
Be willing to let go

When we have spent many years (or in some cases, lifetimes) carrying a particular belief or pain, it becomes part of our ego-identity. The mind cannot fathom what it would be like to be clear of that energy and creates resistance, even when it\’s apparent to us from a logical perspective that we would be […]

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Love without limits

And still, after all this time, the sun has never said to the earth, \”You owe me.\” Look what happens with a love like that. It lights up the sky. ~ Rumi ~ The voice of Rumi filled my dreams last night… it\’s wonderful to experience the love which still emanates from this amazing teacher

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Put down your burdens

Every disagreement, every challenge that we encounter is an opportunity for spiritual enlightenment for all of those involved. All that is required is that one person be open to a new paradigm. The resulting shift in energy creates a space in which a transformation can occur. Think of how important that makes your personal path

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Detached compassion

When you step into the role of observer, simply watching the antics of the mind, it becomes easier to see more clearly. Your sense of peace and inner balance is like a calm, beautiful lake and the voice of ego no more important than ripples that move across the surface. In the role of observer,

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The garden of enlightenment

This moment is filled with unlimited potential. It is time to allow seeds of possibility to be scattered throughout your life in celebration and love. Who knows where they may fall? This flowering of energy desires only to be shared. Invite joy into your experience by living in harmony with the present moment. This recognition

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Judgment and joy cannot coexist

There is a way to live in the world and still be happy. Spiritual awakening calls upon us to immerse ourselves deeper within life instead of separating ourselves from it. Since life responds to you, all that is needed for your awakening will present itself to you at the perfect time. The only prerequisite is

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Go within

Go within… this message reverberated in my dreams and drifted along with me as I swam upwards to a state of consciousness this morning. Whenever an imbalance is encountered, be it physical, mental, emotional or spiritual malaise, the answer lies within you. Most people on the Path of Transformation have heard that phrase hundreds, if

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The power of thought

Never underestimate the power of your thoughts. Happiness is a state of mind that we can choose in each moment and yet many have a core belief that they cannot be happy until everything is flowing with ease in their world or happiness eludes them because of things that have happened in the past or may

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