Choosing gratitude

Your life is filled with endless possibility.

That’s Right! I am willing to take responsibility for my own joy

Be thankful for the experiences that have taught you the depths of your strength and potential. The challenges we face teach us of empowerment. They open our perception and assist as we navigate our way through the dark.

The success and breakthroughs of life can likewise shift your view. Gratitude creates a momentum that seems to draw in even more things for which to be grateful. Let this simple approach be the foundation for your peaceful heart – gratitude for the beauty, gratitude for the challenges.

When you choose to seek for the gift in every situation, you will find one – often where it is least expected. You have the power to determine how you experience the world. If you like what you see, build upon it. If not, consciously shift your perception until you find one that brings you joy.

Your journey is unique and your path is ultimately your own. In this limitless Universe, there is plenty of room for exploration, although paradoxically, all that you seek is already within you.

Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.

Dancing with the Divine

Don’t wait for everything in your life to fall into place before you choose to feel fulfilled.

That’s Right! Joy allows me to open my heart to the present moment

Happiness is the delight experienced when we are completely at peace with the world and ourselves in the Now. This is not something that we need to work toward. It is not the end result of years of meditation and spiritual work. Rather, it is a conscious choice that we make again and again to dance in the rain.

The human condition is to hold on to our beliefs that somehow we are flawed. We cling to stress and tension, always striving to rise above the next set of circumstances or heal the wounds of the past. One of the first challenges of the spiritual seeker is the discovery that, while in a peaceful state, there is nothing to do. The mind has no problem to solve and it feels empty.

When you choose joy as your natural way of being, it opens a world of possibility. Things flow more smoothly and life aligns itself to match the energy you emit with your smile. Everything is a dance with the Divine – sometimes graceful, other times passionate, but always safe in the arms of love.

The 14th century poet Hafiz speaks of growth coming through encouragement:

“It felt love”

Did the rose
Ever open its heart

And give the world
All its

It felt the encouragement of light
Against its

We all remain



Today my intention is to open myself to the encouragement of light which seems to say to me…
“Dance with me in the joy of being.”

Raising your vibration

Be willing to release what no longer serves you.

That’s Right! I am responsible for my own joy

As you awaken, everything around you is transformed. When your vibration raises to higher levels, you will discover that you have outgrown old ways of being. Periodically take time to consciously cleanse your space of anything that is no longer aligned with your energy.

There may be items in your home that remind you of darker moments in your experience – whether your tastes have simply changed as you’ve evolved or the item itself holds lower energy, release it from your space. Let your environment reflect the beauty of your soul and nothing else.

This same clearing should also be done on mental and emotional levels. Beliefs, stories, perceptions and patterns that limit joyful experience need to be examined. Just because something is “the way you’ve always been” doesn’t mean that it’s a healthy and supportive aspect of your journey.

Radical Forgiveness is a powerful tool that raises your vibration by transforming energies that no longer serve you into light, love and acceptance.

Today my intention is to walk the pathway of forgiveness and acceptance. I lovingly release the past and choose to live this moment with joy, enthusiasm and passion.

Live with an open heart

Live with an open heart.

That’s Right! With my loving attitude, I help to create a world where it is safe to love one another

Many people close themselves off out of fear. Afraid to be vulnerable, they cease taking risks, avoid love and seek shelter in familiar harbors; however, experience is our greatest teacher.

Fear of the unknown sabotages our ability to expand into new dimensions. When fear arises, observe it – noticing any ego-generated stories -and consciously choose to walk forward anyway. Each and every step that we take is guided and protected. Every circumstance offers an opportunity to succeed, learn something new, address perceived limitations or discover the wisdom that comes from participating in life.

When you choose to live with an open heart, you bring peacefulness to your life circumstances. Authentic communication is possible, defense mechanisms disengage and you become a space of vibrant awareness.

All of life responds to the energy we emit. Be willing to receive a miracle and welcome the unexpected for there is much more to life than meets the eye.

Today my intention is to share the gifts of joy, love, ease and grace. I choose to be a living example of kindness.

stillness speaks

Stillness speaks.

That’s Right! I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world

Great depths of peace and joy reside beneath the stories of the mind and the reactive control of emotions. In stillness we can hear the quiet magic of love. Its transformative power awakens your spirit to it’s fullest potential.

The essence of change is within you. As each layer of distraction is removed, you will discover truths that you already know. Throughout your day take time to bring stillness into your experience. Conscious breath, prayer, meditation and quietude bring you in touch with the truest part of yourself – the I Am that flows deeper that any role you play in this lifetime.

Be willing to step into the depths of your true nature. Periodically release all distraction and listen to what lies beneath. Rest your awareness upon a tree, a flower, a pet… allow them to teach you the joy of stillness. You will discover the Oneness which connects you to all that is. That is love.

Today my intention is to accept this moment as it is no matter what unfolds. I choose to bring stillness and peace to my life situation.

Resist nothing

Resist nothing.

That’s Right! I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place

Whatever appears in your life situation is exactly what is required for your soul’s growth. To surrender is to accept what is rather than fight against it. All struggle is a distraction. As long as we resist, blame or complain, we are too busy to take responsibility for our own state of consciousness.

Notice, observe and step into empowerment remembering that transformation always begins within. If circumstances are frustrating, change how you respond to them. Everything is affected by your energy and you always have much more power than you realize.

Welcome the challenges that arise as loving teachers. You may have an opportunity to apply new knowledge, strengthen underutilized aspects of your personality or pivot your life path into a new direction.

The miracle of acceptance is that it transmutes suffering into peace. It opens passageways to deeper understanding and allows you to explore the vast layers of wisdom that await discovery.

Today my intention is to remember that love rains down upon me from all dimensions. I experience the flow of my life with joy, ease and grace.

Madly in love with life

Live with an open heart and allow the perfection of the present moment to astound you.

That’s Right! Everything unfolds in the perfect way at the perfect time

Daily gratitude is a purposeful way of choosing to create joy in your experience. When spiritual seekers cultivate compassion and empathy, kindness follows. Our thoughts and actions generate an energy that flows throughout our experience. The momentum of love is empowerment.

When you fall madly in love with life, everything changes. Challenges become adventures. Fear transforms into exploration… and every situation provides an opportunity to discover your passion and live it to the best of your ability.

Inhale the precious breath of life. Step into the flow of this moment with ease and grace. You are a master in the process of awakening – how exciting is that?!

Today my intention is to create a world where it is safe to love one another. My loving attitude is reflected back to me by everyone and everything.

Healthy relationships

Love yourself enough to create space within your relationships, allowing the winds of heaven to dance in between…

That’s Right! I recognize the Divine within all people and situations

When two balanced souls connect, the retain their uniqueness even as they unite. Rather than collapsing into a union, they create a partnership that leads to greater soul awareness for both. This freedom brings unimaginable gifts to the experience of connection.

Relationships mirror the love we have for ourselves. Does the ego bring fear and clinging to your life situations or do you feel safe and supported on the journey? Bring your attention to your interactions today – family, friends, lovers, partners – whether the connection is for a moment or for a lifetime, honor it as sacred.

Create a space in which a transformation can occur. As you continue to awaken, it will be reflected by your willingness to accept, forgive and laugh with patience. You will break free of old patterns and step into a whole new world of possibility.

Today my intention is to radiate health, happiness, prosperity and peace of mind. All is well.  

You are more powerful than you know

Courage is not about being unafraid. It’s about the willingness to walk forward in spite of any fear that arises.

That’s Right! My good comes from everywhere and everything.

The gateways to wisdom are always open. When you choose to view all experiences as opportunities to learn and grow, fear departs. This is why it’s so empowering to release attachment to outcomes – it opens your ability to share in the abundance and joy this world has to offer.

Spiritual practice must touch every aspect of your life. Relationships, money, health, work, play, meditation and expansion are all reflections of your energy and beliefs. As you bring awareness to your unique journey, you will release any limitations to love that you may carry.

Today my intention is to honor all paths as sacred. I welcome this moment as an opportunity to move toward freedom.


Everyday holds the possibility of a miracle

Release expectation.

That’s right! I move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the infinite Divine Mind, where all things are possible  

Experiencing the deepest connection with life often requires taking a step into unknown territory. Leaving your comfort zone is the easiest way to practice releasing expectation. In those moments we open to whatever experience life has to offer and explore the vast regions of the heart.

Repetition makes most people feel safe. Limitations are created and managed to and deviations from the known are considered mistakes or obstacles to be avoided.

The spiritual seeker understands that obstacles are the path. They often lead us into that unknown territory and call upon us to cultivate the lessor used aspects of our awakening nature.

Love the challenges of your life. You have the strength and insight to handle whatever comes your way – rising above, learning, expanding, accepting and creating as you take one more step forward with faith and grace.

Today, my intention is to greet life with an open heart.