Chop wood, carry water

Reside in the fullness of the present moment. Do what must be done and rekindle the flames of gratitude.

That’s right! I choose to walk through life with ease and grace

The mind can overwhelm by dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. The key to living an awakened life is to honor what must be done in the Now. Enlightenment will not change the things we must do on our daily walk; however, it will completely transform how we approach our tasks.

Gratitude sparks awareness of the sacredness of all life. When you choose to be fully anchored in the present moment, it’s easier to recognize the beauty that resides all around you. Help to heal the planet and one another through conscious acts of compassion and kindness.

Let your life be your message. Whether you’re composing a piece of music or washing the dishes, be fully present. Honor the life force that lives through you.


Today, my intention is to simply be my unique self. Sacredness comes from being consciously aligned with my inner strength and quietly effective in my own life.

Love and expectation

Unconditional love is born out of the momentum of joy.
That’s right! I am willing to love unconditionally, beginning with myself
Stillness can be accessed in many ways – through quieting the mind, acceptance, honoring anothers path or knowing your true value. It allows us to discover the joys of giving without attachment.Practice ways in which you can consciously bring love to challenging situations. Perhaps you’ve reached an impasse with a loved one – how easy would it be to set aside your differences and choose to be kind? When working with people whose values significantly differ from your own – how would it feel to look beyond the roles being played in this lifetime to the infinite spark of the Divine within them?

Consciousness compels us to transform the mundane aspects of our journey into moments of enlightenment. Instead of waiting for elusive or profound experiences of inspiration and Divine connection, you’ll discover that you can find all the truth you require reflected in millions of tiny ways all around you. If you seek love, you will certainly find it in your experience.


Today, my intention is to recognize that my love is not a need, but a divine sharing of kindness and compassion.

Living in the flow of life

Unseen powers are always active in your life. They are experienced throughout the ebb and flow of emotions,  manifested in the discovery of your purpose and displayed by the deepening of your relationships.

That’s right! Love begins within

Mastery on the physical plane comes from cultivating the ability to live in faith without the need to analyze or explain. It creates a space filled with possibility.

In love, we are deeply connected to the Divine, flowing with abundance and living in harmony with our own expression of Oneness.

Share the blissfulness of your enlightenment. True compassion is sharing your light with those who grace your life with their presence. Kindness is the joyful celebration of your unique gifts and purpose.


Today, my intention is to dance in the light, love and laughter of the Universe

The nature of duality

We are infinite spiritual beings who chose the experience of being human. We delve into all possibilities, learning from each, for the sole purpose of remembering our true nature.

That’s right! I trust the processes of my awakening

The Divine seeks to make itself known in every situation. Emotions, desire and wisdom blend together in the tapestry of life. The spiritual seeker learns to navigate the paradox of existence with the understanding that all is part of the whole. We must have darkness in order to experience light. Allow yourself to be a conscious observer as everything falls into place perfectly (yes, even without striving and worry), guided by the Divine.

We live in an age of information – it bombards us at every turn. Seek to live beyond the world of form and you will be rewarded with inspiration and wisdom that will allow you to perceive all that unfolds from a higher perspective


Today, my intention is to remember that mastery can be achieved through acceptance and allowing.

Living an enchanted life

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in forming our beliefs that we forget to experience the mysteries of life.
That’s right! I choose to live beyond the limitations of how “things have always been” and step into the infinite potential of the Now

When we choose to live beyond the word of form, we enter the realm of the infinite. It cannot be seen or heard or held; however, it is the driving force of all existence.

“Approach it and there is no beginning;
follow it and there is no end.
You cannot know it, but you can be it,
at ease in your own life.”
~ From the 14th verse of the Tao te Ching

Harmony comes from being connected to the Oneness of all life. This calls upon us to release the limitations created by the ego which seeks to define itself through possessions, titles, achievements. When we drop all the “things” we hold on to, the only thing that remains is everything.


Today, my intention is to see the sacred in everyone and everything, to embrace the dance of life and the perfection that binds us together.

Enlightenment and acceptance

The ego desires to be seen as knowledgeable, to be heard,  or agreed with and always strives to prove its point. The heart seeks to live authentically with the understanding that each of us awakens in the perfect way at the perfect time.
That’s right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity

Be silently aligned with your truth. Should you notice yourself attempting to oversell a particular point or belief, observe what happens when you choose to let it go. Typically, the ego will feel anxious, new ideas will pop into the mind and the cacophony of mental noise will distract you from the present moment.

Don’t try to change, just become more aware. Awareness creates its own transformation. The enlightened soul has nothing to prove; rather, he or she chooses to be patient with those around them no matter where they are on the journey of awakening

Your inner state of acceptance and Presence is a gift. In love, you create a space in which a transformation can occur.


Today, my intention is to be willing to accept those who grace my life exactly as they are.

Love and sacred awareness

In each life there comes at least one moment which, if recognized and seized, transforms the course of that life forever…
That’s right! When we view life through the heart, we can recognize the sacred in all things

The rising of consciousness changes how you view the world. Drama disappears and decisions are guided by love. Simply put, you find yourself honoring the present moment (and all it contains) as sacred while discovering oneness with all life.

Everyone’s path is unique. There is no guaranteed road-map to enlightenment; however, as you delve into the infinite, your path will certainly make itself known.

Today, my intention is to expand into new ways of being.

Living in the moment

Your light transforms the world.
That’s right! Love flows through my very being. It touches everyone I meet and leads me to greater compassion.

The beliefs that are most deeply hidden are often those that have the greatest power of us. They play out again and again in our experience until we recognize them and begin to dissipate as we shine the light of consciousness upon them.

This awakening raises your vibration and flows higher energy into all that you do. As you consciously walk the journey of transformation, allow your choices to reflect your light. Don’t try to change, just be aware.

The only thing that we can control is our own response to life. Empowerment is found in acceptance. Freedom awaits discovery… no matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully.

You soul’s purpose is to become awake to who you truly are and that can be accomplished in any situation by remembering that authentic joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.

Today, my intention is to be open to new and wonderful changes.

Live your truth

Let your life be your message.
That’s right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity

Know thyself. There is nothing more beautiful than someone who is consistent, inspired and authentic. Their lives are a joyous dance with the Divine.

Actions send a far more powerful message than any words that are spoken. When I began to write these messages (back in 2011!), I witnessed a shift in my own awakening with each passing day. I immediately realized that by sharing my insights and stating my intentions “out loud,” that I began to hold myself to a higher standard of consciousness.

When you can live in your truth, it demonstrates the ease and grace of an awakened life. Of course challenges still arise, loss happens and relationships ebb and flow, but I have discovered that I experience the present moment by looking for the lesson or a message to share.

In this way, each of you has participated in my awakening and for that I am eternally grateful. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to explore my own growth and I am honored each time you share yours with me.

Today, my intention is to honor everyone who graces my life as my teacher and partner in the quest for enlightenment.

Embracing change

There is much more to life than meets the eye.
That’s right! I trust the processes of life

As you cultivate the understanding that all things work toward your highest good, it’s easier to flow with change when it occurs. The experiences of your life have already shown you the depths of your strength, planted seeds for growth and pivoted you when you needed it most on your life’s journey. This one will not be any different.

Reside in the fullness of what is. You soul is consistently engaged in the process of transformation and it’s important to release the things which no longer serve your growth. Clinging to the knowns of the past will only add to your discomfort.

Great adventures await. Often, things on the spiritual level are quite the opposite of what we experience on the physical. For instance, you may be going through a painful transition, losing a loved one or facing uncertainty. The ego will respond through the intellect of the mind saying, “Stop, you are standing on the abyss, it’s not safe, we don’t know what awaits” while the soul asks you to trust that you are supported. By gathering your courage and taking one more conscious step forward, you enter the realms of infinite possibility where miracles dwell.

Today, my intention is to honor the changes that flow through my life knowing that all is well in my world.