Seeking wholeness

In order to experience wholeness within our relationships, we must first find it within ourselves. All life is a reflection of our internal dialogue, and our experiences are processed through the filters of our understanding. So, if you should find yourself feeling that no one understands you, seek to understand yourself. When you feel unloved or disrespected, remember that life is your mirror and seek wholeness within yourself.

The converse is also true… on those days when you notice that everyone is pleasant and helpful, you can be assured that those qualities are being cultivated within. Pay attention to the things you experience, what you complain about,what makes you happy and observe. Awareness creates the space in which a transformation can occur and we can be the change we wish to see.

Today my intention is to remember that love resides at the core of everything. Whether I’m discovering new facets of my abilities, walking in gratitude, interacting with the people in my life or enjoying the smile of a dog, I will seek wholeness in this moment.

The journey of awakening

The journey of awakening is a sacred place. Each step we take is important during this time of movement and change. When you can approach your life with a sense of openness and adventure, this attitude of acceptance invites new friends, insight and experiences into your world.

Allow your choices to be led by joy. Seek fulfillment in the present moment rather than waiting to achieve a specific outcome. While our goals and desires open the door to new experiences, it’s equally important to be at ease with the unexpected. Detours and obstacles simply mean that the work is still in progress and much can be discovered in these unforeseen avenues of exploration.

The energy of the Divine resides within you. In moments of silence, we can tap into this limitless source of energy, inspiration and stillness. No matter what changes flow throughout your experience, this connection remains the same and you can consciously access it throughout the journey, bringing a sense of aliveness and peace to every situation.

Today my intention is to be at peace with this moment. I move forward with confidence and ease knowing that all is well in my future.

Engaging life’s magic

When hardships arise we have choices: complain, be resentful, blame others or face the challenge and grow from it. Passion for life leads us out of darkness and into the light of consciousness. Courage is not the absence of fear, it is the ability to move forward in spite of it… joyfully discovering our own strength in the process.

Nothing is guaranteed and at times we may feel like the “knowns” of our past are safer; however, as we drop perceived security and take risks in our own experience, we begin our dance with the unknown and the limitless possibilities which await. On this amazing journey, planning and over-analyzing won’t create a new reality. We must take steps toward our goals each and every day. Show up, expand, do whatever it takes to put yourself in the realm of receptivity. Life’s magic will meet you there.

Today my intention is to remember that my thoughts, beliefs, words and actions create my reality. I am willing to receive a miracle.


Finding your voice

Creativity is the art of expression. No matter what form it takes – music, cooking, writing, decorating, beading, sculpture, the combination of color and texture in your wardrobe, painting, chanting or anything else you can imagine – creativity is a union with the Divine. We become channels of light and it flows through us into all that we do. Tangible items then carry a spark of the infinite as expressed through you.

Whatever you choose to do, do it joyfully. Fill your creations and actions with love and conscious intention. When you over-think creative action, the mind begins to sabotage or attempts to be clever blocking that powerful and mysterious flow of unity. You can break free from patterns that limit through your creative expression. It is simply a matter of finding your voice and living in the flow of your truth.

Today my intention is to appreciate all forms of beauty, seeing creative expression as another manifestation of the Divine.

Know thyself

There are many different ways to explore the secrets and majesty of the Universe. In ancient times, the quote “Know Thyself” referred to the idea that we are a microcosm of the whole and as we learn from observing ourselves, we begin to better understand the macrocosm of which we are a part. This may be why people are drawn to the various arts of astrology, numerology, the Michael Teachings, psychology and more – we begin to see the patterns that seem to dominate our lives and learn to accept them as part of the tapestry of the role we chose to play in this lifetime. Instead of viewing these ideas as final or all-there-is, we can simply use them as tools which allow us to gain a greater understanding as we move forward.

Rather than fighting particular aspects of your personality or appearance, cultivate acceptance and reside in the positive poles of each. Even so-called negative traits can be expressed in a healthy way when one is conscious – stubbornness becomes tenacity of spirit, impatience can be transformed into healthy, mindful action, arrogance can shift into pride of one’s accomplishments combined with humility. It’s the unique differences between us that create so much beauty. You bring a glorious and valuable energy to the collective experience of the planet and sharing your light may inspire others to do the same.

Today my intention is to dance in the light of awareness. I am one with the love, life and laughter of the Universe.

The clouds of thought

Thoughts can uplift, paralyze, inspire, judge, motivate or cause misery. It’s easy to get trapped within the mechanisms of the mind. The energy necessary to awaken is constantly leaking away in our struggle to please, to be accepted, to understand the “whys” or worry about the future. We forget that the mind is a tool and often allow it to run our lives.

See if you are willing to simply be in the physical experience of life as it is. When are fully present in the Now, the moment is transformed from the mundane to something that is unique and sacred. See yourself objectively. Notice how you respond to life – without judgment – see the minds ideas of what you “should” be and the beliefs you carry. The light of consciousness transforms all that we see and it becomes possible to break through the clouds of thought that have silently controlling us through illusions of the mind.

Begin with love. The more you love and accept yourself, the less stress you will have. The gratitude that you cultivate will create a flow of more things for which you can be grateful. There are no limits.

Today my intention is to expect my life to be good and joyous. And it is.

Life as our mirror

What we witness in the world around us is a reflection of ourselves. Both joyful and challenging, these reflections dance within our consciousness and provide opportunities to recognize the need for healing on many levels – both personal and collective. Notice the things which elicit the greatest response from you. Emotional intensity is an indicator that we carry pain or imbalance. If we “hate” what we witness, it is because we carry some form of the same energy within ourselves. Part of spiritual maturity is the willingness to own our own stuff, acknowledge our humanness and recognize the blocks which keep us from experiencing wholeness, compassion and bliss.

As the energetic charge around an issue is released, peace enters. We may find ourselves becoming less triggered, more aware, and finally rising above the conflict to observe it from an entirely new perception. Acceptance and neutrality indicate that healing has occurred on a personal level. We then have the opportunity to bring new energy to the situation and to the world around us. Layer by layer we release all barriers to love and step into compassion.

Today my intention is to remember that I am a work in progress, a master in the making and I celebrate the breakthroughs I experience each step of the way.

A world of possibility

A world of possibility is opening for you now. As we cultivate a healthy sense of Self, it become easier to work with others, to flow with what life offers and be at ease with limitless possibilities as they present themselves. Life will always provide the perfect experience to expand your consciousness and open you to receive the mysteries that existence has to offer.

The higher your vantage point, the greater your ability to see the beauty that is available for you. The power and beauty that waits to be discovered isn’t limited to grand ideas and goals. Sometimes it’s enough to remember that it’s ok to simply stop everything and play with your pet for a bit, walk in the sunshine or listen to the wind. There is power to be found in joyful moments – they liberate, inspire, connect and recharge our energy.

Meditate, be blissful, express gratitude and love will be drawn into your experience. Share your unique gifts and witness the deepening connection that you have with all of existence.

Today my intention is to treat everyone in my life (including myself) with honor and respect.

I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place…

In order to authentically connect with someone, we must be willing to be vulnerable. The willingness to approach life with an open heart allows space in which something new can grow. Energy from previous disappointments or challenges can create blockages that often appear as protection, reality or common sense – our job is to recognize and remove these barriers to love while retaining the lessons we have learned so far on the journey.

If you should find yourself closed off in a situation (sometimes indicated by crossing your arms in front of your power chakra or heart), simply notice, be more open with your physical body movements and observe any running commentary in the mind. This is the moment to transform old energy into new momentum. Remind yourself that the person with whom you’re interacting is merely acting as a mirror in order to help you to become more aware. The light of consciousness transforms us.

You are safe. You are loved. You are supported each step of the way… and this is your moment.

Today my intention is to remember that I can be the light, or the mirror which reflects it.


Begin Now

No matter what you what you wish to achieve, you can begin this moment. Focus on the end result of happiness and make one conscious decision and action today. Whether you desire to expand your awareness, create more harmony and success in the workplace, heal family relationships or forgive the past, it begins with you in this moment.

Every day is a fresh start. There is no need to carry fears or regrets forward, and yet many do exactly that – why? It justifies procrastination. One can become lost in the mazes of the mind thinking they are unworthy of fulfillment and abundance; however, in this infinite Universe there is enough energy for each of us to experience expansion throughout our lives.

Be aware that whatever you resist changing is likely the very thing that needs to shift the most. As we release attachment to old ways of being, we create the space in which something new can emerge.

Today my intention is to be at peace within the Now. This moment is filled with infinite possibility.