The power of intention

Intention. Expectation. Action.

That’s Right! My world is a reflection of my beliefs   
 What we think has a powerful impact on how we interpret the world. We create the filters through which we experience life and they change as our consciousness expands.

Every moment offers an opportunity to open your perception. When a limiting thought arises, typically feeling very accurate, ask yourself, “What else could be true?” or “What else is possible?” For instance, if we react to the present moment with anger, thinking that someone has intentionally wronged us, all the energy follows that limiting thought. It repeats, energy flows, and eventually creates a ripple in the auric field that gathers more energy whenever a similar situation arises. When you open to other possibilities, the energy fans out in multiple directions at once instead of reinforcing the limiting belief. Do this enough and you begin to heal the old wounds.

Consider the belief that life loves and supports you. Start sending energy down that train of thought whenever you can. Let it be a mantra that lifts you up to new levels of being. You are more powerful than you realize.

Today my intention is to be be conscious of my words. Knowing that they create my reality, I choose to expect the very best.

This is the moment of transformation

No matter what you choose to do, be fully present.

That’s Right! This is the moment of transformation         
The key to raising consciousness is to be aware of how the body is experiencing the Now. Bring your full attention to every step and every movement often throughout the day. Breathe consciously, immerse yourself within the task at hand. Even the act of pouring a glass of water can be transformed into powerful spiritual practice through mindfulness.

The more attention you bring to your state of being, the higher your vibrational frequency becomes. This moment is exactly what is required for your spiritual growth and all of life supports your journey.

If the present moment is distasteful to you, you have three options: change it, leave it or accept it. If you have done your best to shift a challenging situation (always beginning with your own perceptions and responses), you must then accept it or remove yourself from it. No matter what you decide, you’ll discover that bringing consciousness to your life choices will move you into greater empowerment.

Today my intention is to be fully present. The appropriate answer, resource or action will make itself known at the perfect time.

Begin Now

You can create the life of your dreams.

That’s Right! I rejoice in the knowledge that I have the willingness to change. I trust my inner wisdom to guide me           
No matter what you wish to shift in your experience, begin Now. See the change, feel the joy that arises from new beginnings and take one conscious step forward in the direction of your dreams.

The willingness to open yourself to new ways of being is the key. Old patterns are created by repetitive thoughts; therefore, plant the seeds of transformation with new, expanded ways of thinking.

One thing to keep in mind is this: the ego fears change. Often, when we change our focus, that area of your life will seem to entrench you even more. See the resistance – internal or external – as an indicator that something new is happening. Push through it as best as you can. Life will rise up to meet you.

Focus on the end result and don’t micromanage the details. That is another egoic tactic designed to overwhelm. Instead, allow joy to lead to you forward. You have the ability to create the life of your dreams.

Today my intention is to follow my instincts. Each constant step forward opens me to new experiences.

Responding consciously to life

Often, when it feels that things are falling apart, things are really falling together.

That’s Right! My souls purpose is to awaken          
Everything that unfolds conspires to assist you on your journey of spiritual awakening. Things on the physical plane are often far different than they appear and it’s important to remember that every situation fulfills a significant purpose in your life. When it feels that circumstances are spinning out of control, when change flows in unexpectedly, choose to experience the present moment with an open heart.

Fear will be the first thing to arise. Until we face our fears, we block our ability to love. Pay attention to your thoughts – they will show you the where healing is required. Eventually, the fear will diminish. Circumstances will unfold and suddenly you’ll realize how differently you respond compared to how you did in the past. The progression of consciousness can be measured by the amount of grace and ease you bring to the Now – regardless of what occurs.

Today my intention is to easily and comfortably release that which I no longer need.

Be led by love

“Living from perceived boundaries creates imaginary prisons.” ~ Ezra Bayda

That’s Right! Whatever I am guided to do will be a success         
Whenever you need to make a decision, choose based upon love rather than fear. For instance, taking a job you don’t truly desire because you’re afraid another won’t come along is making a choice out of fear; whereas, quitting a job to follow your dreams is making a choice based upon love.

Fear creates limitation. It traps us in old patterns and blocks our ability to expand. Freedom comes from being who you truly are – and you are far greater than you realize. Every situation provides an opportunity to connect with the infinite possibilities that are available to you.

When you encounter anxiety in others – whether obvious or subtle – remember that, to them, it’s incredibly powerful and frightening. They are trapped by the stories of the mind and believe them completely. Bring patience to those interactions. Often, they will subconsciously manifest a situation to shatter their limiting patterns. Those moments require kindness and compassion from those of us who have already lived through that process.

Today my intention is to remember that the deepest connection with life often requires taking a step into unknown territory. I am willing to be led by love.

Your life is your message

Let your life be your message.

That’s Right! I change the world by loving myself, and creating a life filled with joy           
Imagine the life of your dreams and live it Now to the best of your ability. Expand into mastery by experiencing the present moment with an open heart. Life is a tapestry that is intricately woven by your thoughts, words and actions. You are the artist. Your joy is the light. Your life is the message.

When you live authentically, happiness arises. That energy flows outward touching everything and everyone around you. The way to discern if you’re living your truth is to ask, “Am I completely at peace with myself or am I suffering?”

Every cell in your body is filled with Divine intelligence. Listen to the messages it provides and honor the processes of your awakening. All that is required is the willingness to recognize the magnificence of your being.

Today my intention is to remember that all I need is within me. I am.

Live gently

The wisdom of allowing brings inner strength and empowerment into your experience.

That’s Right! I bring compassion, kindness and acceptance into every relationship          
Love is something that you give rather than something you receive. The awakened soul seeks only to experience authentic communion with another and that is expressed by living gently. Demands, judgment and expectation block the very flow we desire. When we allow life to be as it is and provide those we love the time they need to awaken and heal, we create a space in which a transformation can occur.

Be willing to change and honor the natural flow of life. Your thoughts create the ease with which you dance the dance of awakening. Allow this love to surface filling your mind, heart and consciousness and you’ll more easily recognize the Divine within everyone that you meet.

Today my intention is to live totally in the Now, experiencing the sacredness of each moment.

Live passionately

This moment is filled with infinite possibility. How will you choose to experience it?

That’s Right! I break new ground and begin exciting new adventures          
As we play in the world of form, we have the opportunity to discover new ways of being. There are always higher levels to explore. Bring joy, passion and enthusiasm to the Now and simply listen to the voice of your heart.

Allow yourself to have a different way of looking at the world. “That’s the way I’ve always been” is not part of this process. You have already mastered certain aspects of being and now is the time to expand into new territory.

Release all control to the Divine and you will experience greater peace in everything you choose to do.

Today my intention is to be grateful for the blessings that are all around me. Every moment is a new beginning.

Collective awakening

As you awaken, the world around you is transformed.

That’s Right! I accept myself, and create peace in my mind and heart         
Each of us plays a part in the collective awakening of the planet. Start by going within. Have the courage to face your own shadows and shine the light of consciousness upon them. This purposeful observation and awareness begins the transformation. The more peaceful you are on the inner, the more compassion and kindness you will demonstrate in your interactions.

Every time that you are able to bring peace to a situation – whether through your thoughts, words or actions – you create space in which a transformation can occur. There is a vast difference between sending love and forgiveness to someone who has been challenging for you and repeating the negative history to anyone who will listen. One denies the ego while the other strengthens it.

Release the limitations of the past and choose to experience the Now with joy and acceptance. This moment present a wonderful new opportunity to explore the nuances of love.

Today my intention is remember that every cell in my body responds to the energy of my thoughts and words. Knowing this, I bring conscious awareness to how I choose to express myself.

Be open

Live in abundance, totality and with conscious intensity.

That’s Right! Through my attitude and actions, I spread seeds of unlimited potential in celebration of life and love       
When we share vibrant, positive energy without expectation or limitation, we create the possibility of growth in unusual places. Life is about sharing and reaching out to others in kindness. Joyful celebration is not something to keep to oneself – let it create change in the world.

Your dance of awakening is about relaxing into who you truly are and allowing your expression of creativity to manifest in unique ways – through work, relationships or ordinary daily experiences. Spiritual awakening is about bringing light to the dark corners of your life.

Become one with the Now. The light in your heart becomes a doorway through which you enter into the presence of the Divine. Now is the time.

Today my intention is to embrace life and all that it has to offer