Attention and intention

Whatever you place your attention upon gathers your power. All your energy and vitality moves in that direction and it begins to grow stronger. Think of that each time you speak and consciously choose to utilize your precious energy well. When you wish to create change in your life allow the perceived problem to be the source of transformation – it’s role is to compel transformation – and quickly move on to the solution. Once you’ve decided to take action, all the power and energy should be directed to the end result for the most effective result.

The ego loves to sabotage the energetic flow by interjecting thoughts of “how?” or “when?” to distract you from empowered movement forward. Learn to trust the messages of the Universe. Seek a constant conversation with the Divine and experiment with different ways to communicate. Some spiritual seekers enjoy utilizing numbers, others connect with the messages to be found through animals or trees, some play in the angelic realm or become more sensitive to energy and vibration. It doesn’t matter which you utilize – this is your journey and there are infinite ways to participate in your own growth.

Today my intention is to ensure that my attention and intentions are aligned. I am willing to create a space in which a transformation can occur.

Change as an awakener

The thunderbolt of change has the ability to awaken us to new levels of perception immediately. The opposite of a gentle rising in consciousness, sudden shifts dramatically shake up our world in ways that are unexpected, and always… always! a gift is waiting to be discovered. See each moment as simply a gathering of new information and be willing to receive – this journey of awakening is merely the beginning of a glorious transformation. This is our playground and infinite levels are waiting to be explored. Just be aware and alert and allow things to happen.

Today my intention is to experience all this moment has to offer.



Transformation through sharing

The more you share, the more you will have. On the physical plane we are taught to be misers, than in order to be wealthy, one must accumulate. In spirituality, the only way to live and thrive is to share – creating dynamic movement and growth. Think of money in the same way that you think of love or joy. Are you lessened by giving love or sharing joy or is your life enriched? Whatever you choose to share will be increased and you will experience transformation.

Give with love. Listen to your own experience. Create a life filled with flow and vitality and you will never cease to be amazed. Transformation comes through understanding contrasts and seeing the value in all sides of an experience. In acceptance, anything can be transformed. Through sharing our gifts, we change the energy of the world around us.

Is your life blissful? If not, it may be time to change what you’re doing. If the old lifestyle hasn’t brought you fulfillment, then you have nothing to lose. As we become instruments for the flow of transformation, begin to realize that joy is more dependent upon the traveler than the path.

Today my intention is to consciously create a new flow in my life.

Seeking conscious adventures

It’s easy to get lost in the routine of our lives, to stay on familiar paths and seek out those who support us in our beliefs… but life is an adventure to be lived. You can choose to experience this moment with conscious intensity, constantly dropping the past and seeking the gifts that await discovery.

If your situation is not one that allows you to expand into new friendships and circumstances each day, use the beauty of old friendships as best you can – learning together, trying new things and allowing room for change.

The ability to find serenity, peace and comfort in the midst of change is a wonderful skill to cultivate. Invite new adventures into your life and heed the call of the unknown.

Today my intention is to learn something new.

Time and Now

Most people look at time in one of three ways: past, present and future; however time is only past or future, life is the present. Those who are unconscious will continue to repeat their patterns – an angry person will continue to get angry, a victim will find ways to feel victimized and so on. As we awaken to our divinity, we begin to discover that the past is merely a collection of memories, the future a series of dreams and Now is the place of fulfillment, discovery and joy.

Here, in this moment all things are possible. We can live, love and play outside of time in the immense stillness of consciousness. When you live with intention and awareness, the present moment transforms into something of your own creation.

Existence is ready to speak to you from the innermost aspects of your own being. That knowledge is infinite and limitless waiting just under the sounds of life and thought and memory. Seek out the answers that you carry, for in the stillness, all things are possible. You’ll know that you’re on the right track with you feel a harmony, a joining into wholeness – if their is discord, perhaps you have mistaken the voice of time for the inner voice of your own wisdom.

Today my intention is to be fully present, passionate and grateful as I remember to listen.

Letting go

There is a subtle beauty to be discovered in the art of releasing those things which no longer serve you. Whether old ideas, tangible items, beliefs, patterns, friendships or an outdated self-image, letting go creates a space in which something new can be experienced – even if that something new is simply spaciousness itself.

In surrender, we discover empowerment and faith. When you can trust the processes of life enough to step out of the egoic role of perceived director, you may discover the ease and grace which with you can flow with life. The stronger the person, the easier it is to surrender. Trust yourself, be confident and let go of all that limitation and doubt. Only then will you taste the thrill of discovery and dance with delight in the face of the unknown.

You belong to all of existence and the Divine wishes simply to experience life through you – through your perception, your enjoyment, from the dawn of your awakening to the discovery of your destiny. Be capable of receiving love in whatever forms it may appear knowing that untold gifts await.

Today my intention is to allow life to unfold in its natural, perfect way.

Going with the flow

Trust allows you to see life as a friend rather than the enemy. Trust allows you to go with the flow and stop fighting the currents around you. Stop fighting and become one with life, enjoying the ride wherever it may take go and see this physical experience in time and space as an adventure. Begin with complete acceptance of the Now and realize that you can fight against the current or work with it – we conquer through surrender.

Water can find it’s way around or over obstacles. It can erode the strongest stone eventually creating permanent change. Life is simply a series of experiments – either discovering something new, reaffirming what we already know or learning from the blockages we encounter.

Trust life, enjoy the small things. Let the beauty of life astound you by simply experiencing it without a mental dialogue or categorizing likes or dislikes. Once we have spent enough time gathering knowledge, exploring the wilderness, carrying the burdens of expectation or going astray, wisdom is possible. Life become simple and we are simply aware… becoming the flame of awareness.

Today my intention is to choose to make things easy.

Participating in life

In order to get the most out of life we need to engage with one another. It’s one thing to observe a beautiful dance, appreciate the artistry and witness the passion, but it’s quite another experience to feel the flow of the music as you lose yourself in the present moment while cultivating new skills and your own unique moves. Spectators play it safe but don’t have the opportunity to discover their own abilities.

Look for the essential things in life. Get off the couch, away from the computer and put down your phone from time to time. Be an engaged participant in your own experiences and let the thrill of discovery take you somewhere new. Has your life been a celebration?

When we engage with one another with an attitude of willingness and receptivity, each one of us makes a unique contribution to the evolving dance of wholeness. This is why we chose to be here Now, to live, learn and share. We could not have dreamed a better Universe.

Today my intention is to engage with an open heart.

Creating new energy

I learned something new recently. One of the aspects of house hunting that has played a significant role in my search has always been to check the vibration of the street address to see what type of energy the household will bring to my experience. Those of you who have studied tarot or numerology with me know that means that I have chosen to avoided spaces that vibrate to 15 (restriction, frustration, feeling trapped) and 16 (emotional upset, chaos, confusion). During our recent search for a new home I began to feel more open to those numbers and suddenly a new idea popped into my mind, “I wonder if you can change the street address of a house?”

It took about a millisecond on the internet to discover that yes, that is relatively simple and in our area this happens a few times a year. This opened a whole new way of thinking. I began to feel excited about the possibility of consciously shifting the energy of a space to something empowering and supportive. We purchased a home that originally vibrated to a 15 and shifted the numbers in such a way that the new vibration is now a 19 – expansion, abundance, growth and joy.

Changes in perception change everything. The willingness to ask questions, explore solutions and open to new ideas can lead us wonderful places. I am grateful for my previous way of thinking – the idea of limitation has served a valuable purpose and now can be discarded. What else is possible?

Today my intention is to create the world of my dreams knowing that there is always something new to learn.

Visualizing change

All transformation comes from within. In order to create change in our lives, we must first be able to visualize the end result. No matter where you are, begin from there and act as if you have already manifested that which you desire. What you may have learned from others as part of your conditioning is not necessarily the truth of who you are. It’s time to find your innocence again.

All too often humans remain unaware of their divinity and potential… until someone comes to act as a mirror, reflecting limitless possibility. This is a gift that we can give one another – reflecting the light of consciousness through our actions and words, sharing love and acceptance and simply living our truth in effective ways. Beyond the ideas of right and wrong, each of us is a blank slate upon which the Divine can express itself. There is no need to remain afraid of change, for truly it is the conditioned thoughts of limitation (and nothing more) that block you from seeing possibility. It’s not so much a matter of change as it is a release of the things which limit your perception.

Today my intention is to allow the flames of my individuality to be expressed. By walking my talk and speaking my truth, I have the opportunity to be the change I wish to see.