The path of awakening

Whether walking with you for a moment or for a lifetime, honor those who grace your life as fellow travelers sharing the journey home.
That’s Right!  We are one  
We created this world, and the illusion of separateness, to explore the vast realms of human experience. It can be easy to get lost in the illusion and forget that we are simply brothers and sisters on the same path of awakening. All will discover the same infinite truths. The only difference between us is the level of consciousness, which dictates the types of experiences required for the purpose of awakening, and how far along with path we’ve come.

Many people use the Sanskrit term “Namaste” to greet one another. Roughly translated, it means, “The divine spirit in me honors the divine spirit within you.” What would happen if we simply brought this kindness and respect to every person with whom we interact? Choosing to honor the others soul rather than the role they play creates space for an authentic interaction.

Your purpose is to awaken and every aspect of life assists you in this endeavor. Be a reflection of light and kindness. The journey is long and it’s wonderful to share joyful moments together along the way.

Today my intention is to honor the sacred in all things.

Spiritual maturity

The expansion of wholeness brings the possibility of unlimited movement
That’s Right!  All of my life’s experiences have brought me to this moment of perfection 
Enlightenment is not about being blissed-out. Rather, it is the enchanting movement of inner peace expressed in the present moment. Enlightenment is being here Now, applying hard-won spiritual wisdom and maturity to everyday life. The end result is to to live without attachments – to let go, allow and accept what is.

When you can put the past behind you, the natural progression is the awakening of wisdom. How wonderful it is to dance through life with innocence and maturity. Even after all that has been experienced – the highs and lows, achievements and losses, celebration and struggle – the enlightened soul surrenders to the adventures that await.

Feed your spirit with things that nourish you. Treat your life and yourself as sacred and trust that the dynamism of your soul will guide you exactly where you need to be.

Today my intention is to celebrate this moment as sacred.

Be responsible for your own joy

This moment is filled with limitless possibility. How will you choose to experience it?
That’s Right! I begin my day with gratitude  
In our infinite Universe, there is more than enough room to experience whatever you wish. The energy that you send out into the world dictates what will return to you as well as the filter through which you view your life situation.Observe the energy you emit. It’s important to ensure that you bring joy, enthusiasm or acceptance to the present moment. If you cannot operate from that level of consciousness, pause and shift your thoughts or step away from the task until you can function from a space of balance. Nothing is more important than how you choose to experience the Now.

Your primary goal is to awaken. Everything else is secondary. When you operate from the higher levels of consciousness, life will rise up to meet you. This joyful celebration of life energy will bring you deeper into the present moment.

Today my intention is to remember that I am responsible for my own joy. All that unfolds is exactly what is required for my growth.

Spiritual growth

Everything plays a role in your spiritual development.
That’s Right! I open my consciousness to all the wonderful possibilities of life  
Liberation from ones challenges is not about reaching a point where life flows without problems. It comes from the empowerment discovered when we learn how to transform our stumbling blocks into stepping stones.

For the awakened, everything becomes an opportunity to rise above. Even the mundane challenges of daily life are integrated into our spiritual work. The next time you feel frustrated, annoyed, impatient or blocked, stop and ask yourself how the moment can be transformed through a shift in perception or conscious action.

Mastering the small, seemingly insignificant things cultivates the tools required to handle anything that may come your way.

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.” ~ Ezra Bayda

Today my intention is to rejoice in the knowledge that the gateways to wisdom and knowledge are always open to me.

Be here Now

You do have enough time.
That’s Right! Everything unfolds just as it should, in the perfect way at the perfect time 
When you live fully present, the illusion of time begins to slow down. Actions have more intention and strength behind them and life begins to flow more smoothly. The ego loves to distract us from the Now. It consistently pulls our energy and thoughts off to some distant future, intimating that this moment is simply something to get through in order to get to the next.

No wonder so many people rush from one thing to another feeling that there is not enough time to accomplish all that they desire. The truth is that you have all the time in the world. Slow down and enter the Now with your full attention. Bring the light of consciousness to all that you do and love where you are. Choose to treat the present moment as the most precious and important thing there is… for indeed it is all there is.

As a master in the process of awakening, you are here to discover your true, infinite and divine nature. Breathe in the breath of life. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

Today my intention is to be here Now – fully present, engaged and mindful – knowing that tomorrow will take care of itself.

Begin now

No matter what you wish to achieve, nothing is more important that the step you take today

That’s Right! Every bridge I cross brings me to a higher level of fulfillment 

Procrastination is the ego’s way of blocking the momentum of your life. It keeps happiness just out of reach in some distant future and provides endless fodder for self-judgment.

In order to become an empowered co-creator, you must realize that you are worthy of receiving all the beauty that life has to offer. Your thoughts create the foundation for what you draw into your experience. Begin by replacing “I should” with “if I wanted to, I could…” and notice what desires are strong enough to generate that first step toward liberation.

Everything that you need is already within you. Once you change your thoughts to reflect your worthiness and drop the mental conditioning of procrastination, self-love will propel you to take one conscious step forward. Accept yourself as you are and take full responsibility for your life. Choose not to accept guilt or negative self talk as a way of being and understand the importance of balance in mind, body and spirit.

Today my intention is to walk forward knowing that I am guided, supported and loved each and every step of the way. I consciously make choices that support my growth and well-being.


Consciousness is beyond mind and body. It is eternal and is expressing itself through you – here and now.

That’s Right! My loving heart helps to create a world where it is safe to love one another

There are many who are still unconscious. They sleep deep within the grip of illusion and struggle to find meaning in their lives. You have chosen to be born at this time for a specific purpose and play an integral part in the awakening of our collective consciousness.

Bring your loving awareness to each moment in the best way you can. This may be as subtle as being a quiet source of Presence or filled with conscious action inspired by your present circumstances.

When you are balanced, purposeful and empowered, your actions (or inaction) will have greater impact. Awareness provides a space in which a transformation can occur. Trust the processes of your awakening.

Today my intention is to create peacefulness in my mind and trust my inner wisdom. All that I need is already within me.


Inner mastery requires ruthless honesty with oneself.

That’s Right! l choose to accept and embrace the Now. This leads me to greater peace and joy

Spiritual seekers understand the difference between the desire for power and the desire for mastery. Mastery is an inner state of understanding and empowerment, grounded in wisdom and compassion. As you awaken, every word and gesture will reflect this enlightened state of being.

Together we create an energy field that supports one another. We become the loving reflection which shows those who grace our lives his or her own light. There is no way to teach this truth. It is a conscious transmission of energy that creates a synchronicity between souls and awakens inner mastery.

Mastery can only be discovered in the present moment. It is not something one can work toward and someday achieve. Begin with small things. Become the master of your choices today – how you respond to life, how you choose to treat your body, how you interact with others. Practice mastery in the Now until it is your normal state of being.

Today my intention is to allow change to occur without resistance or fear. I am free to choose thoughts of joy.        mastery10

Transformation begins within

Whenever you wish to change something in your experience, begin within.

That’s Right! Peace begins with me. I am willing to release old ways of being and step into the flow of pure potential 

As you embody higher levels of consciousness, you will discover your ability to transform any situation by creating balance in your own life. Rather than living in judgment, you recognize that all things play an integral part in the whole of existence. What affects one, affects all. Armed with this wisdom, your energy brings new light and experience to every situation in which you find yourself.

Share your gifts. Discover the freedom and expansiveness that comes from opening your heart to others. Something as simple as sharing your time with a friend or being vulnerable and expressing love to another can sow the seeds of transformation.

Moment by moment, leave the past behind. Purity, innocence and trust allow you to live in harmony with life. You have the support of the Universe and it is absolutely safe to step into the unknown – adventures await!

Today my intention is to remember that this moment presents me an opportunity to become more aligned with my true nature.

You – exquisite and unique

“The way to find out who you are is not by comparing yourself with others but by looking to see whether you are fulfilling your own potential in the best way you know how.” – Osho

That’s Right! I move beyond old limitations and now express myself freely and creatively

Comparison brings insecurity. There will always be someone who is more talented, better looking, smarter or seemingly happier than you are. When we cease striving to prove ourselves against some imagined perception of perfection, insecurity dissipates.

Honor your gifts, ideas, perceptions and way of being in the world. Without you, the tapestry of existence would be missing the unique spark of the Divine that is your contribution to the whole. If you look, you’ll recognize the sacred yet equally amazing qualities that each person carries.

With ego removed, nobody is higher or lower, nobody is superior or inferior. Each of us is simply an expression of life… a perfect blend of Oneness – joyful, enthusiastic and passionate.

Today my intention is to trust my inner wisdom. I choose to create a peaceful and harmonious life