Your soul’s purpose

There is much more to life than meets the eye.

That’s Right! All things work towards my highest good
No matter how life presents itself, there is a purpose behind every situation and circumstance. Everything that comes into our experience is there for one purpose – to help us to awaken.
Challenges, joys, frustrations and breakthroughs are all part of the same dance. The mind will attach stories and judgments to the present moment, creating a sense of peace or helplessness based upon the interpretation we choose to accept.
The awakened soul has the ability to see through the mechanisms of the ego. Seeing through the ordinary to what is possible allows us to transform anything into bliss. Loss becomes an opening. Fear becomes strength. Misery dissipates and our lives are transformed. This is a process that can only be understood and mastered through experience. Celebrate your journey and seek your next level of awakening with an open heart.

Today my intention is to release all control to the Divine. I transform every experience into an opportunity.

The freedom of forgiveness

Forgiveness is freedom.

That’s Right! I am a master in the process of awakening. I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life
You have the ability to be free… free from the past, free of resentment and the freedom to honor the challenges of your life as opportunities to awaken. Every situation can be transformed into a gift, and when you seek beauty you will certainly find it.
Radical Forgiveness is the understanding that all things work to our highest good. Each of us plays the roles required for our soul’s growth and sacred love ultimately lies at the core of our experiences.
When we get trapped in anger, whether directed at ourselves, people, groups or circumstances, we sit immersed in the poison of imbalance. It creates the filter through which we see life and weaves it way through each cell of our bodies and experience in which we find ourselves.
Let your soul’s work bring you the freedom of peace. Observe and release any resentment that you carry. Bless those who challenge you as loving teachers (even if they are truly committed to the role they are playing). Each of us has the power to create healing in our own lives.

Today my intention is to stand in truth and live and move in joy. Nothing is more important than my state of consciousness and I am willing to choose joy.


The space we create, both in our minds and in our lives, has the capacity to hold great joy. Drop the clutter, allow, accept and experience.
That’s Right! I am willing to create a space in which transformation can occur
Let your experience be filled with joy. If there’s anything that you carry that blocks you from being fully present – thoughts, things, history or desire – consider that creating space will allow you to fully experience the simple joys that life has to offer.
Prior to awakening we move through life doing what we feel we have to do. The weight of expectation and duty had the tendency to create a drudgery which was lived out through daily routine. After awakening, we discover that even the smallest things are transformed because of our inner transformation. Work, eating, sleeping, loving – all that we choose to do – becomes sacred and takes on a new quality.
Spaciousness is what creates value. Value yourself enough to consciously make room for the sacred. This is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to honor the present moment by engaging with life and experiencing whatever it has to offer.

Peace is within you

“The awakened person still showers all with loving kindness and understanding, even when cast out by relatives, scorned by friends, rejected by colleagues, ignored by strangers…”
That’s Right! I am responsible for my own joy
Seeing past the stories of the ego allows us to remain lovingly detached from the unconsciousness in others. As we awaken, the mind’s grip becomes less and less powerful and peace becomes the primary motivating force in our lives.
Be patient with the process, with yourself and with others. No matter where someone is on the journey, we are all eventually bound for the same place – why struggle along the way?
With my recent move and trip, I often found myself waking unsure of where I was. This queer sense of dislocation was a new experience for me. As I awoke today to write, I had the same sensation and realized that I had been traveling once again, only to different realms of existence. This wonderful world is very real for us, as are the emotions and responses that we have to it. You can choose to create your own reality… and that’s the joy of awakening.

Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

Embrace change

Never fear the changes that flow into your experience. They have arrived in response to the awakening of your spirit. No matter how they may initially present themselves, know that life is getting ready to open in ways you cannot imagine…
That’s Right! I am willing to create a space in which transformation can occur
Sometimes when we embark upon new adventures, old patterns linger. The mind will plant the idea that it’s difficult to change, you aren’t ready yet or that others are holding you back. It’s up to us to release our burdens. Put down the load that you have carried and walk freely into new ways of being. Your integrity and sincerity will shine like a beacon in the night, lighting the way clearly.

Today my intention is to feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my ever-changing life.

Choosing Empowerment

Expand into empowerment with the knowledge that you have the opportunity and ability to choose how you wish to experience the present moment…
That’s Right! I can choose to live empowered Now
Last night my guides awakened me with the melody and magic of the power of choice. Drifting up from dreamland, the specifics eluded me; however, the energy burst through my consciousness with it’s own life as well as the peacefulness of ease and grace.  Every moment offers the ability to experience life in any way that we wish, regardless of the present circumstances, thoughts of the future or patterns of the past. Change begins within. It begins Now… and you are the light that will bring it into being.

Make one conscious and positive choice today. Make another tomorrow, and yet another each day after that. You will invite miracles, coincidences and magic into your experience. You are supported each and every step of the way and t
here are no mistakes in the experience of Life. This is your sacred journey of awakening.

Today my intention is to live the life of my dreams.

The journey of your soul

Yours is an ancient journey and you are a soul who has spent lifetimes cultivating inner wisdom and love. Your unique awareness plays a significant role in the energetic transition of humanity – transforming a fear based culture to one based in love. Acceptance of yourself allows you to tap into this inner wisdom and bring the best version of yourself to any situation.

Old souls often feel that they don’t fit in. We are in the minority on this planet and part of the experience is learning to be okay with being different. The challenge is to maintain your belief, honor your inner wisdom and find a way to be a participant in the culture around you in your own unique way.

It takes strength and intention to purposefully maintain your high vibration – especially if those around you reside in a lower space. Trust the voice of your heart – if you feel it expanding, you’re on the right track. You are here for a purpose. You are needed. Be a conduit for love.

Today my intention is to love unconditionally.

Changing vibrational frequencies

One of the many aspects of soul growth is the development of higher consciousness. We constantly seek to move to new levels of perception, open to the guidance of the Divine and cultivate the qualities of compassion, joy, delight and freedom. This requires patience and the willingness to simply own our own stuff, dropping any barriers to love that we carry.

I’m preparing to go on a vacation in a few days. Initially, I was preparing to travel as I normally do but my guides have been instructing me to make some changes to my routine so that I can download and process new energy. I can see that this is a culmination of my willingness to change and grow and I’m excited to explore what lies ahead.

There are times when the soul is ready to travel more freely in the dimensions of higher reality. This allows us to communicate with our angels, guides, healing masters and helpers with greater ease. As we open ourselves, we begin to draw in more light from the Divine and participate in shifting the energy of the planet.

Today my intention is to live in a state of Oneness, deeply connected to all of life. I am willing to accept greater spiritual responsibility and practice at a higher level.

Transforming breakdowns into breakthroughs

There are moments when it seems that nothing works. The mind is too busy for meditation, logic ceases and feelings of frustration or apathy set in. This is an opportunity for transformation and more importantly, to cease feeling trapped by the mind and flow with the heart. In the state of “breakdown” old structures no longer work and here we have an opening through which we can enter a new world, cultivate a new perspective and find new responses to life situations.

The ego will attempt to solve these unsettling moments by trying to get things back to the way they were; however, the way forward is to enter the gap of no-thingness, moving into an area of authentic neutrality. This moment of releasing old structures would not have arisen if your soul wasn’t ready and willing to receive.

On the road to enlightenment, we journey through three layers of energy: individual, collective and cosmic. This cosmic energy is the infinite light of the Divine and it sparks into use with enlightenment. The paradox of life is this: one gets as much as one is able to give up and let go.

Today my intention is to flow with whatever life offers, constantly moving forward, opening to new experience and discovering new aspects of myself in healthy, joyful ways.


Growth requires one thing – courage. We must be willing to take a risk, to delve into the unknown and make an attempt to dialogue with all of existence. If you rely too must on creating safety by building walls around you, everything is blocked… the challenges as well as the joys of discovery. If you are courageous enough to drop defense mechanisms and allow yourself to be vulnerable, who knows what may happen? There are no guarantees, and yes, there may be hazards along the way, but that is what seeking is all about.

The gifts you discover are yours to share. You loved yourself enough to set out on this journey, and love allows you to align with the Divine and discover facets of your existence which are ready to shine. We ride the highs and lows of life assisting one another one the way and this is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to give myself permission to be all that I can be. I deserve the very best that life has to offer.