Share your unique gifts

There has never been, nor will there ever be, someone with your perception, inspiration, energy and way of being in the world…

That’s right! I am a lifetime student of love 

When you discover the joy of your unique path, your life become your message. It becomes easy to simply live your truth and share your gifts. Honor the dance of awakening through the willingness to explore the myriad possibilities which are all around you.

The present moment is filled with infinite potential. What are you choosing to experience?

Share your love, your joy and your laughter. In the sharing you will find limitless supply and a fullness which comes from an authentic connection to the love, light and laughter of the Divine.

Today, my intention is to be present and open to life.

Seeing life as your reflection

You are a powerful creator.

That’s right! My world is a reflection of my thoughts, expectations and beliefs 

You have the ability to choose how to respond to the events of your life. As a conscious creator, it’s important to keep in mind that whatever you focus upon draws strength from you. Knowing this, we can cultivate the ability to seek the gifts within the challenge and look within for the lesson or message that awaits us.

Everything and everyone around you is participating in your awakening. Pay attention to what inspires you – it is a reflection of the potential you carry. Notice what triggers you – you will gain clarity about the healing that is now required in your experience.

Ultimately, it’s all love. At the level of soul, things often appear far different than they do on the level of form. Those who love you immensely on a soul level will often participate in challenging situations which allow you to discover your strength and purpose. These healing angels play the greatest role in your growth.

Today, my intention is to pay attention to the messages that are all around me.

Religion vs spirituality

Your journey is sacred, unique, limitless and filled with infinite possibility.

That’s right! No matter how far I have come, there are always new levels to explore 

Organized religions serve a valuable purpose in the human experience. There are five different soul ages – infant, baby, young, mature and old – and we experience different levels of spiritual maturity throughout our sojourn here.

Religion, with its rules, rituals and celebrations, is the playground of baby and young souls. During those lifetimes we cling to rules and logic, needing stability and definition.

In later lifetimes, the mature soul becomes more inclusive. She seeks community, social awareness, healing and functions very well in group settings of like-minded individuals.

Old souls have mastered structured belief and begin the search for a unique perspective and personalized connection to the Divine. The knowledge acquired through many lifetimes allows them to explore varied ideas and experiences without judgment, with the understanding that enlightenment is a powerful, personal journey.

Today, my intention is to honor all paths as sacred. Everything serves the awakening of consciousness.

The messages in nature

In order to experience empowerment, we must consistently create the space in which a transformation can occur.

That’s right! Life speaks to me. Every moment is an opportunity to receive messages from the Universe 

Answers are all around you. When you allow nature to spark a sense of wonder in your heart, a paradigm shift begins and you learn to process information differently. Within the magic of existence we can dream a new world into being. Intuition leads to expansive insights and a different way of being in the world.

Look around you and observe the various ways that people choose to experience life. One’s level of consciousness determines the filter through which the world is viewed and what interpretations accompany that viewpoint. As you open yourself to messages from the Divine, you’ll discover the profound beauty of your unique journey.

Today, my intention is to develop an inclusive relationship with all of life.

Thoughts become things

All transformation begins in the mind.
That’s right! I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at my world
Thoughts become things. We send out emotions, ideas, joys and gratitude, and in return, the Universe supports that energy by matching your vibration on the physical plane. Happiness comes first and then circumstances will align themselves around you, ready to fall in place when you take conscious action.The key thing to remember about manifestation is that it is tied to the energy of your visualizations (rather than just the image in your mind or a list of desires). Choose to tap into and feel the emotional satisfaction that comes from creating positive changes in your life for a focused four or five minutes, and then go about your day. It’s more powerful to consciously visualize for just a few minutes rather than constantly day dreaming about the future. The point of power always resides in the present moment.

Today, my intention is to remember that I am a master in the process of awakening. My thoughts and words have power, and I choose to dwell in the realm of infinite possibility.


The way to create balance in your life is to consciously seek it every day in all that you choose to do and all that you are.
That’s right! I am responsible for my own joy

Life is merely a reflection of your inner state of balance. How do you handle challenges, joyful experiences, disappointments or motivate yourself to expand?

No matter what the situation, seek to become consistently aware of your inner state of consciousness. There may be recurring patterns that are trying to get your attention. Everything which unfolds in your life has one purpose – to facilitate your awakening – and even the smallest of interactions are filled with infinite meaning and possibility.

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness. Make yourself a priority and explore various ways to keep yourself balanced. This will positively affect every relationship and interaction that you have.

Today, my intention is to create a home filled with beauty and music and love. I surround myself with positive energy.

The seeds of possibility

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
~Chinese proverb

That’s right! The seeds I plant today become the experiences of tomorrow.

When you doubt your ability to create change in your life, consider how much potential truly resides in a single conscious act. Remember that seeds take time to struggle toward the light. They go through seasons of great vulnerability and transformation as they take root.

Your loving actions plant seeds of possibility in your own life. A kind word, a compassionate choice, the sharing of your gifts – who knows what beauty may spring from the humblest of beginnings?

Begin today. It is said that greatness is created by those who plant trees never expecting to sit in their shade. This moment provides an amazing opportunity to play in the world of form. Don’t limit your dreams, rather, choose to nurture them and be a loving witness to the miracles that take root in your life.

Today, my intention is to see only a world filled with limitless possibility.

Your words have power

Your words have power.

That’s right! I create change by expecting the very best out of life

How often do you hear yourself or others say things like:

It’s too hard
There’s never enough time
I’m broke
I always get sick this time of year
Life isn’t fair

…and then you witness it play out again and again?

Words are habitual and it can be challenging to recognize where these mantras of limitation began – we often pick them up from others around us. It’s important to remember that form follows energy.

Purposely choose to become more aware of what you send out into the Universe. You are an unlimited being of light and all things are possible.  Transformation begins when we keep our words, thoughts and actions aligned with what we want to occur rather than putting precious energy into creating blockages and limitation.

So, make empowering choices when you speak:

Everything flows together perfectly
There’s more than enough time

Let your actions support your desires:

Over tip others and treat yourself well
Be joyful and recognize your abundance

Don’t limit the flow of miracles in your experience – be willing to receive and engage life’s magic and live the life of your dreams now.

Today, my intention is to be fearless. I know that life supports my words and actions.

The power of gratitude

Happiness comes from within.

That’s right! I am grateful for every experience and every person in my life 

When our focus transitions to gratitude, the shift in consciousness profoundly changes our experience. We become the observer, love becomes the guiding principle and we begin to break free from the restrictions and limitations of ego-generated thought.

Make a conscious attempt to incorporate teachings that have sparked your awareness into every aspect of your life. This will change your perception and instead of seeing challenges and conflicts as obstacles, your attention will consistently be on your inner growth. As you change, the world around you is transformed.

Joy is a way of life and a way of relating to life. It moves you into a space of limitless possibility. A calm mind, simply at ease and content in the present moment, raises your energy to new levels… and from there, anything is possible.

Today, my intention is to choose joy.

Love, live gently, let go

Your life is a reflection of the love you have for yourself.

That’s right! Every moment presents an opportunity to become more of who I am

Life provides opportunities to cultivate the most beautiful aspects of your personality. If you seek to become more compassionate, circumstances will arise which call upon you to behave compassionately. If you wish to be more courageous, the Universe will conspire on your behalf to allow you the ability to explore that aspect of your personality.

To love, to live gently, to let go of people, things or ideas when appropriate – these three options reside at the core of every situation we experience. If you observe your life as it unfolds, you’ll discover this to be true. See your life as a journey of transformation and exploration into the limitless possibilities of the Self.


Today, my intention is to be gentle and kind with myself as I grow and change.