New experiences

Be willing to step out of your comfort zone.

That’s right! I am guided by love  

New experiences bring new knowledge. They allow us to explore the sacred mysteries of life, discover hidden aspects of our strength and open the door to friendship and expansion.

Every amazing friend in your life was once a stranger. Something prompted you to reach out to cultivate relationship and communion thus bringing new threads of experience into your life. Remember that when you try new things and choose to live with an open heart.

Allow all your choices to be led by love rather than by fear. When you decide to take another step forward, your joy will light the way.

Today, my intention is to remember that the world is my mirror.

This too shall pass

This too shall pass.

That’s right! My life unfolds perfectly 

The gift of mindfulness provides the ability to live in harmony with life, both the pleasant and the unpleasant, without attachment to either. When we seek experience rather than outcomes, we become aligned with the present rather than striving for some distant projection of the future.

Evolution – on all levels – is simply a series of growth and changes that support one another. As we move through the ebb and flow of awakening, we are transformed. Level by level our consciousness expands and we are able to recognize new dimensions of ourselves and our life experiences.

Periodically take stock of your own growth. Chances are that you respond to life far differently today than you did a year ago, or five, or ten. Pause to honor how far you have come on the journey with the realization that it is just begun… and bliss awaits.

Today, my intention is to take one more conscious step forward.

Seeing the perfection

Consider the idea that you are right where you need to be… and always have been.

That’s right! I trust the processes of my awakening 

Acceptance, when applied to oneself, implies that everything and everyone you’ve encountered on your journey has played an integral part in the discovery of who you are. Based upon your soul age, state of consciousness and experience, you have always done the best you can – and so has everyone around you. As you have increased in wisdom, your perceptions and decisions have reflected that growth and will continue to do so.

The Divine seeks to experience life through you. All too often spiritual seekers fret that they should somehow be more evolved or empowered than they perceive themselves to be without recognizing that this is the limiting voice of ego. It can temporarily block the ability to embrace the present moment as it is.

Simply ask how you can bring the best version of yourself to any given moment. If you feel that you have missed the mark or behaved in an unconscious manner, realize that you are in the process of awakening. The ability to see oneself clearly is a powerful tool to cultivate on the path of transformation.

Today, my intention is to love conditionally, beginning with myself.


Mindfulness is simply living with complete awareness in the present moment.

That’s right!   My body mirrors my state of mind. I am healthy, whole and complete

For the mindful spiritual seeker, life becomes a series of awakened moments. Even the most mundane aspects of living are transformed into powerful spiritual practice. When in a state of mindfulness, one makes healthier choices. Whether deciding what food to put into our bodies or taking time to create inner balance throughout the events of the day, we bring that alertness to all that we choose to do.

In mindfulness, even filling a glass with water becomes a sacred journey. Gratitude and compassion are natural by-products of higher consciousness – and they first begin within.

Awareness heals. It allows us to see beyond the mechanisms of the ego to the truth of our own divine nature. In awareness, it becomes quite impossible to harm oneself or others with hatred, judgment or unkind behavior. Rather, we seek to discover the sacredness of the moment and all that it has to offer.

Today, my intention is to honor this moment as a sacred space of peace, power, growth and transformation.

The obstacle is the path

Difficulties are not obstacles on the spiritual path –
they are the path.

That’s right! Every situation contains a gift 

Many people believe that they can’t be happy because their life is difficult. It’s actually the opposite: you can’t be truly happy until your life is difficult.

Challenges allow us to discover our strengths, our ability to forgive, to heal old wounds and show us how far we have come on the path of transformation. When things get particularly intense, it can seem that nothing we’ve learned on the spiritual journey seems relevant. But the challenges are the journey. When pain arises, you have the opportunity to discover how to open your heart and face your fears in the midst of it.

When you reach a point where you think you can go no further, take one more step forward and bring one more conscious breath into the heart. Love yourself enough to understand that is all that is required.

Let your life be your message. Bring all the gifts that you have cultivated so far to the challenges you experience. One by one, you’ll discover that you have the ability to transcend perceived limitation while honoring the path as sacred.

Today, my intention is to bless the challenges that I’ve faced along the journey. Every circumstance and person in my life has played an integral part in my awakening... and I am grateful.

Live mindfully

Slow down, appreciate, expand, repeat.

That’s right! I love who I am and reward myself with thoughts of praise 

Give yourself permission to be amazing. Celebrate your unique journey and realize that you deserve the very best in life. You have control over how you relate to the present moment. When you choose the path of mindfulness, it brings a sense of harmony and grace to your experience. When you choose resistance, you suffer.

No matter what unfolds, we have the opportunity to accept or reject. Consider your state of consciousness at various times throughout the day and purposefully move back into acceptance as often as possible. That one choice creates  a series of beautiful moments which dictate the flow of your life.

You are a spark of the Divine in human form and were created to be fulfilled. Release all expectations and know that you are supported and loved each and every step of the way. You have unlimited ability to create a joyful, passionate journey and can begin this moment.

Today, my intention is to joyfully be in harmony with all of life.

Keep evolving

There are always higher levels of consciousness to explore.

That’s right! I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world

Our infinite journey toward wholeness is just beginning. With each discovery, we spark new growth and expansion throughout our experience. The exploration through time and space allows the gradual integration of wisdom, compassion, oneness and peace.

You are a unique work of art in process. Be willing to take risks, put yourself in new situations and stretch out of your comfort zone. This will allow you to discover new facets of yourself – your capabilities, nuanced perceptions, emerging talents and capacity for joy.

Every moment presents a wonderful opportunity for you to become aware of your gifts and clear about your life’s purpose (which is to awaken). You are supported and loved each and every step of the way.

Today, my intention is to be willing to grow and change.

Higher consciousness

As we change, the world around us is transformed.

That’s right! Every situation plays an integral role in my awakening. I am willing to see clearly

Consciousness is the journey of expansion into all dimensions, the discovery of broader perspectives and the integration of all that we have learned. It seeks to express itself through our interactions and provides an opportunity to see life differently.

The human condition is one of forgetfulness – separation, drama, ego, desire. The spiritual seeker begins to drop the veils of illusion and opens to the infinite, only to experience the bliss of discovering that the truth lies within. This is transcendence.

Life is a tapestry of dark and light, a blending of dimensions from the depths of lower consciousness to the heights of love and communion. They exist together and when we cultivate the understanding that all are required in this dance of awakening, we begin to have a very different perspective of the world.

Today, my intention is to remember that all experience is valuable to the unfolding and developing of my spiritual awareness.

Be led by love

Do your best. Act with integrity. Accept what is.

That’s right! When I live from the heart, everything seems to fall into place perfectly

Your unique vision and gifts allow you to experience life in a vibrant, creative manner. Let your choices be led by love rather than fear. Seek adventure rather than security. Cultivate faith in the processes of your own growth and discover the limitless potential within you.

All that you need is already here. Joy is a conscious movement into gratitude in the present moment… and one that we should seek as often as possible throughout our varied experiences.

That is not to say that frustration, sadness or anger will not arise, for they certainly will, that is part of the human experience. Recognize and honor the fact that you have the ability to seek stillness and grace in the midst of life’s challenges. Your level of consciousness determines how you choose to navigate through life.

Today, my intention is to follow my bliss.


Acceptance creates the space in which a transformation can occur. Interact with the understanding that all judgments about others are nothing more than a projection of how you feel about yourself… therefore, accepting others as they are is the quickest way to transform your own life.

That’s right!I am willing to love unconditionally, beginning with myself

You will draw in the people and circumstances which best serve your growth. All of life is participating in your dance of awakening and gifts of understanding and empowerment reside at the heart of every encounter.

With this in mind, we discover that the spiritual practice of relationships is about working on ourselves only. Our partners in this endeavor enter with us into a soul contract and participate in situations that assist us in the process of freeing ourselves from the constricting grip of our own unhappiness. It is not the other person’s job to take our unhappiness away; our discomfort is our own responsibility, as is our joy. Attending to our own spiritual tasks – recognizing our judgments, opinions, beliefs, demands, and staying present with the fears out of which they all arise – frees others to move toward us. Then, when they no longer feel the need to defend (when the ego no longer gets engaged), they become more willing to take care of their job. Thus, joy in relationships becomes possible and two awakened souls come together in a dance of ease and grace.

Anything that shakes you up is an opportunity to expand. When we can respond with acceptance, we create a space around any situation… and that space is the place where miracles happen.

Today, my intention is to release the need to blame anyone. I accept the people around me just as they are – my brothers and sisters who also walk the path of transformation.