Everything is a reflection

My world is a reflection of my thoughts and beliefs.

That’s right! I am willing to see clearly

Each of us views life through filters which are created by our thoughts and beliefs. Events occur and are interpreted based upon one’s level of consciousness. Observe those around you today and you will witness patterns emerging. The patterns will clearly show what that person is working on as part of their soul’s awakening.

As Colin Tipping says, “If you spot it, you got it!” What we see is a projection of something within us or we would not recognize it. So, perhaps you observe someone who brings heightened drama to his or her experiences. As you see this pattern clearly, you begin to notice moments where your ego creates extra drama in your own life. The person who has acted as your reflection as served a valuable purpose in raising your awareness.

As limiting thoughts and beliefs are released, the world is transformed. This is because of the new filter of perception that comes from viewing life from the higher levels of consciousness. New patterns will emerge and new lessons will be learned as each step forward brings you greater wisdom and enlightenment.

Today, my intention is to trust the processes of my awakening.

Being aligned with life

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

That’s right! All areas of my life are abundant and fulfilling

Choose to begin each day with Gratitude. Step outside and commune with the Divine for a few moments. Speak out loud everything for which you are grateful. This has a two-prong effect: it declares to the Universe that you are willing to take responsibility for your own state of consciousness and it raises your vibration to a level of empowerment.

You have the ability to determine how your day will unfold. Conversely, when one awakens and immediately frets about what needs to be done, watches the news or jumps into a frenzy of activity or stress, it can be challenging to create a space of inner awareness – the rest of the day is often spent just trying to keep up.

You are a master in the process of awakening. Each moment is an opportunity to dance in the love, light and laughter of the Divine. Be a source of kindness – both to yourself and to others knowing that all will fall into place in the perfect way at the perfect time.

Today, my intention is to remember that I am free to think wonderful thoughts. Knowing that my thoughts create my reality, I choose to embrace what is with gratitude and joy.

Simplicity, patience, compassion

Each state of consciousness creates a new reality.

That’s right! I am compassionate and understanding

There are always new levels to explore. As we awaken, the world around us is transformed. All change begins within and as we reach new levels of understanding, our perception expands outward, affecting our words and thoughts, expectations and desires.

When you choose to utilize simplicity, patience and compassion within your life situation, it automatically brings greater mindfulness to the present moment. We find healthier ways of interacting with one another, we make decisions that add to our joy rather than detract from it and we seek Oneness.

All that you seek is already within you. Peace, contentment, fulfillment and happiness are choices that we make every day. You have the power to create the life of your dreams – and it begins Now.

Today, my intention is to be peaceful, calm and centered.


Mind, body, spirit balance

Pay attention to the messages you receive from the body.

That’s right! My mind and body are in perfect balance. I live in harmony with life

When energy gets blocked for too long, it begins to appear as a body symptom. The correlation between mind and body is to provide another tool for healing. Stress, and all that it entails, directs your energy into a fight or flight mode which leads to imbalance.

Actively observe how you approach the present moment and treat yourself with love. Without judgement, use any and all tools at your disposal to create a quiet space of healing. When fearful, take some sort of conscious action. When doubting your value, purposely cease judging yourself so harshly and focus on speaking to yourself with kindness and compassion.

Create positive habits in your daily experience. Old channels of energy can be redirected through conscious effort. You can create powerful and positive changes in your life, and it begins with what you choose to say and the energy that you send out into the Universe.

The source of all transformation resides within you. In the space between thought resides pure potential.

Today, my intention is to see my life as a work in progress. I live in a space of limitless possibility

Life is a spiritual experience

Experience allows you to discover the nuances of compassion. It expands your perception and provides an opportunity to awaken.

That’s right! Whatever I am guided to do will be a success

How do you define success? Is it tied to a number in your bank account, the achievement of a particular goal or how others see you? For many, the answer is yes; however, life is simply an ebb and flow of experience and the spiritual seeker learns that success on the inner plane is the only true measure of lasting satisfaction.

Maturity comes through experience. By embracing both the highs and the lows of everything life has to offer, we discover a greater depth of being. Happiness, fulfillment, passion, mindfulness and joy create a flow of abundance that can never be taken from you.

Your thoughts dictate your experience. Make room for movement forward in your life by creating a space in which a transformation can occur. Life will rise up to meet you, often in unexpected ways.

Today, my intention is to support myself in a loving, joyous manner. I am willing to accept a miracle.

Limitless possibility

Each day is a blank canvas… no past, no future, just this moment filled with limitless possibility.

That’s right! I am willing to accept a miracle

Empowerment is the ability to recognize the myriad choices that are available in any given moment. We can accept or reject, love or judge, dissolve into anger or open to new ideas. This is a free will Universe – your thoughts and beliefs create what you choose to experience in every moment.

Knowing this, focus upon what you wish to draw into your realm rather than putting your precious energy into perceived blockages, frustrations or problems. When you seek the gift in any given situation, you will surely discover it. In the process, that willingness opens the door into new areas of experience and allows you to discover unknown facets of your own strength and beauty.

Be at peace within yourself and let your life be your message.

Today, my intention is to embrace whatever the present moment has to offer.

A spark of the Divine

You are a spark of the Divine.

That’s right! I am willing to share my gifts

Life is a dance of new beginnings. It offers us the opportunity to explore through personal experience as a means of learning compassion. Moments of awakening shift our perception and build a momentum of expanding spiritual awareness.

Consider how much you have learned in this lifetime so far. Periodically take the time to assess your own evolution and honor the strength which has been tempered by the challenges you have faced and overcome. Beyond the illusion, deeper than the voice of ego and more expansive than anything you can imagine, lies the infinite source of your true nature.

See yourself as a miracle. Be a loving witness to all that unfolds with the understanding that everything in your life has one purpose – to assist you in your awakening.  Your inner guidance supports you each and every step of the way. When you choose to consciously confront your own shadows, you’ll discover that you emerge strengthened and transformed with a deeper understanding of the Divine.

Today, my intention is to break new ground and begin exciting new ventures.

Being love

The purpose of our journey here is to discover the love that lies at the root of all situations

That’s right! When I love myself, I make choices that support my joy and well-being

Unconditional love – for oneself and for others – once discovered, is something that no one can take from you. How empowering it is to find a way to love even those in your experience who may have caused harm! Great freedom awaits those who seek this high level of consciousness.

You are always in control of how you respond to life. Your will is capable of directing your thoughts, emotions and actions. You are responsible for your responses and reactions to people, experiences and events.

To take responsibility for one’s own joy is to simply respond appropriately to the present moment. This may prompt you to persevere or move into acceptance in a given situation. As long as you act from inner integrity and faith, you create a space in which a transformation can occur.

Today, my intention is to honor the processes of my awakening. There are always new levels to explore.

Becoming conscious

Consciousness is releasing how you thought life should be and embracing the life that is.

That’s right! I am willing to take responsibility for my own joy

On occasion, I hear people lament that life was easier before they embarked upon the path of awakening. It seems that once things are seen from a different viewpoint, that one cannot simply go back to sleep. The ego tries to plant a seed of dissatisfaction with the process and promotes the belief that raising one’s consciousness is hard work.

In truth, the higher your consciousness, the simpler things become. When you begin from a space of willingness, allowing the Divine to direct the flow of life rather than fighting against what is, you open yourself to the miraculous. Taking responsibility for one’s own state of consciousness is empowerment – the only thing over which we have any control is how we choose to experience the Now.

Consciousness (mindfulness) is something that must constantly be put into practice. It goes beyond workshops and reading books and becomes stronger only through practical application. It’s time for you to experience life’s magic by changing the rules you’ve always lived by and discovering the highest potential of yourself.

Today, my intention is to bring the best version of myself to this moment.

The gift of love

Acceptance is the driving force behind healthy, loving interactions.

That’s right! Every experience I have leads me to a greater understanding of my purpose on earth

Opening to another calls upon us to be vulnerable, authentic, peaceful, accepting, empathetic and willing to explore our own emotional wounds and limiting beliefs.

The root cause of problems in all relationships is the fact that we desire someone to be a certain way. Whether engaging with lovers, friends, family members or those with whom we work, it’s important to remember that while we might prefer them to be a particular way, it is our misguided requirement that they be this way that actually stops real love from flowing. Give up your requirements and live in acceptance – this is how two souls connect without any barriers in between.

Love is the true nature of your being. Relationships often bring out the most unhealed and painful aspects of our life and that is why they motivate us to awaken. Each soul in your life is playing a unique role in your soul’s development. Bless them by working on yourself.

Today, my intention is to remember that everything is an opportunity to awaken.