
Pay attention to all that you send out into the world.

That’s right! Everything is energy. My life is a reflection of my thoughts and beliefs

Mindfulness calls upon us to be aware of how we choose to walk through life. As you become more conscious of your self talk, judgments or projections, you’ll have a better understanding of core beliefs that you carry.

Awareness is the beginning of transformation. Part of being a master in the process of awakening is the joy of discovering how to focus your attention and energy on creating positive and powerful change in your experience.

Share kindness, speak of possibility and expansion, seek the gift in every situation and your world will open in amazing ways. This is the power of intention.

Allow love to guide you and let your life be your message.

Today, my intention is to create a space in which transformation can occur. I am willing to receive a miracle.

Peace begins within

Don’t give away your power.
That’s right! I am responsible for my own joy 

On the journey of transformation, one of the most amazing gifts we receive is the discovery of inner mastery. We can consciously choose how we respond to the people, circumstances, challenges and adventures of our lives.

Those who are still unconscious often feel trapped by an ego-driven response to their life circumstances. Stress is created by the belief that things are ‘wrong’ and they focus their energy on attempting to fix the people and situations around them. Often this is accompanied by the belief that peace waits for them once everything falls into place.

The awakened spirit cultivates inner peace first. From this higher state of awareness choices are made from a space of balance and actions have more power. Should you ever find yourself feeling anxious, place your focus on your inner state of consciousness first. Make yourself a priority and bring grace to your life situation.

Today, my intention is to remember that my experience of the world is merely a reflection of my thoughts and beliefs.

Living with an open heart

Choose to experience life with an open heart.

That’s right! Every moment is an opportunity to awaken

Misery is created when we resist what is. Resistance drains our energy and blocks the ability to discover the myriad gifts that reside within the present moment. When you approach your life situation without fear, seeking only to know the Divine within the interaction, you create the space in which a transformation can occur.

The awakened soul is willing to take risks, break through personal limitation and enjoys taking on life’s challenges. Sometimes this can be uncomfortable; however, it sharpens your senses and allows you to discover new possibilities. This transforms you from being someone who responds to life to one who realizes that life responds to you.

Today, my intention is to remember that being fully present is the first step to empowerment. As I release resistance, life becomes effortless.

Love is a sacred dance of awakening

The joy is in the journey.

That’s right! When in love, allow the winds of heaven to dance in between…

Every relationship, whether it lasts for a lifetime or for a moment, provides an opportunity to discover the mysteries of love. Ego-driven love is rooted in fear and desire. Open-hearted love supports growth, exploration, discovery and laughter. Seek to love with an open heart and honor all paths of awakening.

Life is simply a dance with the Divine. Each person you meet is a unique spark of eternal consciousness that seeks to experience the synergy of awakening.

You. Are. Beautiful.

Today, my intention is to love without expectation or demands while honoring each path as sacred.

Levels of consciousness

Your level of consciousness determines how you experience the world around you
That’s right! I am a lifetime student of love

As we journey upon the path of transformation, we draw in the people and experiences that allow us the ability and opportunity to evolve to the next level of perception. Each of us, based upon our level of consciousness, soul age, karmic imprinting and life plan, are doing the best we can at any given moment (and so is everyone around you). As you tap into your inner wisdom, your view expands and your choices will reflect this higher new vibration.

It’s unrealistic to expect someone who is currently vibrating at the level of Fear, for instance, to suddenly develop the capability to be Courageous. The steps in between – Desire, Anger and Pride – must be experienced and assimilated in order to move past the threshold of awakening. Those who vibrate below 200 can be very draining to be around. Unable to recognize their connection to the Divine, they seek to draw life force and energy from those around them.

The higher your vibration, the easier things flow in your life. As you awaken, you remove blockages, outdated beliefs and limiting patterns and tap into the limitless potential of the Now. As you change, the world around you is transformed.

Today, my intention is to dance in the love, light and laughter of the Universe. I trust the processes of my awakening.

Trust your inner guidance

Listen to the quiet voice of your inner guidance.

That’s right! I handle all my experiences with wisdom, love and ease

Trust yourself. Beyond the voice of ego resides the spark of the Divine that is experiencing life through you. Limiting thoughts are loud and repetitive – they need to be in order to make you “forget” that you are an infinite spirit on a journey of discovery.

Anytime a thought begins to play over and over creating doubt or anxiety, shine the light of consciousness upon it. Turn your attention to the ego and simply observe it’s antics. Then, quiet the mind and bring yourself back into the present moment.

Focus upon creating peace in your experience. Remind yourself that all you need is already within you and open to the wisdom of your own love and compassion. You’ll know that you’re connecting with your higher Self when you experience a sense of grace and peace in the midst of whatever life has to offer.

Today, my intention is to choose to bring the best version of myself to every situation.

Creative intention

You are responsible for your own joy.

That’s right!I accept myself and create peace in my heart and my experiences

The first moments of waking are vitally important for they set the tone for what comes to follow. Make a conscious effort to begin your day with gratitude. Bring yourself present through mindful breath and set an intention.

You have the ability to choose where your attention flows. Will you choose to dwell on perceived problems or will you step into the realms of infinite possibility?

Once you have an intention in mind, say it out loud. Remind yourself of it often throughout the day and then take one more step toward that goal.

Circumstances will align themselves around you in miraculous ways. Your joy, enthusiasm and acceptance creates momentum and movement in your experience.

Today, my intention is to be willing to accept a miracle

Fear and limitation

Fearful thoughts create limitation.

That’s right! Life mirrors my every thought. As I keep my thoughts positive, life brings me only good experiences 

Fear tells us to stay with the known, to reside in the protected world of repetition. One way to address fear when it arises is to become the observer. Rather than say “I am afraid” say “fear is present” or “my ego is going into fear mode”. This dis-identification separates you from the fearful thoughts and creates a space in which you can choose to take one conscious step forward.

Over time this practice results in the fear dissipating. We begin to free ourselves from the minds limitation and move into the limitless potential of the Now.

Choose an expansive approach to life. Allow yourself the freedom to experiment, explore and play in the world of form. No matter what unfolds, you’ll learn amazing things about yourself.

Today, my intention is to be kind and gentle with myself as I grow and change.

Your role in the planets awakening

Each of us plays a unique role in the collective transformation that is happening now.

That’s right! I am a master in the process of awakening 

Be the change you wish to see in the world. As you grow in Divine grace, it become easier to understand how we are all interconnected. The changes within you flow outward to touch the people in your life, planting seeds of growth along the way. You loving actions nurture this energy and the world is transformed. Even if you are not in a position to witness these changes, never doubt the impact you have.

You have chosen to participate in the shifting of world consciousness, coming to the planet at a time when many are still walking in the dark. Your light and compassion create the space in which transformation can occur.

Spend time today choosing to be aware of the fullness of the present moment. Remind yourself to see through the eyes of love and simply act in harmony with your inner guidance.

Today, my intention is to remember that I am Divinely guided and inspired.

Higher consciousness

The key to higher consciousness is to see beyond your stories, achievements and desires. Simply be the loving witness of your own awakening. You are an expression of the Divine seeking to know itself through the human experience.
That’s right! Every moment is a new beginning. I am willing to take responsibility for my own joy.  

Suffering can be transformed into higher consciousness. With mindful movement inward, wounds are healed and the spirit becomes whole again. From that point forward, your main responsibility is not to create further pain. Notice the stories of the mind as they arise. As the observer, you’ll discover you have the ability to quickly and consciously make choices that support your joy rather than falling back to sleep.

Trust the processes of your awakening. The power of your Presence can transform any situation and all things work toward your highest good.

Today, my intention is to live in total harmony with life.