Allow the winds of heaven to dance in between…

In a healthy and balanced interaction, all parties involved sense their connection to one another while allowing the winds of heaven to dance in between…
That’s right! It is healing for me to show my emotions. It is healthy for me to be vulnerable

Our souls are entwined. Every interaction has something worthwhile to teach. We help one another to grow by showing compassion and providing the space in which a transformation can happen.

When people cling to one another out of desperation, the energy becomes blocked by fear of the unknown. This is a form of psychic vampirism and it often leaves one party feeling tired, drained, headachy and worn out from the encounter.

Wholeness leaves us feeling complete and empowered. In it, we find a connection that brings out our strongest attributes – even challenging situations can fall into this category when we utilize conscious awareness within the interaction.

Take the time to keep yourself balanced with gratitude. Honor your process of growth through a healthy give and take with those who uplift and inspire you. Seek wholeness in the present moment and learn to live fearlessly.

Today, my intention is to remember that only that which I no longer need leaves my life. Everything that surrounds me serves a purpose.

You are loved each step of the way

Love rains down upon you from all dimensions.
That’s right! My good comes from everywhere and everyone and everything

The infinite love of the Divine surrounds us at all times. Although, there are certainly moments when it is easy to feel separate, bewildered or overwhelmed, there it waits, patiently honoring the process of discovery until we are ready to access it once again.

When the light of consciousness shifts your perception, it allows you to recognize the guidance and support that is available, see your infinite potential and trust yourself enough to step into the flow of life.

Awakening is a free will process. We have plenty of room to play here in time and space while exploring all aspects of being human. The spirit seeks to experience the magnificent as well as the mundane and everything in between.

“Those of you who turn your back on this are loved every bit as much as those who accept it… but there is so much more joy of Spirit celebrating those who choose to look in the face of something so difficult only to suddenly find a familiar face looking back…the one they have known forever… a familiar remembered face that smiles in congratulations for a job well done. Then the arms of Spirit are free to support you in full enlightenment for the rest of your days in lesson.”
~ Kryon channeled through Lee Carroll ~

Today, my intention is to be gentle and kind with myself as I grow and change.

Be willing to love

I honor your path.
I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place.
I drink from your well.
I hold no cherished outcome.
I will not negotiate by withholding.
I am not subject to disappointment.
That’s right! I can be the change I wish to see in the world

Love is powerful. It teaches patience, acceptance, kindness and compassion. It brings our awareness to the places in our lives where we’ve been trapped by limitation… but it also opens the portal to new experience.

All relationships are reflections, so in essence, in every situation, we are working on self-love and worthiness.

You are a master in the process of awakening. The easiest way to move yourself to higher levels of consciousness is to make positive choices that nurture your spirit. Whenever you choose to take action, ensure that you bring the attitude of joy, enthusiasm or acceptance into the present moment. If you find that resentment or anger is present, stop and balance yourself before you take another step. Be conscious of the energy that you send out into the world.

Today, my intention is to see life as a grand adventure. I am willing to learn and change as the journey unfolds.

Achieve mastery by letting go

Drop all labels and possessiveness.
That’s right! True mastery can be experienced by allowing things to unfold 

Part of the ego’s job is to create attachment. This can manifest in our view of ourselves – through titles, labels, degrees or achievements – or by what we own. It’s wonderful to enjoy all the aspects of life, to have goals and discover the joy to be found in manifestation and creation; however, it’s also easy to get lost in them and temporarily lose sight of our soul’s true purpose.Knowledge is acquiring. Wisdom is releasing. This moment is an opportunity to be in harmony with life and our attachments often become self-made prisons. As you simplify, you’ll experience the freedom and mastery.

Joy and fulfillment come from within. Be with the world rather than seeking to possess it. All that awaits is everything… when we drop the limitation of labels and desire, we enter the realm of infinite possibility.

Today, my intention is to live simply. All that I need is already here.

Act with integrity. Do your best. Accept what is.

Act with integrity. Do your best. Accept what is.
That’s right! I release all control to the universe. I am at peace with myself and with life

Fear compels us to close down and become defensive while the heart calls us to open up and connect. The power of balance is demonstrated when we approach our challenges with faith in the process of our awakening. The spiritual seeker longs to live an empowered life and the only way to accomplish that is through practice.

No matter what you seek as you evolve, life will present an opportunity to cultivate the skills you require in order to move forward. It is always safe to bring a peaceful state of consciousness to the present moment.

Even if your current experience is one of chaotic change, you have the ability to create a sacred space within the movement of transformation. It begins with knowing yourself and honoring your own journey. In this manner you find stillness in the Now.

Today, my intention is to free myself and everyone else in my life from the limitation of expectation. I live in harmony with my environment

The beauty of contrast

That’s right! I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place

Life is a tapestry of dark and light, made even more beautiful by the contrast and creative way it unfolds. To dance in the light of love is to honor whatever arises in the present moment and greet it with open arms.

The desire to heal (both ourselves, others and the planet) and to share the knowledge we’ve acquired expands our ability to cultivate compassion for one another. We have a unique opportunity to discover the dreams and attributes which we have in common and weave them into an exquisite work of art.

Whatever is experienced in the field of Now is simply that which is required for your growth. Observe the flow of life, your response to it and how you process this information. As you evolve, you’ll bring this sense of awareness and balance into each and every moment.

Today, my intention is to honor each step of my awakening as sacred.

Transforming darkness into light

Choose to see challenges as your vehicle to awakening.
That’s right! I am willing to release limiting patterns and walk in the light of love

The purpose behind emotional upset is two-fold: it shakes up your life, revealing the aspects that are insubstantial as well as those which provide a firm foundation for you and it helps begin the process of releasing patterns that no longer serve your growth.

In readings, the Tower represents the turmoil we encounter when dramatic change flows into our experience. Some may feel that the rug has unexpectedly been pulled out from under their feet. These upsets can come through illness, the loss of relationship, betrayal, or any myriad of things that causes us to feel adrift in overwhelming emotion.

Should you hear yourself saying, “I simply can’t take this anymore.” Stop, and recognize that something profound is at hand. The soul is ready to shift in a powerful way and what is lost often pivots you into a new direction or allows you to discover new levels of your strength and potential.

Often these challenges hit several areas of your life at once. If you can choose to walk through the fire with awareness, not judging the situations as wrong but finding a way to reside in the knowledge that you are being supported and guided through the process, the darkness can be transformed into light.

Today, my intention is to purposefully walk forward in the direction of my dreams knowing that all things work toward my highest good.

Nothing is lost

The 1st Law of Thermodynamics tells us that energy is neither created nor destroyed, thus the energy of the universe is a constant. However, energy can certainly be transferred from one part of the universe to another.
That’s right! All that I need is already here

Everything matters – each thought, moment, action and belief sets energy in motion around us. We are constantly demonstrating to the universe what we are willing to receive and what we expect to happen.You have more power than you know. Act with faith and understand that the infinite power of the universe swirls around you waiting to be engaged and with great power comes great responsibility. As we learn to take responsibility for our own state of consciousness, miracles begin to happen.Doing your best is always enough. Life simply presents opportunity after opportunity to learn how to receive. You are meant to thrive. In this infinite universe, there is enough energy for all.

Today, my intention is to give myself permission to be all that I can be. I deserve the very best in life.

Discover Oneness

There is a purpose behind every encounter.
That’s right! I fill the rooms of my home with the vibration of love so that all who enter feel it’s effects

Each new relationship and interaction flows into our experience as part of a soul contract that provides the opportunity to discover something new. When you’re ready to share your knowledge or shift your energy, it’s almost as if a beacon goes off on the higher levels of existence. People are drawn to you, the right book finds it’s way into your hands or a teacher appears.

Change is the natural flow of life. As we evolve, our thoughts and expectations are transformed and we seek to understand life in a different way.

Since all life is a reflection, pay attention to the types of experiences you have. Repeating patterns may suddenly become clear and assist you in finding your way to freedom.

Today, my intention is to begin my day with gratitude and joy. I am the living, loving, joyous expression of life.

Live life fully

The point of the human experience is to live life fully. Everyone finds inspiration, satisfaction and fulfillment in their own unique way – that’s the beauty of employing free will in an infinite Universe.
That’s right! Love operates in all of my relationships from the most casual to the most intimate

How well we have lived is determined by the amount of joy we allow ourselves to experience in the present moment. It motivates. It compels us to act and interact with freedom and openness.

How well we have loved reflects the degree of healing we have experienced. As we drop the blockages to love that we carry, kindness abounds in myriad ways.  The light, love and laughter of the Divine shines through us in each and every interaction.

Letting go is the greatest gift of all. In a world of constant transition, the ability to honor each step of the path while seeking the joy that awaits discovery within shifting relationships, changing seasons, and ultimately within ourselves is to honor the evolution of the spirit. Resistance blocks us from experiencing the beauty of what is.

Today, my intention is to simply handle my own life with joy and ease. I choose to bring a kind and loving heart to our meeting place.