which we are all a part. Do not resist life. Learn how to see opposites as complementary which are equally important parts of the whole. Be a loving witness to the Yin and Yang of experience.

This is how one can transform suffering into empowerment. Practice the art of acceptance by saying “Yes” to life, even the hard parts. Ask yourself if you are enjoying what you are creating. Are you blissful? If not, consider taking some risks and discover a new path. There is no need to repeat the things you have already mastered. You are here to learn, to expand and play in the infinite realm of possibility.

Today my intention is to remember that every moment provides a wonderful opportunity to become more of who I am.

The conscious creator

This moment is filled with infinite possibility. What will you create? Every given day is a blank slate waiting for the writing of experience, perception, interpretation and dreams. Sometimes it seems amazing that humankind can function in such a rut of repetition thinking that change is difficult or scary. It’s change that allows breakthroughs, new insights, expansion of skills and the opportunity to enhance our experience.

Let yourself try things differently today. Take a different route to work, offer a smile to someone new, explore exotic dishes and ways of being. Each conscious choice opens up myriad new possibilities and any one can lead you somewhere amazing. In your home space experiment by changing the look or layout of a room and most important of all, don’t forget to remind yourself that you are loved and supported each and every step of the way.

Today my intention is to greet life with an open heart.

The conscious heart

I read this insightful quote today…

“There is pleasure and pain, gain and loss, slander and honor, praise and blame. The Awakened Ones are not controlled by these external things. They will cease as quickly as they arise. If others speak against you, do not be angry, for that will prevent your own inner freedom. Learn to hear their harsh words patiently until they cease. Similarly if they praise you. Find out what is false or true and acknowledge the facts.” ~ Digha Nikaya and the Dhammapada

Those who have yet to awaken lived trapped in the lessons and cycles of karma and drama without realizing that there is a way to escape the intensity. Anger, unacknowledged or honored, feeds hatred and aggression. It become easier to project than to examine, and thus, the cycle continues. To understand how anger affects you, pay attention to it when it is small. Catch it when it is still in the more manageable states of resentment, dissatisfaction or judgement. Notice when it arises and ask yourself if it is due to the stories of the mind, your physical state of being, old habits, patterns or expectations. Then sit with it for a moment. Consider that the situation or person has done their part – they have shown you a wound that you carry and the moment of transformation is at hand.

The more awareness you bring to your state of consciousness, the more empowerment you will discover. Each step of awakening has a purpose and all things work to your highest good.

Today my intention is to be willing to see clearly. May I be a loving example of kindness and unconditional love.


The joy of creativity lies in the act of creating itself. When we open to inspiration, our energy and actions enhance life on every level. We cultivate more beauty, gratitude, joyfulness and passion in our experience. Whether you write, play music, celebrate the art of cooking, add your flair while decorating your sacred space or dance your way through raindrops, in creativity we discover our unique connection to the Divine.

Creativity connects you to your bliss and adds dimension to your experience. In solitude you find a space to play alone in your vision. You experiment without fear, discard what doesn’t work and celebrate when it feels right. In the greatest moments thought disappears, the art disappears, the artist disappears and all that remains is the Divine, expressing itself in physical form.

Be the watcher, the observer as you dance with the Divine. Open to expression from the highest vibration possible and you will touch the energy of the masters. Then life itself becomes a mystical experience for you are a channel of light and wonderment.

Today my intention is to be open to the inspiration of love.


Freedom is a choice. It is a state of mind that we consciously seek – freedom from limitation, pain, fear, anger, resentment, or the stories from the past. Each of us has the opportunity to create the momentum of empowerment in the present moment and one of the greatest joys of awakening is the discovery that we have the ability to rewrite old scripts and transform ourselves by exploring new ways of thinking.

It’s simple, and it begins with a thought. Begin by setting an intention and visualizing the end result of happiness. Then, live the present moment as if you have already manifested the change. Immediately, new ways of experiencing the Now open to you. Energy creates momentum and soon you’ll find yourself realizing the power of your thoughts, words and actions because you’ll be a conscious witness to the transformation as it occurs.

Today my intention is to be a conscious creator.