Letting go

There is a subtle beauty to be discovered in the art of releasing those things which no longer serve you. Whether old ideas, tangible items, beliefs, patterns, friendships or an outdated self-image, letting go creates a space in which something new can be experienced – even if that something new is simply spaciousness itself.

In surrender, we discover empowerment and faith. When you can trust the processes of life enough to step out of the egoic role of perceived director, you may discover the ease and grace which with you can flow with life. The stronger the person, the easier it is to surrender. Trust yourself, be confident and let go of all that limitation and doubt. Only then will you taste the thrill of discovery and dance with delight in the face of the unknown.

You belong to all of existence and the Divine wishes simply to experience life through you – through your perception, your enjoyment, from the dawn of your awakening to the discovery of your destiny. Be capable of receiving love in whatever forms it may appear knowing that untold gifts await.

Today my intention is to allow life to unfold in its natural, perfect way.

Posted in Wow Moment.