Conscious suffering

When you understand that suffering is a teacher, it ceases to be something that has to be vanquished. Suffering has no value unless it is conscious suffering. The moment the mind begins to work overtime, thoughts of fear or analysis permeate your ability to experience joy in the Now. The way to cut through this limiting energy is with childlike innocence and a willingness to to purposefully observe whatever has arisen.

As you achieve greater spiritual understanding, you may find it more comfortable to live immersed in the unknown. There’s no need to stubbornly cling to old patterns, knowledge or ways of being. Instead, the freedom of faith is available to you because you know that there is more to life than meets the eye. Blockages merely become pivots that shift us into new directions. As one avenue of experience closes, we become more open to explore new solutions… and always emerge through the other side more courageous, aware and empowered.

Today my intention is to live with spontaneity. Every moment has something to teach me.

Balance and integration

At the center of your being lies a profound wisdom. This is a place of balance and integration which you have been carrying all along and this core of love can transform the mundane into a deep and abiding connection to the Divine.  No matter how fragmented or frustrating life can be, peace resides at the center waiting and willing to bring us back into balance.

Go beyond the boundaries of the mind into the realm of infinite possibility. This moment is a gift that is meant to be experienced. With conscious awareness, we learn to see that life is the ultimate game which has tremendous meaning when we don’t get too serious and over-think it. In innocence and acceptance we open ourselves to discover the mysteries of existence.

Seek answers within you. Look to the messages of nature, pay attention to the patterns that show up in your life but always come back to your center. The idea is simply to bring more awareness into each area of your life and joy to each step of the journey.

Today my intention is to embrace the present moment knowing that whatever I am guided to do will be a success.

The freedom of change

Transformation enters our experience when we create a space in which it can be received. This only happens when we choose to expand into new ideas and ways of living. The human condition is to create a comfortable life based upon deeply held beliefs. But what happens when the paradigm shifts and those very beliefs are called into question? …Anything and everything! Once a pattern is broken, something new emerges and we are transformed.

Change can be uncomfortable because of fear of the unknown. The mind will always cling to the known until the desire for freedom overcomes the fear. Then we find ourselves willing to risk all as we embark upon adventure. New energies bring new lessons and challenges. They show us unexplored aspects of ourselves and stretch us beyond our old comfort zone.

Allow yourself to be unburdened by the past. This moment has limitless possibility – how will you choose to experience it? The beauty of change is the journey through the uncharted waters of the soul.

Today my intention is to embrace change. There is always something new to discover.

Shifting paradigms

Everything that you believe about yourself exists because you learned it. Judgments, opinions and points of view are developed over time and limit the infinite potential which with you were born. We can learn to re-create our perception of reality through new interpretations and there are many, many ways to interpret life. If the perception that you’re using brings up frustration, anxiety or self-doubt, purposefully explore alternate ways of thinking. One exercise is to see how many different viewpoints you can create around a particular situation. Then, choose the one that brings you the greatest joy and go with it. Even if you can’t settle on just one idea as your paradigm, the energy will be flowing in several different directions at once and the original limiting viewpoint will cease to be your primary driving force.

Reward yourself by accepting and loving yourself just as you are… a master in the process of awakening, a masterpiece of the Divine, a symphony waiting to be completed. Each day you have the opportunity to learn something new. Every moment offers the possibility of enlightenment and your energy is transforming the world. Thank you for the unique gifts you bring to our collective experience.

Today my intention is to remember that all is well, perfection is unfolding and there is much more to life than meets the eye.



Trusting your inner voice

Wisdom is within you. When we seek enlightenment, the ideas and concepts that spark our awakening are reflections of what is within. When you respond to particular teachers, know that they are merely a reflection of you. Many people have surges of passion for life and then associate that energy with the teacher rather than with themselves – it’s important not to get lost in the reflections.

When learning to trust your inner voice, know this: It is typically soft-spoken. The answer will come, sometimes in a quiet knowing or a movement of energy. Anything that is loud, repetitive or creates doubt is the voice of ego. But, like anything else, intuition is like a muscle – the more you use it, the stronger it becomes. As you cultivate your own awareness, you will come to learn the difference between the ego and your intuition and your life will become more empowered.

Meditation will help you to recognize this inner wisdom. The present moment will guide you in unexpected ways.

Today my intention is to remember that I am loved and guided each step of the way.

Slowing down

Many people hurry from one thing to next forgetting to savor the mystery of the present moment. It’s time to slow down. Whatever you choose to do, do it mindfully. Enjoy your food, pause to appreciate the beauty around you, speak consciously and simply do one thing at a time. Silence and mindfulness will begin to flow into all of your thoughts and actions and you will discover that more gets done.

Sometimes speed and efficiency leave more time for worry. Physical action is a healthy way of processing energy. Be one with the earth, work with your hands and enjoy the delightful aspects of being human. Look inward and in the silence, allow the Divine to express itself through you.

We are interdependent upon one another. From the smallest blade of grass to the live-giving power of the sun, all life needs you just as much as you need it. Without you, something beautiful and unique would be missing. All existence is One and you are the breath of love.

Today my intention is to accept myself and create peace in my heart.

Creating sacred moments

Before enlightenment the human condition was to run from one thing to another searching for answers or trying to get ahead. We worked because the work needed to be done and planned for the future, we searched for love and struggled with doubt. After enlightenment, the ordinary things of life began to take on a sacred quality. We still performed the same actions; however, we began to discover that they were transformed into something entirely new. With consciousness, everything becomes sacred – our communication, preparing a meal, earning a living, connecting to one another in love or enjoying the majesty of a brand new day – the little things in life are transformed because we are transformed.

Settle into the innocence of your true divine nature. In order to bring the best version of yourself to any situation, you must stop trying so hard to achieve and simply be. See past the voice of ego to the pure essence of your being. No anxiety, no need, no doubt… just the breath of life filling your experience. The joy of awakened being has no limits.

Today my intention is to commune with life.


Everything that unfolds in your experience is meant only to assist your rising consciousness. Awareness will help you to transform challenges into blessings, perceived enemies into healing angels and setbacks into leaps forward. When things begin to go wrong that is the moment to become more alert. Instead of fighting against the present moment we learn to recognize the flow of rising consciousness. One can choose to become lost in the mind or stand outside of it.

When we bring a high level of awareness to whatever we do, we have greater power. Every situation has something to teach and this type of a walking daily meditation allows us to reap the benefits of what this world has to offer. Slow down and consciously choose to bring a greater awareness to whatever you choose to do today.

Your role is to be in harmony with this moment. Awaken to your true nature and rise above the mundane, even if for just this moment, and you will bring transformation into your experience. The gifts of the Divine are here Now.

Today my intention is to allow change to enrich my life.

Beyond illusion

Existence is overflowing with possibility and opportunities for expansion. The ideas of poverty, comparison, lack and fear are man-made concepts. Abundance is everywhere – watch nature in motion, try to count the stars, measure the gifts of sunlight. To live is to create a joyful existence. To be abundant is to honor life in motion, finding beauty in the layers of texture, color and taste.

The illusions of the mind are rooted in memory, imagination, hopes and dreams. The ego seeks fulfillment – itself an illusion – and is fed by the stories we create from our experiences. It’s easy to become lost in the longing and forget to enjoy the richness of the Now. Mediation can pull you into the reality of infinite possibility, the land of no-thought, and suddenly the realization expands into new directions drawing the inner joy outward into the present moment.

Today my intention is to live each moment in a state of gratitude and awareness.

Love is waiting to be expressed

Love is waiting to be expressed through you. The powerful energy  of your words and actions sends ripples of movement and vitality throughout the Universe. It reaches hidden places and begins to transform the consciousness of the planet. Never doubt the impact that you have in this lifetime, for we are all interconnected. With this in mind, allow love to shine from where you are in this moment. Take the time to express love and gratitude throughout the day. If times are challenging, this is even more important – mindfulness creates momentum.

The kindnesses and acceptance that we extend to one another – the planet, animals, friends and strangers and even inanimate objects – reflect the knowledge of our own inner divinity. It is then reflected back to us in myriad ways and infinitely greater than the sum of it’s parts.

Seek to immerse yourself in this energy as much as possible, as often as possible. Be the change you wish to see and allow yourself to be a living channel for the love of the Divine.

Today my intention is to choose balance, kindness and freedom.