Releasing attachment

Discover the freedom of non-attachment.
That’s Right! I release the need to blame anyone. I accept the people around me just as they are.      
“Spiritual practice includes learning how to open-heartedly receive the shocks of life – the things you don’t like, the people who criticize you, the job that goes wrong, the partner that leaves, the health that fails you – whatever shakes you up.” ~ Ezra Bayda

The awakened spiritual seeker understands the empowerment that comes from transforming challenges into opportunities to awaken. Clinging – whether to an idea, person, pattern or possession – guarantees that eventually you will see yourself as a victim. Everything is impermanent… except for the inner stillness of Presence which resides at the core of your Being.

No matter where you are on the journey of awakening, you can discover life’s magic and wonder. It is everywhere and simply waits in the space of pure potential. You can enter this space through the gentle process of allowing life to be as it is. Resist nothing. Acceptance will create a flow of grace and ease throughout your life.

Today my intention is to choose to recognize the magnificence of my being.

Masters in the process of awakening

You are a master in the process of awakening.
That’s Right! I rise above all limitations. I am Divinely guided and inspired     
Life responds to you. The energy you emit determines what is drawn into your experience and life events are interpreted through the filter created by your level of consciousness. As you begin to understand your true potential, you’ll discover that infinite possibilities await.

Be conscious of the thoughts and words that repeat in your mind. They can provide insight into core beliefs you carry. When you pay attention, you’ll begin to recognize the truth: You have more power than you realize.

Be fearless. See your voyage through life as an adventure into unlimitedness. It’s amazing how often we choose repetitive behaviors and beliefs when there are so many levels to explore. Find, within yourself, the willingness to expand. Create change by making changes within, and observe the ripples of transformation that begin to move through your life.

Today my intention is to remember that I am responsible for my own joy. My choices have power.

Happiness is a thought away

Immerse yourself in the light of love.
That’s Right! Knowing that my thoughts create my reality, I choose to stay positive and grateful     
All transformation begins within the mind. A dream, a desire to walk forward, the quest for inner wisdom or peace… all movement is the result of what you choose to think today.

To be consciously aligned with the Divine is to be fulfilled. Life takes on a sacred quality. You’ll seek truth within every encounter and find that it’s easy to treat your mind, body and spirit with respect and love.

Be authentic. When you discover your passion, follow it to the best of your ability knowing that what you need will come into your experience at the perfect time. You are an integral part of our collective awakening for there has never been, nor will there ever be someone with your unique way of being in the world.

Today my intention is to dance with the joy of life. Sharing brings me joy.

Be here Now

Be here Now.

That’s Right! I am grateful for this moment    
It’s important to create spaces within your experience to simply be fully present, peaceful and quiet. In a world filled with distractions and demands, it’s easy to lose the Now. People constantly rush from one place to another, one goal to another, one lover to another to find perceived fulfillment… never realizing that grace and fulfillment are already here.

Slow down and breathe. Take a break from the flow of thought and movement and find the sacredness that resides within you and all around you. You’ll discover that this moment is the space of pure potential. In the silence, all things are possible, yet none are required.

Let love guide you home.

Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.

Be the peace you wish to see

You can be the peace you wish to see in the world.
That’s Right! What I am balanced and joyful, I have more to give… more compassion, more kindness, more love… my life is my message   
“Every action that is conscious, and that aims at bringing about a result, arises from a motivation. My religion is very simple: my key motivation is love. My religion is kindness.”
~ The Dalai Lama ~

What patterns repeat in your life? Whether you experience support and kindness or feel misunderstood and unheard, all life is a reflection of your inner state of consciousness.

When you wish to create change, seek first to create peace in your mind and heart. Your thoughts directly affect the energy you send out into the world.

Compassion and love are empowering qualities to explore. Infinite and immeasurable, there will always be new levels to discover. As we accept full responsibility for our own state of consciousness and learn to create balance and joy within, we become less susceptible to outside events and a greater source of peace in the world.

Today my intention is to create a home that is filled with love.

All that you need is already within you

You are a spark of the Divine, seeking to explore the limitless facets of life through human experience.
That’s Right! I am one with the power and wisdom of the Universe. All that I need is already here.    
The abundance of life awaits. When you live with an open heart, you’ll discover how to celebrate the journey of your awakening while simultaneously enjoying the depths of understanding and wisdom available to you.

Spirituality is not about denying the world and it’s pleasures. Every moment is a gateway to infinite possibility and honoring that with a conscious, joyful approach allows you to explore your inner beauty. This is considered Wholeness.

Love resides at the core of your being. As you drop the layers of illusion that block your ability to see clearly, the light will begin to sparkle through. Look within. Slow down and breathe – observe the breath, and become the loving witness of your own awakening.

Today my intention is to create peacefulness in my mind. I trust my inner wisdom

Bringing grace to chaos

Empowerment is walking a path of peace regardless of what life presents along the way
That’s Right! I can be the change I wish to see in the world   
We are deeply connected to one another. The awakened spiritual seeker understands the need to take responsibility for his or her state of consciousness in the present moment. It’s important to live aligned with your truth and recognize your power as a co-creator for nothing is more important that your joy.

Anyone can meditate in a place of sanctuary – feeling bliss, peace, balance and a deep connection with the Divine. It’s a bit more challenging to take that beautiful energy with you out into a world which consists of varying degrees of consciousness, but it is desperately needed. Let your life be a walking meditation and allow your light to shine through the darkness.

When you choose to take full responsibility for every aspect of your life, you participate in your own awakening and accelerate the process. All that you need to know will be revealed to you at the perfect time.

Today my intention is to be compassionate and understanding. My desire is to create a space where it is safe to love one another.

Awakening from the dream

Anger is the result of an ego that remains unchecked.
That’s Right! I am conscious of the thoughts I allow to play in my mind.     
Consciousness, or the lack of it, determines one’s response to the events of life. Pay attention to the many different experiences you observe people choosing to have during the course of a day. You’ll discover that life is merely a projection of each person’s beliefs, judgments, expectation and desires. Typically, they will share their perception (often repeatedly) looking for those who will validate it.

As a spiritual seeker, it’s even more important to take the time to turn your attention inward. Observe your own thoughts and responses and notice when the ego attaches to a particular story. As soon as you recognize something that replays and causes discomfort, purposely ask if you are viewing the situation from the highest vibration possible. Then choose to shift your thoughts in a way that creates peace in your experience.

This gentle process of observation, ownership and conscious choices will create a flow of understanding that is beyond the traditional movement of the ego. Through consciousness itself, you will begin to awaken from the world of thought into the joy of being.

Today my intention is to open my consciousness to the expansion of life. I am willing to grow and change.

The light of consciousness

The light of consciousness transforms every situation.
That’s Right!  I am willing to see clearly   
The paradox of human nature is that life provides ample opportunity to experience a situation from multiple levels of awareness. Spiritual seekers discover that all perceptions are simultaneously accurate and understand the transforming power of the light of consciousness.

Rather than fighting for a particular viewpoint, utilize your energy by purposely assisting in the collective awakening of which we are all a part. The truth will make itself known in the perfect way at the perfect time and it’s important to honor each path and perception as sacred. Conflict only strengthens the ego while acceptance creates a space in which a transformation can occur.

You have the ability to be a reflection of the light of the Divine. When you live aligned with your soul’s purpose, joy naturally emanates through you, changing the energy of any circumstance in which you may find yourself. Channel this empowering energy by simply being true to your own path.

Today my intention is to embrace this moment as sacred. I choose to be an authentic example of love, light and laughter.

The path of awakening

Whether walking with you for a moment or for a lifetime, honor those who grace your life as fellow travelers sharing the journey home.
That’s Right!  We are one  
We created this world, and the illusion of separateness, to explore the vast realms of human experience. It can be easy to get lost in the illusion and forget that we are simply brothers and sisters on the same path of awakening. All will discover the same infinite truths. The only difference between us is the level of consciousness, which dictates the types of experiences required for the purpose of awakening, and how far along with path we’ve come.

Many people use the Sanskrit term “Namaste” to greet one another. Roughly translated, it means, “The divine spirit in me honors the divine spirit within you.” What would happen if we simply brought this kindness and respect to every person with whom we interact? Choosing to honor the others soul rather than the role they play creates space for an authentic interaction.

Your purpose is to awaken and every aspect of life assists you in this endeavor. Be a reflection of light and kindness. The journey is long and it’s wonderful to share joyful moments together along the way.

Today my intention is to honor the sacred in all things.