The Celtic Vows of Friendship

I honor your path

I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place

I drink from your well

I hold no cherished outcome

I will not negotiate by withholding

I am not subject to disappointment

Mindfulness is being fully present without judgment or expectation.

That’s Right! My life’s purpose is to awaken      

When you can approach the present moment without fear, you have arrived. The Celtic Vows of Friendship are guidelines that apply to every relationship and situation. Observe your inner state of consciousness as you make your daily decisions.

When you disagree with someone’s decision, can you still honor their path? If you’ve been hurt, are you mindful enough to act from the heart or do you find yourself putting up walls of protection? Are you fully present and engaged in your interactions?

Most people attach expectation to everything they do. It’s fine to have preferences, but when those preferences solidify into requirements, suffering ensues. Even something as simple as sending a text carries immense opportunity for spiritual growth. Attachment creates pain in our experience; whereas, openness allows life to be as it is without limitation.

Love is giving – giving based in kindness, freedom and compassion without expectation. Anytime disappointment arises, go within and examine where you attached to a particular outcome. Awareness creates change, and as you change, the world around you is transformed.

Today my intention is to honor the process of my awakening. I am grateful for all the relationships of my life and see them as teachers who have graced my path.

Life is a reflection

All of life is a reflection of your current state of consciousness.

That’s Right! I am willing to see clearly     
Each of us experiences life through the filter created by our level of consciousness. Someone vibrating at the level of Fear will have a far different interpretation of a situation than someone vibrating at the level of Acceptance or Love. Likewise, communication between two people of differing consciousness can be challenging – the person who is more aware must often take greater care to ensure understanding (and exercise patience in the process).

It’s important to recognize our projections as they occur. Some are providing you an opportunity to see how much you have grown and others can clarify what your soul is working on healing.

The inspired spiritual student becomes excited by the limitless potential of the Now and seeks to apply new knowledge to the world as it unfolds. This is the beauty of infinite possibility. We can choose how we experience life. Let the reflections you see motivate you to higher levels of consciousness. The circumstances around you provide the optimal conditions for your spiritual evolution.

Today my intention is to recognize that awareness is the first step in healing or changing. I am a lifetime student of love.

Change your thoughts, change your life

Change your thoughts and change your life.

That’s Right! I expect my life to be good and joyous… and it is    
“When life is simple,
pretenses fall away;
our essential natures shine through.

By not wanting, there is calm,
and the world will straighten itself.
When there is silence,
one finds the anchor of the universe within oneself.”

~ From the 37th verse of the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tzu

Change the way you view your approach to life. When you are able to replace your attachment to outcomes with a strong sense of calm contentment, you’ll discover that life unfolds as it should. When we attach to the “hows” resistance is created; however, when we choose to get out of the way and allow, we create a space in which transformation can occur.

Cultivate this strength in your experience by releasing judgment as well as the need to tell others how you think they should act or solve their problems. Give yourself and those around you permission to just be and lighten the burdens you have placed upon yourself.

Today my intention is to release any feeling of competition or comparison. I simply do my best and enjoy being me.

You make a difference

Bring your awareness to the present moment.

That’s Right! I am on a mystical journey of awakening   
Everywhere I look, I see potential for an amazing shift in consciousness. The energy on the planet seems to be amplified and circumstances are bringing out both the best and worst in people. As the observer, I am in awe of the power of kindness and the movement of forgiveness.

Your presence here is no accident or coincidence. You play a part in the collective awakening of the planet. Plant seeds of awareness with your choices. Let the light of love shine through you so that others may recognize their own Presence through your reflection.

When enough of us create healing and peace in our own lives, it will be seen clearly in the world around us. Often, when on the verge of a breakthrough, we experience intensity regarding the issue of our focus. Resistance (both personal and from those around us) is an indication that something profound is occurring. The same movement of healing occurs within families, communities and globally. It’s important to remember that the spiritual truth is often the opposite of how things look on the physical plane.

Be part of the change. Never stop expanding or exploring your potential – for you are the light of love.

Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.


Love and higher consciousness

At the core of all things – Love.

That’s Right! I choose to look for the gift in every situation. I honor the sacredness of this moment
“There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges – the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.”
~ Eckhart Tolle

Light transforms the darkness. Our ability to love plants seeds of consciousness that help in the collective awakening of which we are all a part. Peaceful, empowered souls have a dramatic impact on those around them. Pay attention, observe, seek the gift in every situation and you will discover a new way of walking in the world.

Oneness requires that we release judgment and move into compassion in the present moment. Whatever unfolds in our life situations – both personally and collectively – is teaching us the healing power of higher consciousness. Everything is interconnected. When you are balanced, all your actions and relationships will be a reflection of the oneness of life – that is love.

Today my intention is to bring the best version of myself to the present moment. Love lights my way home.

The dance of awakening

Our relationships with one another help us to explore our relationship with the Divine.

That’s Right! Everyone in my life plays a specific role in my awakening      
When ready to work on strengthening a particular facet of our experience, we emit an energetic signal that draws in the perfect people and circumstances to support that growth. When you respond strongly to someone, it is one soul recognizing another in joyful reunion.

The moments you share may be wonderful or challenging, or a blend of both, but once you engage in a karmic contract the opportunity for growth begins.

You can measure the impact this person has on your experience but the level of emotional reaction you have to them. Once the lesson has been learned, the intensity will decrease and you will enter a state of loving neutrality. Lingering energy indicates that you are still processing and healing. Be thankful for the healing angels of your life – no matter what form they take – for they are walking you home.

Today my intention is to be grateful for all those who have graced my life. Thank you for the role you have played in my awakening.

Be the change you wish to see

Be the light you wish to see in the world.

That’s Right! I am a channel for the love, light and laughter of the Divine     
Your role, as a spiritual seeker, is to raise the vibration of those nearest you by living aligned with higher truths and holding space. It’s important to be so grounded in being that you don’t get drawn into others’ negativity. In this way, you bring light to the world.

One of the greatest things I learned from working with spiritual teachers was my own definition of mastery. Any time I witnessed unkindness, impatience or judgment, it sparked within me the desire to do better in my own life.

Should you ever feel somthing is lacking from your experience in the present moment, that is your signal to open to the Divine and become a channel for that energy. Imagine yourself having a conversation with someone who holds strong judgment and anger. In the moment you realize that you wish he or she would have some compassion, you can purposely move into compassion yourself. Bring it into the Now through your response and intention. Give compassion to the person who desperately needs to understand how powerful it is. Feed it into your experience and watch what unfolds.You can be the change you wish to see in the world.

Today my intention is to recognize the magnificence of my being. Every circumstance has something to teach me.

The Art of Allowing

You can move beyond fear to a new level of enjoying life.
That’s Right! I am willing to receive a miracle    
Our limiting thought patterns place limitations upon what we are willing to receive from the Universe. All of life is vibrant, responsive energy that aligns with what we emit with our thoughts, beliefs, words and actions.

The point of power lies in the present moment. What are you feeding your energy into? It’s imperative to focus upon the beauty you seek rather than place your attention on perceived problems, frustrations or the ego’s attachment to specific outcomes.

Does your vibration energetically match what you are working to create in your life? We must be what we wish to draw into our experience. A slight change in your energy can open the door to a whole new way of being. The Art of Allowing calls upon us to remove all that blocks the movement of love and joy in our experience. Each step forward on your journey of awakening opens offers an opportunity to grow and change.

Today my intention is to view life from the highest perspective possible. All things work together for the highest good of all involved.

Creating change

Understanding your power is the starting place for manifesting change.
That’s Right! I am a conscious creator    
The physical world, as we experience it, originates from our thoughts, beliefs and expectations. You are not trapped by the world of form, it responds to you – providing a canvas upon which you can paint your dreams.

Rather than repeating the same old patterns and experiences (been there, done that!), be willing to break free from your comfort zone. Trying something different provides new levels of experience. It shifts the energy – perhaps slightly, perhaps a cascade of life changes – and allows you the opportunity to expand into uncharted realms.

All change begins with a vision. Keeping the end result in mind, taking conscious action in the present moment and celebrating the new as it appears is all that is required. Leave enough room for a miracle. Micromanaging from our limited human perspective is way too exhaustive, and it’s much more exciting to watch the Universe in motion.

Today my intention is to remember that life is a process of discovery, an adventure without limits…


Periodically, go within and observe the type of energy that you are sending out into the Universe.
That’s Right! All of life is a reflection of my inner state of consciousness    
Together we create a matrix of Divine flow. Everything that we do has an impact – not only upon ourselves, but also upon the collective consciousness of mankind, the planet and all her creatures. Mindfulness is paying attention to what we are contributing to the whole at any given moment. Self-awareness teaches us how to tap into that flow of energy in a positive way and bring a higher level of consciousness to what we create.

It is vitally important to learn to quickly distinguish between ego identity and soul identity. Being aligned with the ego causes us to seek outside validation; whereas inner peace comes from living aligned with your soul’s truth. Spiritual awakening is the process of releasing attachment to ego. The gifts you will receive are grace, innocence and wisdom. Surrender leads to mastery.

Today my intention is to be love. I choose to view life through the eyes of gratitude and send out waves of healing with each thought and action.