Opening to inner guidance

Everyone has their own way of accessing Stillness…
That’s right! I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to grow and change

In this time of immediate action and decisions, it’s important to remember to take the time to listen to your own inner guidance. In this world of infinite possibility, there is enough room for each of us to explore life in our own way.

Our bodies, hearts and minds respond powerfully to things which nurture us and point us in the right direction. Often, the act of slowing down, paying attention to the messages of the body and observing whether or not we feel balanced and peaceful in the present moment is  enough to align us with the Divine.

Seek stillness throughout the day through conscious breathwork, music that touches the soul, walking in appreciation of the beauty of the world around you, eating slowing and mindfully or meditation. All of these simple approaches allow the body to become a conduit for the light, love and laughter of the Universe. In this space of stillness, we open to inner wisdom.

Today, my intention is to simply be in total harmony with my environment – the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain and the earth.

Say Yes to Life

Say “Yes!” to life… even the hard parts.
That’s right! When all limitations and blockages are released, all that remains is wholeness

In acceptance, we become the openness that allows life to be experienced. This includes aspects that are challenging, painful, frustrating or even boring. The point of being awakened is to be awake to whatever arises in the present moment.

“When our plans crumble and there seems to be nothing left, it is only by completely surrendering to what is that we can realize that what is left is more than enough.”
~ Ezra Bayda

Allowing life to be is a gift that you give yourself every day. When we choose to escape our self-imposed prisons – demanding perfection or residing in self-judgment or criticism – we discover that we are perfect in our imperfection. That is the paradox of being a spiritual seeker playing in the world of form. Consider this a grand experiment, one which allows you to explore all the various facets of being human while simultaneously awakening to your true infinite nature.

Today, my intention is to accept people as they are, thus opening the possibility of authentic connection.

Conscious exploration

When we follow the crowd or walk the well-trodden paths that others have walked, we carry with us preconceived ideas, perceptions and expectations.
That’s right! Every bridge I cross leads me to greater understanding 

Conscious exploration requires a leap of faith. We move through uncharted waters and learn by doing and experiencing. This process keeps us focused and receptive in the present moment. The Tao te Ching reminds us that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step… and often, that first step is the hardest.Trust your inner guidance to lead you exactly where you need to go. The situations that arise will offer exactly what is required for your awakening. The strength you’ll discover will delight and amaze you. As a soul traveler playing in time and space, you’ll come to realize that the joy is in the journey.

Today, my intention is to take a risk. I am willing to try something new.

Immerse yourself in the flow of life

Awakened spiritual seekers develop three gifts that help them to transcend the world of drama and conflict:
The gift of audacity
The gift of patience
The gift of discernment
That’s right! I trust the processes of my awakening and step into the flow of life

Audacity is cultivated when we boldly move forward with the knowledge that we are conscious creators. Instead of demanding concrete answers and guarantees before we take that first step, we learn the art of boldness in the face of the unknown. Live daringly and act with inspiration, for you are an limitless, infinite spirit exploring time and space.

Patience is not simply about sitting back and waiting. It is knowing when to act and when to be still. It is taking the time to replenish your spirit or understanding that sometimes we need to allow things to unfold before jumping into reactive action.

Discernment is the unemotional observation of the facts. It allows us to step back, re-frame limiting perceptions, empower and recognize the perfection in the present moment.

“We cannot succeed in life or the spiritual path by avoiding challenges and being inactive. We must play our part in life, according to our given nature, but with detachment, knowing that something greater than ourselves acts through us.” ~ Alberto Villoldo

Today, my intention is to go with the flow and walk this sacred journey with integrity

Make decisions with an open heart

Allow all your choices to be led by love.
That’s right! I move forward with confidence and ease knowing that all is well in my future

When you choose to live life with an open heart, you set the stage for the miraculous to unfold. Conversely, when we are led by fear, we close ourselves to the various realms of infinite possibility because our unwillingness to explore limits our experiences. Conscious risk taking teaches us to walk forward into the unknown full of optimistic expectation… and even when challenges arise, our first inclination is trust rather than closure.

You can activate a higher level of consciousness by becoming aware of any limiting thoughts as they arise. Doing so opens a vast realm of intelligence that exists beyond thought. And in that space of awareness we come to realize that all the things that truly matter – our passion for life, beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace – arise from beyond the mind. As we awaken, it becomes easier to access the conscious and loving presence of the Divine.

Fear is generated by the mind and is based upon thoughts regarding the past or the future. Love is deeply rooted within the present moment. Your thoughts are powerful – seek to live through love.

Today, my intention is to remember that I am free to think wonderful thoughts. My energy flows where my attention goes.

Creating sacred space

Imagine how it would feel to be completely loved and accepted. Imagine a relationship so comfortable that you simply remain present and engaged instead of attempting to determine what the other person requires. Can you see it? Provide that for another…
That’s right! I am able to freely express my emotions and ideas without fear

Holding sacred space is a gift that flows from awakened intention. From this space of love we allow another the opportunity to recognize their own divinity. What we can offer is unconditional acceptance because we see the limitless potential and know that if it isn’t discovered today, it will be down the road.

When you intentionally offer your loving wishes, your prayers and blessings to another, you heart is transformed. You cannot walk in the light of love without being changed. Serving one another (even if only through the art of compassionate listening) is an expression of our sacred connection. It awakens us to Oneness and binds us with the gifts of loving-kindness.

Today, my intention is to take moments to replenish my soul. Through nurturing myself, I have more to offer those who enter my life.

Compassion toward the Self

Offer the intention of loving-kindness toward yourself.
That’s right! I grow beyond old ideas of limitation by being gentle and kind with myself as I grow and change

No one else can make you feel whole – that can only come from within. Oneness is always available and it is accessible to you in this moment. When you choose to live with peacefulness and kindness to both yourself and others, your experiences will reflect this in life-enriching ways.

Spiritual life is a maturing of understanding, a constant unfolding of the infinite aspects of awakening. No matter how much you have learned, there are always new levels of consciousness to explore. Your adventures have barely begun!

Compassion for the self provides the first glimpses of freedom of the heart beyond the shifting changes of the world. But this isn’t the end. As we incorporate new ways of being, the awakened heart calls once again for experience and enlightenment and we may return to our old lessons in order to gain understanding through the higher levels of wisdom.

Today, my intention is to be willing to love unconditionally, beginning with myself


A mandala is an image, usually complex and intricate, which represents the Oneness of a complete world.
That’s right! Every aspect of my life is sacred

It’s important to remember that each and every area of our life experience must be a conscious part of our spiritual life before we can fully evolve.

Often people focus on just one or two aspects of their journey – perhaps meditation and mindfulness play a significant role in their work or field of study, but then they fall into unconscious behavior when dealing in matters regarding family or relationships. While others, trapped by limiting thought patterns, struggle with poverty consciousness because of a belief that wealth and success are somehow separate from spirituality.

The awakened life is about wholeness. Apply your spiritual techniques in every situation. Bring a sense of awareness to even the most mundane of activities. Internal boundaries must be dissolved. Pay close attention to any areas of your life where you experience suffering, conflict or limitation. These are the areas that are rich with potential.

Today, my intention is to allow my experience to expand remembering that there is a sacred unity that connects all things.

Using anger as an aspect of awakening

Use any anger that arises in your experience as a vehicle of your healing.
That’s right! My world is a reflection of my thoughts and beliefs

One of the tools of ego is the usage of righteous anger. It masquerades as a desire to help, to change negative situations, to wake others up to the “truth” of reality and gives the perception of higher purpose in the world.

The triggers we encounter have two purposes: to activate movement and transformation and to show us our own unhealed wounds. When anger arises, begin by going within. Recognize the aspects of yourself that are being reflected to you and seek to transform your anger into wisdom and empowerment.

Then you can begin to take action from a higher place of consciousness. If there is someone with whom you feel the need to speak, the absence of anger will create room for authentic communication. should you decide to take action, your choices will defuse the situation instead of fueling it. When you choose to be a living example of how love transforms, your anger has served a purpose.

Today, my intention is to be a living embodiment of love in my thoughts, words and actions.

The power of stillness

These are extraordinary times and you are an extraordinary being.
That’s right! I am willing to awaken

It’s important to remember that you will always benefit from re-balancing your energy with moments of quietude and mindfulness. From this space of awareness, we have the opportunity to touch ancient wisdom.

When you are aligned with your true nature, you discover that there is nothing to fight. There is only love. In compassion we meet one another in the field of form. In kindness, we extend a hand and lift someone from the throes of darkness. Our words of hope plant seeds that can transform the consciousness of those with whom we come into contract.

It’s important to consider that you have chosen to be here in this time and space for a specific reason. Your unique perception and abilities are integral aspects of the tapestry we weave together. The lessons you learn or facilitate in others shape the rising consciousness of humanity. Together we can discover how to see past the limitations of the mind and step into infinite possibility.

Today, my intention is to be kind to myself as I grow and change.