Compassionate detachment

True love, whether expressed through romance, friendship, our relationship to the planet or to ourselves, requires the gift of space. When we drop expectation and neediness, what remains is authentic compassion and kindness. We learn to honor one another’s paths, thriving during moments together as well as those spent in solitude, and consistently tend to our own healing. In this manner, loving relationships are based upon mutual respect rather than drama or conflict and there is no desire that anything be other than what it is.

Many people believe that drama (emotional reaction and conflict) proves that someone cares. This is an ego-driven concept that measures worth by how much energy we absorb from one another.  When you notice that you are no longer interested in participating in drama, love becomes a higher, more accepting quality that is born from the culmination of experience. And from there, we enter the realm of detached compassion.

See life as an adventure to be lived. Walk forward with the trust of a child in the process of discovery. Relate to life from a space of gratitude and bless all the moments we share with one another and take one more step into the unknown. Allow those in your life to learn their own lessons in their own time-frame and in their own way. This is a gift of love.

Today my intention is to remember that everyone is capable of change and my role is to provide a space in which transformation can occur.


Being in the gap

The gap between thoughts, breaths, worlds or experiences contains limitless possibility. This no-thingness can be scary because there is nothing to hold on to; however, it is the moment of pure potential. If we can fall into this silence and become one with it, we can witness the beauty that can be found in emptiness.

Like the artist who considers a blank canvas, the writer who begins at page one, the spark of sacred life about to be born, the moments just prior to creation are vibrant and filled with possibility. We come from this gap of no-thingness and the seeds of potential are within us waiting to be expressed on the journey.

Seek to become comfortable being in the gap. Not every moment needs to be spent in excessive planning  and preparation; embrace the divine potential within while releasing limiting thoughts. In this way, you will actively become a channel through which Divine energy can flow – pure, open and part of the process of creation.

Today my intention is to be at ease in the Now. Whether in moments of action or the space in between, I am guided by love.


Unconditional acceptance

The contrasts in our experience play out the patterns of growth in our lives. In our movement towards Wholeness, we learn to become more centered and peaceful while in the midst of great change. Collectively, the planet has entered it’s mature soul cycle. That means that together we have learned the lessons of power, wealth and control and now are working to cultivate a new perception that focuses on the value of friendships and growth through self-understanding.

The goal of spiritual awareness is ultimately to cultivate unconditional acceptance of the self and others while being conscious and pursuing our own path of awakening. The only way to grow is to explore and validate the various ideas that resonate with where you are on the path of transformation by living in your truth (always knowing that as your perceptions expand, there is room to change).  It’s not enough to “read and believe”, we must put this knowledge into daily practice in our lives.

Being aware requires focus. We learn to stop resisting and live life more effortlessly. We become more tolerant of others as we gain a greater understanding of their lessons and challenges. You can be the change you wish to see in the world. Anyone can be spiritual living in a cave… the gifts we discover when we learn to balance the spiritual with the physical are immeasurable.

Today my intention is to allow the love, light and laughter of the Divine to shine through me.

Breakthrough and transformation

Often, when we’re ready to create a dramatic change, events will unfold in a manner that forces us to break free of old patterns. Even though these intense moments seem surprising (and may perhaps seem to come out of nowhere), they would not be occurring without your soul’s permission. The greatest adventure in life is to go through an upheaval consciously and throw off the burdens and restrictions that limit us.

Challenges are great awakeners and whether spiritual, financial, health-related, or relating to unforeseen changes in home, family or work, you may be amazed at the strength and vitality that is waiting to be discovered within you. Once we can drop the labels of good or bad (or ideas of punishment and reward) and simply focus on creating a conscious response to life, the breakdown can become a breakthrough.

Today my intention is to bless the moments of my life that taught me how to rise above perceived limitation. I am grateful. 


The moment of transformation

The realm of stillness that is available to you is the same stillness that has inspired all the great masters and teachers of this world. Time moves on, cultures go through their transformations, we dance the dance of awakening and yet the same stillness awaits… infinite and unchangeable.

All of life is a tapestry of relating to one another, the planet and to ourselves. Relationships provide the perfect mirror which reflects core aspects of our being and assist us in our quest for wholeness. Pay attention to those who cross your path today. Any repeating experiences or patterns are there to enlighten, not to frustrate. Our job is not to find love and authentic connections “somewhere out there” but to release all the barriers to participation that we blindly carry.

The journey of your soul is unique and this is the moment of transformation. When someone comes to you for advice and you hear yourself providing loving, conscious ideas, take a moment to listen to what you are saying. This person may have come to you in order to allow you to access your inner wisdom and articulate it. Often these insights are actually meant for you.

Today my intention is to immerse myself in joy.

The expansion of consciousness

There is a clarity that is rooted in the deep stillness of consciousness which awaits us all. It lies beyond the desire to understand with the mind and brings a higher understanding of the harmony that connects us all. As we become more spiritually aware, we experience this clarity with greater frequency and recognize it as a wonderful gift.

We are sharing a brief moment within the infinite expansion of consciousness. This world is merely the beginning of an amazing journey from separation to wholeness – one that takes us beyond all limitations of time and space into the unknowable.

Sometimes these thoughts are too expansive to understand from our human perspective… and that’s ok. While immersed in life it’s easy to become distracted by the intensity of the world around us. This is why stillness, mindfulness, gratitude and meditation are so important – each provides an opportunity to step out of the mind and into communion with the infinite, if only for a brief moment.

Be open to the opportunities to celebrate in life. The temple of the infinite is all around us… in the trees, the wind, laughter, love, friendship, a dog’s smile… the wisdom we seek is everywhere – both within and without, if only we remember to step out of the mind and into the harmony and consciousness which is available Now.

Today my intention is to choose to recognize the magnificence of my being.

The realm of infinite possibility

This moment is all there is. In a world of pure energy and limitless potential, we have the opportunity to choose how we respond to the stimuli of experience. It is time to find your own source of inner wisdom, understand your unique gifts and challenges and see beyond the obvious.

Sometimes the journey of discovery can be intense. As we discover that the world is our reflection, things begin to take on new meaning. A powerful or emotional response to a person can indicate that we are recognizing our own attributes (both those we consider challenging as well as those we consider empowering) and in that awareness, a transformation begins.

For many, it’s easier to see their own perceived shortcomings than it is to recognize their own beauty. Take some time today to be conscious of how you respond to life. What situations make you feel comfortable? Which test your ability to remain true to yourself? …and how do you dance within these two polarities?

Your vibrational frequency determines the filter through which you see the world. The way to reach the truth is to learn how to be fully present, dropping old stories and beliefs and simply experiencing this moment and what it has to offer.

Today my intention is to remember that I live in the realm of infinite possibility. I trust the process of my awakening.

Finding the fullness of who you are

Our infinite Universe has a limitless supply of all that you desire. There is enough love, abundance, joy, health, radiance and fulfillment for each and every being on the planet. It is our birthright to immerse ourselves in life in such a way that we can simultaneously tap into the depths of understanding and wisdom while enjoying all the beauty that life has to offer.

The wonder of spiritual awakening is learning to balance all these varied aspects of experience while leaving the ego behind. As each layer of blockage or limitation is removed, we discover new realms of contentment. Wholeness allows you to be rich in physical experience, rich in discovery, in meditation and in consciousness.

Today my intention is to nurture myself and create a balance of mind, body and spirit.

Empowerment and responsibility

Be courageous enough to step into your truth and live life on your own terms. The enlightened being cannot be enslaved and seems rebellious to the uninitiated; however, empowerment is just a matter of discovering one’s true nature and living in accordance with it. When we embrace all the unique aspects of who we are, the blend becomes magnificent and we break the chains of societal expectations and conditioning.

Sometimes this innate consciousness triggers fear in those who do not understand it. Many times this is an indicator of your development – recognize any opposition or resistance from those around you as a sign that your energy is shifting. Ultimately, the freedom you embody creates movement in the lives of all that you touch.

Be a light unto yourself. Each of us must develop the capacity to walk through the darkness in order to emerge strengthened and courageous. Then we can share our light with the world.

Today my intention is to recognize that every moment provides an opportunity to become more of who I am.

Being a conduit for love

In order to create peace within our experience, we must first cultivate it within ourselves. From a quieted mind comes thoughtful expectation, conscious choices and the ability to respond to life from a higher frequency. All of us have known what it is to be afraid or to doubt our own worthiness – these imbalances were usually the very things that set us off on the journey of transformation and it can sometimes be challenging to remember what it was like to live in an unconscious manner.

Allow compassion to flow through you when dealing with someone who has yet to awaken. Harmful behavior (whether toward oneself or others) is typically a by-product of fear or not understanding one’s true divine nature. The power that you emit is absolutely transformative and it can be a powerful practice to witness the effect you have when being a conduit for the love, light and laughter of the Divine.

Today my intention is to share my gifts, to reach for new knowledge and open myself to receive to all that life has to offer.