Compassion for others

Everything is interconnected.

That’s right! What harms one, harms all. What helps one helps all

Your thoughts and actions can change the world. The kindest gestures, no matter how small, send waves of loving energy throughout the Universe. Even if unseen or unacknowledged, they emit powerful waves of change.

The trans-formative power of compassion begins with conscious thought. As your vibration increases, your perception expands, and with this expansion, you begin to recognize the true magnificence of your being.

“The way to rise to a higher level of spiritual practice is to develop altruism to the point where seeking enlightenment in order to serve others more effectively becomes your inner, spontaneous motivation for everything that you do.”
~ Dalai Lama

Today, my intention is to be mindful in my actions. I am grateful for the opportunity to be of service.

Love and freedom

Honor all paths as sacred.
That’s right! My life unfolds perfectly

Authentic love allows us to interact with one another without fear. Ego-driven love is laced with anxiety and doubt. In the beginning of any relationship it can be challenging to tell the difference. Both feel amazing, intoxicating and life affirming as the mind imagines what could be and we begin the dance of limitless potential.

When you have healed your own wounds, authentic love will flow into your life and you will recognize it for what it is – a profound interaction that simply brings out the best in you. In this world of reflection, pay attention to what you respond to in another. The qualities you enjoy are merely  reflections of you.

Create a safe space for those you love by being consistent. Consistently compassionate, kind, accepting, supportive and most importantly, patient. Love comes in many forms and it is a reflection of the unconditional love of the Divine which seeks to experience life through each of us.

Today, my intention is to see the love that is all around me.

Seek love, know yourself, and be willing to receive

Don’t fight the world. Live in acceptance and experience surrender as a form of empowerment.
That’s right! When I am aligned with the Divine, all the blessings of life flow to me with ease

It’s time to learn how to be a good receiver. You are what you think and a wonderful place to begin is to affirm that blessings will flow to all of those with whom you come in contact.

Many people live trapped by fear – and fear is born from lack of compassion and understanding. They seek to be better than someone else, or worry that they may fall short. That worry and fear translates to a lack of joy.

As a conscious spiritual seeker, you can choose to see everyone as an expression of the Divine (even if they can’t see that within themselves!). With the knowledge of the awakened, know that when you seek beauty in another, you will certainly find it.

This movement of energy becomes waves of love which flow outward from you, multiply, and find their way back, often in miraculous and unexpected ways.

Today, my intention is to remember that vast potential resides within me. As I celebrate my unique gifts, I find new ways to share them with the world.

Living present

Your precious energy is needed, here and now, to open to the infinite love and power of the Divine.
That’s right! All that you need is already within you.

The past is a collection of burdens that we carry through life. To that we add the knowledge attained through various experiences, and between the two, we create the filter through which we look at the world.

It’s important to release the emotional intensity and mental attachment to the stories of the past while retaining the lessons we have learned. Clearing the energy allows us to fully experience the present moment and all that it has to offer.

“Residing fully in the present moment allows the unconditional energy of life to flow through the conditioned body and mind.”

“The willingness to simply rest in the physical experience of your life is the key to spiritual transformation.”

~ Ezra Bayda

Today, my intention is to remember that when I shine the light of consciousness, it changes whatever it illuminates.

Take action – what you need to know will be revealed

Don’t wait until you have all the answers or a definitive direction before you begin to create change in your life.
That’s right! The path to love requires open-hearted attention to the very things that seem to block our way to it

Have you ever found yourself delaying healthy changes because you felt you didn’t have the tools to succeed? All too often I hear people who desire transformation block themselves with statements like “It’s hard”, “I’m a procrastinator”, “That’s the way I’ve always been” or “I don’t have the drive to stick with it”. Our words have power – do your best to refrain from blocking your momentum before you’re even out of the gate.

Sometimes it’s enough to recognize that change is needed. All that is required is one conscious step forward, one conscious choice, one break from old ways of being… and then another. When you focus only on the present moment (rather than some distant future) you will always have the necessary strength to rise up to meet it, and, more quickly than you think, changes will come.

Transformation is a process. As we bring the light of awareness to outmoded beliefs, walls of protection or defense mechanisms, the blockages begin to dissolve. No matter how far you have come along the path of awakening, there are infinite levels yet to explore.

Today, my intention is to say “Yes!” to life – each and every aspect of it.

Everything works to the highest good

Let your love be strong enough to allow both yourself and others to learn in whatever way is most appropriate for spiritual awakening.
That’s right! The pathway from conflict to communion is freedom of choice 

Experiencing the deepest connection with life often requires taking a step into unknown territory… and in the unknown, anything can happen. We must be willing to take risks, learn from our mistakes and grow throughout every adventure.Sometimes it can be challenging to watch those you love harm themselves; however, they must have the same freedom to make their own mistakes. The strength we must cultivate is detached compassion. From this place of power, we are able to create a space in which a transformation can occur.

Today, my intention is to remember that knowledge alone can never heal the emotional wounds. Only being fully present and aware in the moment reveals our Wholeness.

The power that comes from facing your shadows

The mind makes things difficult, but the heart creates space for ease, grace, growth and transformation.
That’s right! When life presents difficulties, I can choose to crumble or expand

Bravery is the willingness to face your own shadows. The willingness to consciously open yourself to life’s difficulties does not depend upon you liking them; however, the knowledge that you seek to be free opens the door to freedom and healing.

Look at your life circumstances and ask yourself “What is happening for me right now?” and “What is my spiritual practice in this situation?” No matter what arises in your experience, know that it is offering you an opportunity to embrace new ways of being and cultivate your evolving tools of consciousness.

The world in which you live is one of your own creation. You project your thoughts and beliefs onto every situation and each person that you meet. Bring yourself fully present. This moment has something amazing to offer. Discover it, and immerse yourself in the beauty of Now.

Today, my intention is to live in the moment with complete acceptance, gratitude, joy and love.

Integrating the physical and the Divine

The paradox of the human experience: We are infinite spirits experiencing limitless aspects of the Divine through the perception of limitation.
That’s right! Every experience I have is perfect for my soul’s growth

When we learn to see beyond the limitations of the ego, we begin to remember who we are and from where we come. The spiritual seeker desires to bring consciousness to each and every situation. The key is to be present and focused in the physical reality while simultaneously being aware of others planes of consciousness.

Being awake means having a wider and deeper perception of your own actions and the actions of others. This allows you to be more tolerant and compassionate, seeing each persons lessons and goals as appropriate for their life’s journey.

The key is to integrate your true essence with the role that you play in this lifetime and purposely open to the light of the Divine as it shines through you. This will allow you to take full responsibility for your life while making decisions as a conscious creator.

Today, my intention is to remember that when I really love myself, everything in my life works.

The answers you seek are within you

Honor your own path as sacred.
That’s right! Every bridge I cross brings me to a higher level of fulfillment
Peace begins with me. When I first discovered my life’s passion as a spiritual teacher, I realized that upon emerging myself in higher consciousness, that it must consistently touch every aspect of my experience.

All transformation begins within. I began by healing my relationship to my self. Then I witnessed how my interpersonal relationships begin to change – with family, co-workers (and later clients), strangers and even with the planet itself.

Compassion and kindness began to be the starting points for every interaction and acceptance of all paths as sacred became easier… mostly because I was living the life that called to me without reservation.

No matter what you feel called to do, live it fully. When you are aligned with your true nature, it’s easier to experience a deepening connection with the Divine. Distractions become less intrusive and you will discover that love and guidance are all around you.

Today, my intention is to follow my inner star. I am a shining example of love, laughter and light.

Happiness is living in harmony with yourself

Live in harmony.
That’s right! I am willing to find new ways to love
All too often people shortchange themselves. They live feeling deprived of the things that truly matter – peace, balance, joy, love, wisdom and a deep feeling of inner purpose.

To find your way to happiness, it’s important to know that you wish to create it in your experience. Then, believe it, take action without being attached to the outcomes and know that you are a conscious creator.

One of the most powerful aspects of creating a fulfilling life is Acceptance. Even with things you wish to change, acceptance of how things are is the starting place. From there you have greater clarity and insight regarding the next steps you will take on your journey.

Finally, let all your choices be led by love. To be a loving person is to live in harmony with life – no matter what it offers. There is limitless potential all around, and love will help you to see it more clearly.

Today, my intention is to remember that everything changes. In the ebb and flow of life, I find my connection to the Divine. There is always something new to learn.