Seeing all life as sacred

Whenever you feel connected to the planet, when you feel the love of the Divine, when life expands for you, celebrate it, love it, welcome it with open arms and you will be transformed. A tree is more alive than the trappings of belief… we commune with all life by acknowledging it with deep reverence and respect. We are the bridge between the earth and the Divine. The experience of our physical world allows us to touch both and become the miracle of life itself.

You must create your own path to the temple. There can be no compromise of your authentic nature – the moment you seek to try to keep everyone else happy, you begin to lose yourself. The spiritual seeker has to work hard to maintain his or her individual nature in the face of society’s expectations and beliefs. The Path of Transformation is a unique journey.

When the energy of the Divine is dancing in you, in union and deep harmony with life, you become a blessing to the world. There is no final destination, just the journey, the insights and discoveries. Let this life be a joyous journey to the  Now and explore the depths of your majesty.

Today my intention is to embrace this moment as sacred.

Experience as an awakener

Many times we are unaware of the limitations we place upon ourselves. We become caught up in expectation and lost in the stories of lack, anger, resentment or desire without realizing that we are lost within illusion. In these moments the soul sends out a beacon of light, asking for someone or something to aid in the process of awakening. Life responds and we manifest something which brings our deepest issues to the surface.

See the challenges that arise in your experience as gifts. First will come the emotional reaction, frustration, the desire to change the situation and finally, the opportunity to become aware of what is occurring on a spiritual level as it is happening. No matter what situation has appeared, realize that it is a reflection of you. Observe your own state of mind and ask the Divine to help you see clearly. Once we are willing to simply notice, go within and own our own stuff without judgment, the work can begin.

Those who participate by playing a role in your awakening are your healing angels. We dance with one another, bringing out the best (and sometimes the worst) in us as part of our exploration in time and space. As you evolve and become more aware of your divinity, the reactions will lessen and the movement toward healing will accelerate.

Today my intention is to honor each step of the journey as sacred. I am grateful for those who walk with me.

The road to success

The challenges, difficulties and delays that we encounter allow us to discover the strength we have within ourselves. Each time we rise above the stories of the mind and take conscious, decisive action, we release a layer of doubt. Over the course of a lifetime, the successes and breakthroughs create a new paradigm.

When faced with a challenge, remind yourself that you are always completely loved and supported by the Divine. Know that every situation has the ability to teach you more of your own divinity and potential. Not only can you overcome all obstacles, in the process you will also discover new facets of yourself.

When things are easy we don’t search for answers, seek assistance or take the time to examine limiting beliefs. The gifts that life brings us are often wrapped in a challenging situation. Knowing this can shift how you view obstacles – they are not impediments on your journey, they are the journey. We can set the tone for our experiences by choosing to start each day with gratitude and intention, your words, thoughts and actions carry great power and momentum. Choose wisely.

Today my intention is to visualize the end result, set my intentions and consciously walk forward.

Unlimited movement

All of life’s experiences have brought you here to this moment. As we discover our inner mastery, we step into the realm of unlimited movement with the knowledge that energy can flow in any direction. No matter where you are on the journey, take a moment to observe your how far you have come. Life mirrors what is happening within us and the more centered and expansive we become, the less we are affected by externals.

The springtime of spiritual awakening is a beautiful thing to watch. We share our light, our gifts and insights and bring a new sense of wonder to the present moment. Now is a very precious time filled with depth, peace and understanding and now is the time to come home to yourself.

Visualize beautiful light and energy forming around a thought. See it expand and take on a life of its own as it flows out into the Universe, sparkles of joy merging with the life-force and love of the Divine… how big can it get? How far can it go? Change is all around us; however, the stillness and limitless potential remains the same.

Today my intention is to teach by example. I can be the change I wish to see.


The message of butterfly

I am in the midst of transformation and change, manifesting a new space and all that entails. Yesterday, Butterfly came to my side and together we sat in the sun. She spread her beautiful wings and even allowed me to pet the soft downy hair of them several times during our moments together. This little messenger of spirit is a reminder that change and joy are just around the corner. Her colors – black, orange and white – represent mystery and magic, energy, joy and purity and in that moment I was reminded that I am supported and loved each step of the way.

Butterflies teach us not to take ourselves too seriously. They awaken a childlike sense of wonder and lightness, sharing the message that life is a dance and all the more powerful when we take pleasure in the small things.

Today my intention is to lighten up, look for change and enjoy the transition.

Solitude and celebration

Love is possible only when you are fearless. In the silence of stillness we can discover our own inner potential, beauty and ability to love. The human condition prompts us to seek out one another – to engage in lessons, contrasts, support, connection and communion – but when we base our joy upon others for fulfillment, we begin to block the flow the authentic flow of love. Create a silent space within you where love can reside. Let it be filled with innocence and wonder, awe and clarity. In that space, the concept of “I” disappears and we become more aware of the spark of the Divine within us.

Discover the beauty in the moments of solitude, the freedom of it, the purity of it, and choose to become one with all that you see… the wildness of spring, the smile of a dog, the purr of a kitty, the caress of a breeze… interactions are sacred when we approach each moment with this sense of openness and possibility.

Today my intention is to dance with the Divine, be open to love and accept what is.

Inspiration, motivation and transformation

Life is meant to be a constant process of growth and experience… each moment shedding old layers of limitation and belief while discovering new facets of our divine potential. The transformation of suffering into something empowering and beautiful begins with the ability to see the necessity of opposites. In darkness, we discover the magnificence of the light. We walk through shadows, facing fear and limitation, only to emerge transformed and courageous. Once we learn that all things participate together for the sole purpose of our growth, we can more easily move into a state of acceptance.

Sometimes you have to be who you aren’t in order to discover who you are – this is also the dance of opposite polarities. Each side of the coin serves a purpose and one cannot exist without the other. The beauty is in the contrast. Accept all aspects of life as part of the human experience and become a loving witness.

As the observer, you will remain able to see objectively, experience the present moment consciously and process new information and insight. This is an important aspect of spiritual growth. It’s important to ensure that we don’t begin to identify with the judgments, stories or absorb the suffering – instead, we simply seek bliss now from wherever we are with what we have and move forward from there.

Today my intention is to embrace change. This is the moment of transformation.

Detached compassion

Sometimes love means allowing others to learn from their own suffering rather than trying to take the suffering away. We all learn our greatest lessons from the challenges in our lives, and the misguided desire to save someone pain can actually prolong it. The struggles of the world awaken empathy within us and allow us to relate to others. When you witness someone caught in the distress and frustration of an inner struggle, remembering that their soul is engaged in profound growth may help you to judge them less.

The greatest gifts that you can give another are kindness and acceptance. Our role is to create a space in which a transformation can occur – this is how you assist those you love. In the silence of the heart, love whispers. Spiritual work is possible Now – notice whatever arises and choose to see the value in it. Let life guide you through the layers of perception and repeatedly seek to expand into love.

Today my intention is to remember that we all walk the transformative path to freedom.

Divine power within you

The source of all love and light resides within you. It does not ebb and flow, it simply waits with patience ready to be of service. When you feel drained, all that is required is that you go within to tap into this energy. It fires the imagination, expands with intention and allows you to be one with life. Seek the Divine within yourself, seek it within others and experience it within the miracle of growth, death and rebirth.

When aligned with the power of Now, everything is transformed. You become the alchemist whose awareness changes energy into light, love, compassion and creativity as your divine potential is expressed.

Whatever you choose to do, do it mindfully – completely aware and fully present. This allows you  to experience life spontaneously without projections or expectation because all of your attention is involved in the experience itself rather than in the thoughts about it.

Today my intention is to remember that this moment is a dance with the Divine.

Fear and the ego

Fear is the created by the perception that one is alone and disconnected from the Divine. All fear is generated by the ego – that little voice in the head which creates the images and thoughts of worst case scenarios – and it blocks us from experiencing all the beauty and potential that the moment has to offer.

There is no need to prove anything and we can detach from fear by reminding ourselves that everything works toward our highest good (regardless of how it appears) and all that you need is already within you. Since fear and love cannot coexist, as you release fearful thoughts, love enters.

When you wish to manifest transformation in your life, seek the joy in the present moment. Practice gratitude and you will become a magnet for more things for which to be grateful. All the energy that you send out into the world returns to unexpected ways.

Let each day simply be a walking meditation, a communion with the Divine and seek that connection within each and every interaction. Blessings await!

Today my intention is to move beyond limited human thinking and live in alignment with the Divine where all things are possible.